[h1](美國篇) 英文「金錢單位/紙鈔」通俗講法俗稱講法:grand, buck, yard, sawbuck, dubs[/h1]
[h2]"GRAND" or "G" or "K", "stack": $1,000, 一千元[/h2]
來由: "Grand" 在過去美國算是「大」單位,"K" 則是 Kilo 的縮寫
變形有: Gs, Ks,
因為大的關係,所以你也會聽到有人說 "big ones / large" 當成「數千元」
罕見的講法也聽過: stack == 千元, stacks of dollars (數千元)
e.g. Half Grand == $500 (五百元)
e.g. One Grand == $1,000 (一千元)
e.g. Ten Grand == $10,000 (一萬元)
e.g. 56 Grand == $56,000 (五萬六千)
e.g. One hundred Grand == $100,000 (十萬美金)
e.g. 4 Ks or 4K == $4,000
e.g. 6 Gs == $6,000
e.g. quarter Gs == $250
e.g. half century == $500
grand 算是很常聽到的說法,連部分英國人也會這樣用。
[h2]Yards / Century / C-Note / Ben(Benjamin) / Bills: $100, 百元[/h2]
百元鈔票上面是班哲明富蘭克林 (Benjamin Franklin),所以叫 benjamin/ben
C-Note/Centum/Century: Centum/century 則有「百」的意思在裡面, 變形為 "Cs" (cf. Gs/Ks)
yards 目前來源不明,不過確實有這種講法(來源考據中)
e.g. "half yard" == $50
e.g. "five yard" == $500
e.g. "6 c-note" == $600
e.g. "9 century" == $900
e.g. "2 Cs" == $200
e.g. "5 C-note" == $500
e.g. "some / lots of bills" === 好幾百 ~ 幾千(要看前後文),反泛指百元鈔
[h2]Tenners / sawbuck / sawhorse / Ten-spots: $10, 十元紙鈔[/h2]
sawbuck or sawhorse 的來由時早期的 10 元紙鈔有個大「X」(羅馬10) 代表 $10
sawbuck/sawhorse 其實是類似這個:
中文為:「X形狀」的鋸木架子,剛好又有 buck ,所有被叫做 sawbuck
[h2]Dubs / Doubles / Dobule-Sawbuck / Andrew == $20, 二十元紙鈔[/h2]
來由:當然就是 $10 的 dobule 。
e.g. "Some dubs" == $20 ~ $80 元
e.g. "3 Doubles" == $60
e.g. "1 dobule-sawbuck" == $20
[h2]Fins, Five-spots, Fivers: $5, 五元紙鈔[/h2]
來源: 這應該不用解釋,都是 "Five" 的變形
e.g. "Fin for tip": $5, 五元的小費
[h2]Buck: $1 美元[/h2]
e.g. Spare the beggar some bucks.
e.g. Ten bucks ($10), Twenty Bucks ($20)
[h2]Quarter: 25分 / $250 / 25萬 / 兩億五千萬(要看前後文單位)[/h2]
通常 Quarter 是指 25分: $0.25
John: Our firm already gave you lots of bouns around 2015. How many you make last year? How many else left?
Bill: About one and half million ($1,500,000). Taxman takes away a quarter($250,000).
Give my ex-wife the other quarter ($250,000). My parents about two hundred grand and house/car/loans about 780 grand ($780,000). Nothing left for daily life really.
上面例句的 Bill 表示國稅局和前妻各拿了 "a quarter", 當然不是 25 分,
而是以前文的「 Million(百萬)單位」的「1/4」,也就是 25 萬 * 2。
[h2]rocks/millie/grip: $1,000,000 :: (百萬)[/h2]
e.g. "Rock"
e.g. "Millie"
e.g. "Grip"
這三種講法都有,都可代表百萬,Milli or Millle 當然比較常見。
[h2]關於「錢 (money)」的其他俗稱 (slang)[/h2]
Dough/Bread (飯團、麵包, ref: bread and butter)
Bucks (等同 dollar)
Coins (不管是紙鈔硬幣)
Folding stuff (折起來的東西,泛指紙鈔、錢)
Lettuce (萵苣,美鈔都是綠色,用來顏色來比喻「錢」「紙鈔」)
Cabbage (高麗菜,同上)
Cheddar / chedda
Green Backs / Long Green (同上,美鈔顏色和形狀比喻錢)
Cheese / Cheddar(起司,切達起司,一樣是 ref. Bread and Butter)
$1 美元紙鈔: (總統)喬治華盛頓 George Washington,反面:美國國徽 / 美國官方大紋章(Great Seal of the United States )
$2 美元紙鈔: (總統)湯瑪斯傑佛遜 Thomas Jefferson,反面:獨立懸言 Declaration of Independence
$5 紙鈔: (總統)亞伯拉罕林肯 Abraham Lincoln,反面: 林肯紀念堂
$10 紙鈔: (首任財政部長)亞歷山大漢米爾頓 Alexander Hamilton,反面: 財政部
$20 紙鈔: (總統)安德魯傑克遜 Andrew Jackson; 反面: 白宮
$50 紙鈔: (總統)尤利西斯·辛普森·格蘭特 Ulysses S. Grant; 反面: 美國國會大廈 United States Capitol
$100 紙鈔: (發明家、美國獨立起草)班傑明·富蘭克林,反面: 美國獨立紀念館 Independence Hall
有時會說「Grant」,就是指 $50 bill(少用,但有聽過,避免和 grand 混淆)
"Ben/Benjamin" ,就是指 $100 bill (比 grant 常聽到)
(2015-09-12 21:38)