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[h1]UNIX TIME Overflow 2038 年問題簡單摘要 & 解決方式/解法[/h2]

1. POSIX 標準 Unix time_t 是用 singled LONG

=> Linux/BSD/... 泛 UNIX 系統,目前都是這樣實做。

2. @ 64-bit Linux/Unix/BSD 這沒什麼問題

=> 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 秒 (2^64 / 2)
=> 約 292,471,208,677 年

3. @ 32-bit Linux/Unix/BSD 問題就來了

=> 2^32 / 2 = 4,294,967,296 / 2 = 2,147,483,648

=> 2,147,483,648 秒 => 約 68.09 年!

也就是從 1970/1/1 00:00:00 開始,到 2038/1/19 這一天系統時間就會錯誤,
變成又從 1970/01/01 00:00:00 開始

這和當初 1999 -> 2000 的「Y2K問題」,以及民國 99 -> 100 的「民國一百」問題很像
也就是用來儲存時間的欄位,2038 年會爆掉。

『現在 (2014) 離 2038 還有 24~25 年,到時候說不定 128bit 系統都普及了!』

「今年設計的飛機 / 船隻」,他們的壽命通常是 25 ~ 50 年以上!

很可能還是用 32-bit UNIX like OS / 32-bit Libraries / 32-bit chip (e.g. RTC real-time-clock) 等等



1. 從現在開始慢慢使用 64-bit CPU/Chip/OS/Lib/Apps/FileSystem 設計部署你的系統。

2. 如果你的系統還沒上線,請做詳細 2038 年測試 ("Year 2038 Compliant Test") 。

3. 如果你的系統是自己從頭設計,
為了相容性,「metadata, data structure, database 等請勿使用 time_t」,
這很容易導致誤解和相容性錯誤,建議一律用「u64 or s64」!

4. 將你的系統做 19xx 年的判斷(前提是:假設你的系統沒有 19xx 年前的資料!)
例如:這個系統沒有 1980/12/31 以前的交易資料(這應該很可能),
所以可以多了約 10 年的緩衝

也就是大概是這樣子,看到 overflow 的數字,直接當成 2038/01/19 + Offset

1970/01/01 ==> 2038/01/20
1970/01/02 ==> 2038/01/21
1970/01/03 ==> 2038/01/22

pseudo code:

     u64 check_and_remedy_timestamp(time_t __this_year_timestamp)
          u64 __precise_timestamp = __this_year_timestamp;

     #ifdef CONFIG_2038_REMEDY
          if (__this_year_timestamp <= str_to_timestamp("1980/12/31"))
              __precise_timestamp = do_some_timestamp_remedy(__this_year_timestamp);
     return __precise_time;
     #endif /* CONFIG_2038_REMEDY */

     return __precise_time;

5. 如果你無法變更你的系統,

則請於 2038 年之前,慢慢淘汰您的系統! 然後您的新系統,必須符合第一點。

6. Q: Windows Server 使用者有 2038 年的問題嗎?

Ans: 不用擔心,NT Kernel 在十幾年前就用 64-bit 當成 timestamp,雖然單位是 100 nano seconds,
也大約要到西元 2184 年才會爆炸。

7. Q: Mac Server 使用者有 2038 年的問題嗎?

Ans: 不用擔心,有人實測過。 http://blog.interlinked.org/misc/2038.html

(2014-05-22 16:20)

[h1]Acer Switch 10 硬碟效能 EMMC Performance[/h1]

EMMC Write 不敢測太多, 參考就好

Hynix EMMC 32KB-Sequential-Read: 90~100 MBps
Hynix EMMC 32KB-Sequential-Write: 30~35 MBps

Hynix EMMC 4KB-Random-Read: 3500 4KB-IOps
Hynix EMMC 4KB-Random-Write: 1150 4KB-IOps
(2014-05-21 01:48)

[h1]Acer Switch 10 (2014) 小筆電使用心得 & 簡易介紹[/h1]

(1) 並非「銀色」,而是「銀灰色(帶一點藍灰)」

(2) EMMC 硬碟規格 64GB(== 約 59GiB);
系統保留 8 GiB,約 51 GiB 可用,Windows 8.1 設定完畢約剩下 46 GiB。

Model: Hynix HCG8e

GB = 1000^3
GiB = 1024^3

(3) USB 端口有兩個,
一個是 Mini USB(在平版上),另外一個是一般 Normal USB Connector,在 Keyboard Dock 上。

Q: 「小筆電模式」會不會頭重腳輕?

Ans1: 在一般的桌面上不會,大部分角度 (135度) 都OK,穩的很!
Ans2: 但是在你的大腿上,超過一定角度就有可能會(看你手有沒有壓著)。

(5) 鍵盤還算可以,打下去有一點軟軟的感覺,回彈的力道稍弱(跟 Acer Aspire V-系列比較)

(6) MicroSD 擴充,目前測試,可認到 32GB SD(創見) + 64GB SD(金士頓)

(7) 「Tent」和「Display」,硬要說,其實是同一種模式...

(8) Intel SpeedStep 讓平常僅使用 console(putty) 的狀況,
CPU 只會跑在 0.5 ~ 0.6 GHz,約一半的效能, 應該有助於省電。

(9) 睡眠的時候,SSH 不會斷!?

(10) Q: 可以跑 Ubuntu Live CD 嗎?Acer Switch 10 的 Boot Order 怎麼調?

Ans: 按 "F2" 進入 BIOS
Ans: BIOS 可用觸控調整,BIOS --> Boot --> USB HDD/CD-ROM 放第一

(不過我還沒試成功... Ubuntu 14.04 USB ISO 一樣還是從 Windows 開...)

(11) Pad 拔的時候,握某一角拔除即可;拔除後一秒,會有「咖啦」的聲音,不曉得是否正常。


1. IPS 螢幕不錯。
2. 機殼質感比 ASUS T100 好。 (CPU 也比 T100 較好)
3. 包裝很環保,沒有一堆文件。 附件就是: Office CD + Mini-轉-Normal-USB + 電源線
4. 有送 Microsoft Office
5. 接近全尺寸鍵盤。而且 mouse pad 兩側,沒有像一般 Aspire 貼一堆 Intel/Windows/Acer/Nvidia 的貼紙,乾乾淨淨。

1. (這 100% 是 bug!)當螢幕亮度降到最低,自動調整螢幕亮度也關閉,還是會看到隨著畫面的捲動 (e.g. Putty),螢幕自動調整亮度!
2. Acer 最近特色: Acer 的桌面就是預設一堆垃圾連結 (e.g. GOMAJI) ...
3. Intel Bay Trail Marketing Concern 緊箍咒: 32-bit Windows 8.1 w/ 2GB Memory
4. 不曉得為什麼 Windows 8.1 在 pad 「裝回」 KeyDock 時,會一直要我從右下角「手動移除裝置」? 這應該也是 bug ...
5. 「帳棚模式」某些狀況會「誤判」為「闔上螢幕」(0 度折疊),會睡眠。 不過沒辦法持續複製此問題。

[h1]CPU 效能等同於 E6400,但 30 倍省電[/h1]

Intel ATOM Z3745
=> http://ark.intel.com/zh-tw/products/80270/Intel-Atom-Processor-Z3745-2M-Cache-up-to-1_86-GHz
=> http://www.passmark.com/cpubenchmark/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Atom+Z3745+%40+1.33GHz&id=2164

約等同(或略優)七年前 Core 2 Duo E6400 效能,但是 30 倍省電。

(2014-05-21 00:58)

圖片 update(2014-05-19 01:35)

[h1]Windows 7/8/8.1 Java 應用程式已被安全設定值封鎖[/h1]

*** 先確定你的 Java JRE 版本是最新的,到此下載 ***

=> http://www.java.com/zh_TW/download/
=> http://www.java.com/en/download/

到此偵測是否安裝完畢 http://java.com/zh_TW/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre

*** 除此之外,請記得授權網站(永遠在這個網站上執行)***

如果取得 JAVA 最新版後 & 授權之後 ... 還有問題,請照下列步驟設定

注意: 本文用 Google Chrome 為範例, Firefox 和 IE 解法應該都類似 <--

0. 遇到「Java 應用程式已被安全設定值封鎖

例如: 開 Paintbbs/Shipainter or Paintchat Java Applet
出現 Java 錯誤或者被封鎖錯誤訊息


1. 開始 --> 輸入 configure Java --> 呼叫 Configure java

2. 叫出「Java 控制面板」

3. 選「安全」Tab

4. 把 vovo2000.com 加入「例外網站」(或是你信任的網站),按「編輯網站清單

5. 細節來看,就是要「新增位置」,輸入網站,然後確定

6. 之後重新 reload 該頁面

7. 這時候 Java 以經不會一律封鎖,但是會再問你一次,當然按「執行(R)

8. 可以跑 Java Applet 了!

(2014-05-19 01:34)

1. 已經手動幫你刪除,請重新發表。

2. 可「換圖」的功能,有空會做。

Thank you

(2014-05-18 17:35)

[h1]Linode 200%+ performance raise of md5sum 30GB files[/h1]

(big READ + Compute)

iotop md5sum 30GB files (@ old linode 2013)
4278 be/4 root 115.39 M/s 0.00 B/s 0.00 % 46.28 % md5sum 30GB-backup.tgz

iotop md5sum 30GB files (@ new linode 2014)
12519 be/4 root 362.17 M/s 0.00 B/s 0.00 % 0.21 % md5sum 30GB-backup.tgz

(2014-05-18 14:10)

[h1]關閉 AVG AntiVirus 系統匣的彈出式通知[/h1]

開啟 AVG --> 右上角「選項」 --> 「進階設定」 --> 外觀 --> 「系統匣通知」 --> 「取消」AVG 建議通知

(2014-05-18 00:00)

[h1]Disable Animation in Ubuntu 14.04 關閉視覺效果[/h1]

1. sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

2. Start compizconfig-settings-manager

3. Select "EFFECT"

4. Disable "Animations", Disable "Fading Windows", Disable "Window Decoration"

(2014-05-17 23:59)

[h1]2014 報稅截止日期[/h1]

2014 報稅截止日期(102年度) 2014/06/03 23:59:59

2014(102年度)綜合所得稅申報截止日為 2014/06/03 23:59:59

(2014-05-17 23:54)

[h1]E5-2680 v2 (2.8 GHz, 25MB) vs E5-2670 (2.6 GHz, 20MB) [/h1]

Single Threads = 123.005 ms vs 198.790 ms (About 160%, 60% raised)

Four Threads = 33.885 ms vs 80.999 ms (About 239%, 139% raised)

Six Threads = 33 ms @ E5-2670

Compare 2014-Linode E5-2680 v2 (4 Cores) with
previous 2013-Linode E5-2670 (8 Cores)


Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz
CPU speed: 2766.03 MHz, 4 cores
CPU features: Prefetch, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
L1 cache size: 32 KB
L2 cache size: 256 KB, L3 cache size: 25 MB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
TLBS: 64
Prime95 64-bit version 27.9, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 768K FFT length: 8.855 ms., avg: 9.247 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 11.086 ms., avg: 11.638 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 11.939 ms., avg: 12.586 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 15.341 ms., avg: 16.452 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 19.029 ms., avg: 20.394 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 23.326 ms., avg: 24.573 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 25.957 ms., avg: 27.508 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 32.723 ms., avg: 34.187 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 41.474 ms., avg: 43.100 ms.
Compare your results to other computers at http://www.mersenne.org/report_benchmarks
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz
CPU speed: 2765.80 MHz, 4 cores
CPU features: Prefetch, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
L1 cache size: 32 KB
L2 cache size: 256 KB, L3 cache size: 25 MB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
TLBS: 64
Prime95 64-bit version 27.9, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 768K FFT length: 8.885 ms., avg: 9.327 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 11.077 ms., avg: 12.016 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 11.927 ms., avg: 12.614 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 15.396 ms., avg: 16.089 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 19.959 ms., avg: 21.580 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 23.643 ms., avg: 25.654 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 27.040 ms., avg: 29.041 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 33.348 ms., avg: 35.882 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 42.718 ms., avg: 46.187 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 52.586 ms., avg: 55.186 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 57.866 ms., avg: 60.517 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 71.616 ms., avg: 74.212 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 95.113 ms., avg: 100.657 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 110.078 ms., avg: 114.288 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 120.084 ms., avg: 123.005 ms.
Timing FFTs using 2 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 4.485 ms., avg: 4.770 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 5.700 ms., avg: 6.046 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 6.198 ms., avg: 6.835 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 7.861 ms., avg: 8.378 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 9.718 ms., avg: 10.327 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 12.015 ms., avg: 12.614 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 13.600 ms., avg: 14.798 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 16.946 ms., avg: 17.937 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 21.872 ms., avg: 23.052 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 25.473 ms., avg: 27.029 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 28.051 ms., avg: 28.986 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 37.691 ms., avg: 38.840 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 47.488 ms., avg: 49.081 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 55.220 ms., avg: 56.724 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 59.884 ms., avg: 61.607 ms.
Timing FFTs using 3 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 3.092 ms., avg: 3.203 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 3.884 ms., avg: 4.056 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 4.161 ms., avg: 4.474 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 5.321 ms., avg: 5.467 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 6.706 ms., avg: 7.165 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 7.992 ms., avg: 8.397 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 8.911 ms., avg: 9.097 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 11.179 ms., avg: 11.652 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 13.980 ms., avg: 14.423 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 16.765 ms., avg: 17.371 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 18.555 ms., avg: 19.564 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 24.122 ms., avg: 24.992 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 30.757 ms., avg: 31.823 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 38.248 ms., avg: 39.797 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 40.918 ms., avg: 41.766 ms.
Timing FFTs using 4 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 2.337 ms., avg: 2.428 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 2.949 ms., avg: 3.336 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 3.100 ms., avg: 3.289 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 4.048 ms., avg: 4.361 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 5.009 ms., avg: 5.201 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 6.097 ms., avg: 6.503 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 6.799 ms., avg: 7.198 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 8.588 ms., avg: 8.897 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 10.729 ms., avg: 11.165 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 12.834 ms., avg: 13.531 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 14.341 ms., avg: 14.989 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 18.589 ms., avg: 19.204 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 23.178 ms., avg: 24.430 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 28.611 ms., avg: 29.364 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 32.346 ms., avg: 33.885 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 2.571 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 2.652 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 2.952 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 3.042 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 3.558 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 4.139 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 4.055 ms.
Best time for 75 bit trial factors: 4.001 ms.
Best time for 76 bit trial factors: 3.954 ms.
Best time for 77 bit trial factors: 3.961 ms.


Compare your results to other computers at http://www.mersenne.org/report_benchmarks
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz
CPU speed: 2485.59 MHz, 8 cores
CPU features: Prefetch, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
L1 cache size: 32 KB
L2 cache size: 256 KB, L3 cache size: 20 MB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
TLBS: 64
Prime95 32-bit version 27.9, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 768K FFT length: 11.573 ms., avg: 14.984 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 14.631 ms., avg: 18.489 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 16.829 ms., avg: 22.132 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 20.220 ms., avg: 24.649 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 25.579 ms., avg: 28.756 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 34.014 ms., avg: 45.896 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 32.859 ms., avg: 38.777 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 50.171 ms., avg: 75.586 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 60.816 ms., avg: 65.565 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 73.159 ms., avg: 94.815 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 78.367 ms., avg: 91.400 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 103.861 ms., avg: 119.626 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 127.727 ms., avg: 173.811 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 162.629 ms., avg: 175.157 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 167.165 ms., avg: 198.790 ms.
Timing FFTs using 2 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 5.947 ms., avg: 7.081 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 7.818 ms., avg: 9.212 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 9.006 ms., avg: 20.744 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 10.117 ms., avg: 12.218 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 13.671 ms., avg: 17.799 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 15.669 ms., avg: 19.683 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 17.818 ms., avg: 20.406 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 25.672 ms., avg: 36.636 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 30.441 ms., avg: 32.911 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 36.153 ms., avg: 40.934 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 45.510 ms., avg: 51.793 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 55.160 ms., avg: 72.772 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 66.883 ms., avg: 124.870 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 78.446 ms., avg: 105.416 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 88.516 ms., avg: 124.824 ms.
Timing FFTs using 3 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 5.291 ms., avg: 6.853 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 5.380 ms., avg: 16.697 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 6.926 ms., avg: 21.503 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 8.733 ms., avg: 20.066 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 11.863 ms., avg: 24.038 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 11.986 ms., avg: 14.367 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 12.216 ms., avg: 13.743 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 17.354 ms., avg: 19.214 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 23.224 ms., avg: 58.310 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 25.327 ms., avg: 28.844 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 28.374 ms., avg: 63.252 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 37.980 ms., avg: 43.274 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 45.052 ms., avg: 74.526 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 48.269 ms., avg: 52.898 ms.
[Sat May 17 18:40:35 2014]
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 55.658 ms., avg: 63.028 ms.
Timing FFTs using 4 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 3.564 ms., avg: 5.048 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 3.675 ms., avg: 4.472 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 4.789 ms., avg: 5.855 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 6.677 ms., avg: 16.237 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 7.615 ms., avg: 8.896 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 9.249 ms., avg: 10.449 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 10.021 ms., avg: 11.647 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 11.439 ms., avg: 13.202 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 15.117 ms., avg: 18.786 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 19.298 ms., avg: 23.889 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 19.499 ms., avg: 20.340 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 33.218 ms., avg: 48.873 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 33.129 ms., avg: 46.042 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 39.903 ms., avg: 43.816 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 54.629 ms., avg: 80.999 ms.
Timing FFTs using 5 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 3.421 ms., avg: 7.067 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 4.790 ms., avg: 9.307 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 4.270 ms., avg: 5.177 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 4.632 ms., avg: 5.151 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 5.536 ms., avg: 6.613 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 8.797 ms., avg: 12.528 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 12.003 ms., avg: 17.311 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 11.607 ms., avg: 22.260 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 11.799 ms., avg: 14.789 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 14.742 ms., avg: 16.449 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 16.480 ms., avg: 17.541 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 26.557 ms., avg: 36.126 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 48.140 ms., avg: 85.786 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 34.761 ms., avg: 37.946 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 35.652 ms., avg: 40.620 ms.
Timing FFTs using 6 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 2.310 ms., avg: 2.958 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 2.887 ms., avg: 3.329 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 2.810 ms., avg: 3.510 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 4.263 ms., avg: 5.422 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 4.916 ms., avg: 5.605 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 5.706 ms., avg: 6.328 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 7.172 ms., avg: 7.945 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 8.476 ms., avg: 10.160 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 10.772 ms., avg: 12.530 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 14.220 ms., avg: 14.913 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 12.545 ms., avg: 13.995 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 17.499 ms., avg: 18.902 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 22.162 ms., avg: 23.214 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 28.843 ms., avg: 31.448 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 32.147 ms., avg: 33.585 ms.
Timing FFTs using 7 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 2.610 ms., avg: 3.642 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 2.954 ms., avg: 4.715 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 2.821 ms., avg: 4.703 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 3.612 ms., avg: 5.005 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 6.416 ms., avg: 8.899 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 6.676 ms., avg: 7.334 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 6.410 ms., avg: 7.967 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 7.277 ms., avg: 8.367 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 8.975 ms., avg: 9.756 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 12.719 ms., avg: 13.878 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 11.673 ms., avg: 13.195 ms.
[Sat May 17 18:45:40 2014]
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 15.677 ms., avg: 18.274 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 32.474 ms., avg: 39.942 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 26.140 ms., avg: 27.522 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 30.584 ms., avg: 38.250 ms.
Timing FFTs using 8 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 1.999 ms., avg: 2.404 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 2.161 ms., avg: 2.651 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 2.813 ms., avg: 3.200 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 3.368 ms., avg: 6.599 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 4.048 ms., avg: 4.584 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 5.067 ms., avg: 5.971 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 5.496 ms., avg: 7.684 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 8.160 ms., avg: 9.016 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 11.301 ms., avg: 18.473 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 13.313 ms., avg: 19.847 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 13.466 ms., avg: 24.028 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 21.534 ms., avg: 33.834 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 19.952 ms., avg: 25.378 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 24.227 ms., avg: 27.098 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 24.951 ms., avg: 27.363 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 4.615 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 4.255 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 7.126 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 6.690 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 6.175 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 6.141 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 6.140 ms.
Best time for 75 bit trial factors: 6.734 ms.
Best time for 76 bit trial factors: 6.629 ms.
Best time for 77 bit trial factors: 6.453 ms.
(2014-05-17 23:22)

[h1]「青軸 vs 茶軸」機械鍵盤 比較[/h1]

1. 安靜: 茶軸較為安靜, 青軸會有 Click-Click-Click 清脆的聲音(類似按滑鼠的聲音,但更為清脆)。

2. 要按到底: 都不用,兩者「都」大概按到 1/2 ~ 1/3 就可以觸發。

3. 完全靜音: 茶軸有辦法達到幾乎完全安靜(控制手勁只按 1/3 ~ 1/2),青軸沒辦法(要聽到聲音才觸發)。

4. 爽度: 使用環境方圓 15 公尺內沒有其他人,則選「青軸」配合獨特的聲音爽度較高。

5. 耐用度:市售 $2,000 NTD 以上的機械鍵盤,幾乎都耐打 5000 萬次以上,不分青軸或茶軸。

(一天 8 小時,全年無休一直打 ==> 可用 5 年以上)

6. 手勁大,都要打到底: 部分機械鍵盤會有鐵板/鐵底板,所以你的手勁大,就算茶軸、黑軸也會有聲音(鐵板撞擊)

7. 要買哪一種: 先去試用、試打,比較準;若使用環境會顧慮到吵到其他人,則更需要試打。

(2014-05-17 18:11)

請參考下列文章,應該是 ctrl+shift+I 就可切換

(2014-05-17 09:32)

[center]Animal Watercolor Drawing[/center]
[h1]水彩練習、動物水彩作品 - 阿修(t7930159)'s Water Color Artwork[/h1]
《筆下青鳥》 - Watercolor "Bluebird"

《水彩練習_蜥蜴》 - Watercolor "Lizard"

《叢林中剎那間的影子》 - Watercolor "Swamp Cat"

《廢墟系列-02》- Watercolor "Ruins"

《思。念》 - Watercolor "Missing You (Cat)"

More 阿修(t7930159)'s Artoworks

See Also:
「素描」插畫插圖 :: "Sketch" Illustration Artworks


「水彩」相關創作 :: "Water Color" Related Fine Artworks

「油畫」美術作品 :: "Oil Painting" Painting Creation

「人像」相關創作 :: "Portrait" Artworks Creation

「動物」相關創作 :: "Animals" Artworks Drawing Creation

[/center](2014-05-13 23:45)

IMDB 首頁報導 "'Alien' Artist H.R. Giger Dies at 74"

(2014-05-13 21:54)

Check this
=> https://github.com/hoehrmann/CutyCapt/issues/3

if you found the following errors

invalid use of incomplete type class QNetworkReply cutycapt
(2014-05-11 23:40)

節目名稱: 上海戲劇學院戲曲學院《經典文化校園行》
演出時間: 2014/05/19(一) 19:30
演出地點: 交大演藝廳 ( 學生活動中心 2 樓 )
票  價: 自由入場

節目介紹 上海戲劇學院向來以培養高學歷、高層次、高素質戲曲藝術人才為宗旨,近幾年來,在人才培養模式的改革和創新取得突出的成果。此番來台,特別帶來了多台京劇、昆曲經典傳統折子戲。



主辦單位 中華民國大學院校藝文中心協會
協辦單位 交通大學藝文中心、IC之音 、環宇廣播電台、亞太電台、飛揚調頻、科技生�
演出單位 上海戲劇學院戲曲學院
諮詢電話 (03)5731953(2014-05-11 20:22)

[h1]台灣國際打擊樂節 5/27 ~ 6/01[/h1]

Taiwan International Percussion Convention

5/27 交通大學

5/31 新竹縣文化局演藝廳

6/01 新竹縣文化局演藝廳

(2014-05-11 20:16)

See also


(2014-05-11 20:08)

[h2]Performance Compare: Linode new SSD Host (2014 May) vs Original Linode (2013)[/h2]

[h1]CPU performance raise about 20%[/h1]

Old Linode box: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 @ 2.60GHz
New Linode box: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz

Stream Test: About 20% raise (stream_omp64)

11 / 9 = 220%

Note: No more CPU stealing from your neighberhood with low cost plan. Much more fair.

[h1]HDD performance raised about 240%+[/h1]

2542 / 744 = 340%

root@localhost:/home/user# hdparm -t /dev/xvda
Timing buffered disk reads: 744 MB in 3.00 seconds = 247.77 MB/sec

root@localhost:/home/user# hdparm -t /dev/xvda
Timing buffered disk reads: 2542 MB in 3.00 seconds = 847.33 MB/sec(2014-05-11 20:07)

前往頁面 ←上一頁  1 ... 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 ... 558  下一頁→