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[center]Animal Watercolor Drawing[/center]
[h1]電玩服裝設計、人物設定 - jefeazero(加飛零)'s Game Art Dress Design[/h1]
Gothic clothing-jefea zero-1920X1200
<群龍默示錄>歌德裝 - Gothic Dress

<群龍默示錄>芭朗-副本套裝-女術士示意圖 - Sorceress Dress

Long dress
<群龍默示錄>長禮服套裝 - Long Battle Dress

<群龍默示錄>樹獸(Treedmon) - Tree Monsters

海神 默娘1600X1200
【英雄創作】海龍之女──林 - Lin Moniang

More jefeazero(加飛零)'s Artoworks

See Also:

「電玩」插畫插圖 :: "Game Art" Illustration Artworks


「2D」相關創作 :: "2D" Related Fine Artworks

「人物設定」美術作品 :: "Character Design" Painting Creation

「騎士」相關創作 :: "Knights" Artworks Creation

「怪物」相關創作 :: "Monsters" Artworks Drawing Creation

[/center](2014-05-25 23:40)

some record(2014-05-25 20:31)

[h1]Acer Aspire E11 (11吋, E3-111-C5SH) 小筆電使用心得 & 簡易介紹[/h1]

0. Model Name: Acer Aspire E11 E3-111-C5SH

1. PCHOME 24H 2014/05/23 購買, 2014/05/06 製造

2. PCHOME 24H 總共有三色: 銀色, 洋紅色, 咖啡色

3. 硬碟 Seagate SATAII 5400 RPM 500GB 薄型 (ST500LT012)

4. Acer E11 右邊: 防盜鎖

5. Acer E11 後面: HDMI, USB 3.0, USB 2.0, GbE RJ45, Power Jack

6. Acer E11 左邊: 耳機/麥克風, USB 2.0, SD 插槽

7. SD 可偵測 32GB/64GB 沒問題, 但是標準 SD 卡有一半會露在外面 (Cost Down!)

8. 使用 Chrome 播放影片約一小時, 電力還剩下 75%

9. 可裝 Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop, 雙開機 OK

10. 支援 VT-x, 小筆電跑 VM 也 OK

11. CPU Bay Trail Celeron N2930 (2M Cache, 4 Cores 四核心) 1.83 GHz ~ 2.16 GHz


idle 頻率約: 0.6 Ghz ~ 0.7 GHz (有 speedstep)
忙碌時 turbo boost 可到 2.0 ~ 2.1 GHz

12. N2930 效能約等同於六年前 Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHz, 但 10~15 倍省電

13. N2930 效能約等約比 ASUS T100/Acer Switch 10 的 ATOM 好上 50% ~ 70% 左右

1. 整機無風扇: Fanless Intel Bay Trail 四核心 Celeron
2. 比起 T100 or Switch 10, 這台裝的是 Windows 8.1 "64-bit" (大勝
3. 可拆可升級: 4GB DDR3 -> 可升級 8GB DDR3, 500GB HDD 可升級更大空間或 SSD
4. Gigabit Ethernet: 而且 connector 部分沒有一般 Acer Aspire 鬆鬆的感覺 (有 Latch
5. 雖然是小筆電, 但也有 (USB 3.0 & USB 2.0 * 2) + HDMI
6. 便宜, 但效能不差
7. 全尺寸鍵盤 Full Size keyboard (雖然打起來是有廉價感)
8. 跟 T100/Switch 10 一樣輕, 但移動起來 or 放在膝上是比較穩的
9. 霧面螢幕 無反光

1. 由於沒有風扇, 底部中間偏上會熱, 放大腿時可能會有一點感覺
2. 沒有 D-SUB (但是有 HDMI)
3. SD card slot 沒辦法插到底, SD 還有一半露在外面, 所以如果想買 SD 當成 "永久擴充", 這台要另外找特殊的卡 or 轉卡
4. 沒送 Microsoft Office (安裝 LibreOffice or OpenOffice 可解決
5. 沒有硬碟指示燈(小筆電通常沒有), 沒有 Cap Lock 燈(大部分 Aspire 都沒有)

*** 如果你預計買 Acer Switch 10 or ASUS T100 主要目的當小筆電而非 Pad, 那會建議你買這一台 ***

(2014-05-24 19:57)

[h1]我可能買到 Acer Switch 10 機王?[/h1]

1. 這三天使用,每天晚上使用約 3~4 小時。

2. 用途: Putty.exe(SSH) + Google Chrome 就這兩個軟體

3. 100% 可複製: 這三天,個別當機了三次。(這我還可以忍受!)

一旁的 Acer Travelmate 和 Aspire :「我們從來沒當機過」...

4. 使用約 10~20 分鐘,Keydock 的 touchpad/mousepad 就會失效!

100% 可以複製(大概發生 20 次以上),
就算只有打字 (Putty) 很少用 touchpad/mousepad

此時 CPU 使用率 0~20 %,鍵盤也還可以打 putty 也很順,螢幕觸控也 OK;
所以很確定是 mousepad 出問題。

熱差拔 pad --> 重裝可以讓他恢復,但...這應該是嚴重瑕疵吧!?

(更新5/23, 似乎沒用) => http://acer.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/32968

(更新: 5/24 退貨, 改買 Acer Aspire E11 E3-111)
=> http://vovo2000.com/phpbb2/viewtopic-365208.html

(2014-05-23 13:37)

[h1]UNIX TIME Overflow 2038 年問題簡單摘要 & 解決方式/解法[/h2]

1. POSIX 標準 Unix time_t 是用 singled LONG

=> Linux/BSD/... 泛 UNIX 系統,目前都是這樣實做。

2. @ 64-bit Linux/Unix/BSD 這沒什麼問題

=> 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 秒 (2^64 / 2)
=> 約 292,471,208,677 年

3. @ 32-bit Linux/Unix/BSD 問題就來了

=> 2^32 / 2 = 4,294,967,296 / 2 = 2,147,483,648

=> 2,147,483,648 秒 => 約 68.09 年!

也就是從 1970/1/1 00:00:00 開始,到 2038/1/19 這一天系統時間就會錯誤,
變成又從 1970/01/01 00:00:00 開始

這和當初 1999 -> 2000 的「Y2K問題」,以及民國 99 -> 100 的「民國一百」問題很像
也就是用來儲存時間的欄位,2038 年會爆掉。

『現在 (2014) 離 2038 還有 24~25 年,到時候說不定 128bit 系統都普及了!』

「今年設計的飛機 / 船隻」,他們的壽命通常是 25 ~ 50 年以上!

很可能還是用 32-bit UNIX like OS / 32-bit Libraries / 32-bit chip (e.g. RTC real-time-clock) 等等



1. 從現在開始慢慢使用 64-bit CPU/Chip/OS/Lib/Apps/FileSystem 設計部署你的系統。

2. 如果你的系統還沒上線,請做詳細 2038 年測試 ("Year 2038 Compliant Test") 。

3. 如果你的系統是自己從頭設計,
為了相容性,「metadata, data structure, database 等請勿使用 time_t」,
這很容易導致誤解和相容性錯誤,建議一律用「u64 or s64」!

4. 將你的系統做 19xx 年的判斷(前提是:假設你的系統沒有 19xx 年前的資料!)
例如:這個系統沒有 1980/12/31 以前的交易資料(這應該很可能),
所以可以多了約 10 年的緩衝

也就是大概是這樣子,看到 overflow 的數字,直接當成 2038/01/19 + Offset

1970/01/01 ==> 2038/01/20
1970/01/02 ==> 2038/01/21
1970/01/03 ==> 2038/01/22

pseudo code:

     u64 check_and_remedy_timestamp(time_t __this_year_timestamp)
          u64 __precise_timestamp = __this_year_timestamp;

     #ifdef CONFIG_2038_REMEDY
          if (__this_year_timestamp <= str_to_timestamp("1980/12/31"))
              __precise_timestamp = do_some_timestamp_remedy(__this_year_timestamp);
     return __precise_time;
     #endif /* CONFIG_2038_REMEDY */

     return __precise_time;

5. 如果你無法變更你的系統,

則請於 2038 年之前,慢慢淘汰您的系統! 然後您的新系統,必須符合第一點。

6. Q: Windows Server 使用者有 2038 年的問題嗎?

Ans: 不用擔心,NT Kernel 在十幾年前就用 64-bit 當成 timestamp,雖然單位是 100 nano seconds,
也大約要到西元 2184 年才會爆炸。

7. Q: Mac Server 使用者有 2038 年的問題嗎?

Ans: 不用擔心,有人實測過。 http://blog.interlinked.org/misc/2038.html

(2014-05-22 16:20)

[h1]Acer Switch 10 硬碟效能 EMMC Performance[/h1]

EMMC Write 不敢測太多, 參考就好

Hynix EMMC 32KB-Sequential-Read: 90~100 MBps
Hynix EMMC 32KB-Sequential-Write: 30~35 MBps

Hynix EMMC 4KB-Random-Read: 3500 4KB-IOps
Hynix EMMC 4KB-Random-Write: 1150 4KB-IOps
(2014-05-21 01:48)

[h1]Acer Switch 10 (2014) 小筆電使用心得 & 簡易介紹[/h1]

(1) 並非「銀色」,而是「銀灰色(帶一點藍灰)」

(2) EMMC 硬碟規格 64GB(== 約 59GiB);
系統保留 8 GiB,約 51 GiB 可用,Windows 8.1 設定完畢約剩下 46 GiB。

Model: Hynix HCG8e

GB = 1000^3
GiB = 1024^3

(3) USB 端口有兩個,
一個是 Mini USB(在平版上),另外一個是一般 Normal USB Connector,在 Keyboard Dock 上。

Q: 「小筆電模式」會不會頭重腳輕?

Ans1: 在一般的桌面上不會,大部分角度 (135度) 都OK,穩的很!
Ans2: 但是在你的大腿上,超過一定角度就有可能會(看你手有沒有壓著)。

(5) 鍵盤還算可以,打下去有一點軟軟的感覺,回彈的力道稍弱(跟 Acer Aspire V-系列比較)

(6) MicroSD 擴充,目前測試,可認到 32GB SD(創見) + 64GB SD(金士頓)

(7) 「Tent」和「Display」,硬要說,其實是同一種模式...

(8) Intel SpeedStep 讓平常僅使用 console(putty) 的狀況,
CPU 只會跑在 0.5 ~ 0.6 GHz,約一半的效能, 應該有助於省電。

(9) 睡眠的時候,SSH 不會斷!?

(10) Q: 可以跑 Ubuntu Live CD 嗎?Acer Switch 10 的 Boot Order 怎麼調?

Ans: 按 "F2" 進入 BIOS
Ans: BIOS 可用觸控調整,BIOS --> Boot --> USB HDD/CD-ROM 放第一

(不過我還沒試成功... Ubuntu 14.04 USB ISO 一樣還是從 Windows 開...)

(11) Pad 拔的時候,握某一角拔除即可;拔除後一秒,會有「咖啦」的聲音,不曉得是否正常。


1. IPS 螢幕不錯。
2. 機殼質感比 ASUS T100 好。 (CPU 也比 T100 較好)
3. 包裝很環保,沒有一堆文件。 附件就是: Office CD + Mini-轉-Normal-USB + 電源線
4. 有送 Microsoft Office
5. 接近全尺寸鍵盤。而且 mouse pad 兩側,沒有像一般 Aspire 貼一堆 Intel/Windows/Acer/Nvidia 的貼紙,乾乾淨淨。

1. (這 100% 是 bug!)當螢幕亮度降到最低,自動調整螢幕亮度也關閉,還是會看到隨著畫面的捲動 (e.g. Putty),螢幕自動調整亮度!
2. Acer 最近特色: Acer 的桌面就是預設一堆垃圾連結 (e.g. GOMAJI) ...
3. Intel Bay Trail Marketing Concern 緊箍咒: 32-bit Windows 8.1 w/ 2GB Memory
4. 不曉得為什麼 Windows 8.1 在 pad 「裝回」 KeyDock 時,會一直要我從右下角「手動移除裝置」? 這應該也是 bug ...
5. 「帳棚模式」某些狀況會「誤判」為「闔上螢幕」(0 度折疊),會睡眠。 不過沒辦法持續複製此問題。

[h1]CPU 效能等同於 E6400,但 30 倍省電[/h1]

Intel ATOM Z3745
=> http://ark.intel.com/zh-tw/products/80270/Intel-Atom-Processor-Z3745-2M-Cache-up-to-1_86-GHz
=> http://www.passmark.com/cpubenchmark/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Atom+Z3745+%40+1.33GHz&id=2164

約等同(或略優)七年前 Core 2 Duo E6400 效能,但是 30 倍省電。

(2014-05-21 00:58)

圖片 update(2014-05-19 01:35)

[h1]Windows 7/8/8.1 Java 應用程式已被安全設定值封鎖[/h1]

*** 先確定你的 Java JRE 版本是最新的,到此下載 ***

=> http://www.java.com/zh_TW/download/
=> http://www.java.com/en/download/

到此偵測是否安裝完畢 http://java.com/zh_TW/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre

*** 除此之外,請記得授權網站(永遠在這個網站上執行)***

如果取得 JAVA 最新版後 & 授權之後 ... 還有問題,請照下列步驟設定

注意: 本文用 Google Chrome 為範例, Firefox 和 IE 解法應該都類似 <--

0. 遇到「Java 應用程式已被安全設定值封鎖

例如: 開 Paintbbs/Shipainter or Paintchat Java Applet
出現 Java 錯誤或者被封鎖錯誤訊息


1. 開始 --> 輸入 configure Java --> 呼叫 Configure java

2. 叫出「Java 控制面板」

3. 選「安全」Tab

4. 把 vovo2000.com 加入「例外網站」(或是你信任的網站),按「編輯網站清單

5. 細節來看,就是要「新增位置」,輸入網站,然後確定

6. 之後重新 reload 該頁面

7. 這時候 Java 以經不會一律封鎖,但是會再問你一次,當然按「執行(R)

8. 可以跑 Java Applet 了!

(2014-05-19 01:34)

1. 已經手動幫你刪除,請重新發表。

2. 可「換圖」的功能,有空會做。

Thank you

(2014-05-18 17:35)

[h1]Linode 200%+ performance raise of md5sum 30GB files[/h1]

(big READ + Compute)

iotop md5sum 30GB files (@ old linode 2013)
4278 be/4 root 115.39 M/s 0.00 B/s 0.00 % 46.28 % md5sum 30GB-backup.tgz

iotop md5sum 30GB files (@ new linode 2014)
12519 be/4 root 362.17 M/s 0.00 B/s 0.00 % 0.21 % md5sum 30GB-backup.tgz

(2014-05-18 14:10)

[h1]關閉 AVG AntiVirus 系統匣的彈出式通知[/h1]

開啟 AVG --> 右上角「選項」 --> 「進階設定」 --> 外觀 --> 「系統匣通知」 --> 「取消」AVG 建議通知

(2014-05-18 00:00)

[h1]Disable Animation in Ubuntu 14.04 關閉視覺效果[/h1]

1. sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

2. Start compizconfig-settings-manager

3. Select "EFFECT"

4. Disable "Animations", Disable "Fading Windows", Disable "Window Decoration"

(2014-05-17 23:59)

[h1]2014 報稅截止日期[/h1]

2014 報稅截止日期(102年度) 2014/06/03 23:59:59

2014(102年度)綜合所得稅申報截止日為 2014/06/03 23:59:59

(2014-05-17 23:54)

[h1]E5-2680 v2 (2.8 GHz, 25MB) vs E5-2670 (2.6 GHz, 20MB) [/h1]

Single Threads = 123.005 ms vs 198.790 ms (About 160%, 60% raised)

Four Threads = 33.885 ms vs 80.999 ms (About 239%, 139% raised)

Six Threads = 33 ms @ E5-2670

Compare 2014-Linode E5-2680 v2 (4 Cores) with
previous 2013-Linode E5-2670 (8 Cores)


Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz
CPU speed: 2766.03 MHz, 4 cores
CPU features: Prefetch, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
L1 cache size: 32 KB
L2 cache size: 256 KB, L3 cache size: 25 MB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
TLBS: 64
Prime95 64-bit version 27.9, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 768K FFT length: 8.855 ms., avg: 9.247 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 11.086 ms., avg: 11.638 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 11.939 ms., avg: 12.586 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 15.341 ms., avg: 16.452 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 19.029 ms., avg: 20.394 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 23.326 ms., avg: 24.573 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 25.957 ms., avg: 27.508 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 32.723 ms., avg: 34.187 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 41.474 ms., avg: 43.100 ms.
Compare your results to other computers at http://www.mersenne.org/report_benchmarks
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz
CPU speed: 2765.80 MHz, 4 cores
CPU features: Prefetch, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
L1 cache size: 32 KB
L2 cache size: 256 KB, L3 cache size: 25 MB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
TLBS: 64
Prime95 64-bit version 27.9, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 768K FFT length: 8.885 ms., avg: 9.327 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 11.077 ms., avg: 12.016 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 11.927 ms., avg: 12.614 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 15.396 ms., avg: 16.089 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 19.959 ms., avg: 21.580 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 23.643 ms., avg: 25.654 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 27.040 ms., avg: 29.041 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 33.348 ms., avg: 35.882 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 42.718 ms., avg: 46.187 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 52.586 ms., avg: 55.186 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 57.866 ms., avg: 60.517 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 71.616 ms., avg: 74.212 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 95.113 ms., avg: 100.657 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 110.078 ms., avg: 114.288 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 120.084 ms., avg: 123.005 ms.
Timing FFTs using 2 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 4.485 ms., avg: 4.770 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 5.700 ms., avg: 6.046 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 6.198 ms., avg: 6.835 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 7.861 ms., avg: 8.378 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 9.718 ms., avg: 10.327 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 12.015 ms., avg: 12.614 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 13.600 ms., avg: 14.798 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 16.946 ms., avg: 17.937 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 21.872 ms., avg: 23.052 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 25.473 ms., avg: 27.029 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 28.051 ms., avg: 28.986 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 37.691 ms., avg: 38.840 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 47.488 ms., avg: 49.081 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 55.220 ms., avg: 56.724 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 59.884 ms., avg: 61.607 ms.
Timing FFTs using 3 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 3.092 ms., avg: 3.203 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 3.884 ms., avg: 4.056 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 4.161 ms., avg: 4.474 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 5.321 ms., avg: 5.467 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 6.706 ms., avg: 7.165 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 7.992 ms., avg: 8.397 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 8.911 ms., avg: 9.097 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 11.179 ms., avg: 11.652 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 13.980 ms., avg: 14.423 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 16.765 ms., avg: 17.371 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 18.555 ms., avg: 19.564 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 24.122 ms., avg: 24.992 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 30.757 ms., avg: 31.823 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 38.248 ms., avg: 39.797 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 40.918 ms., avg: 41.766 ms.
Timing FFTs using 4 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 2.337 ms., avg: 2.428 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 2.949 ms., avg: 3.336 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 3.100 ms., avg: 3.289 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 4.048 ms., avg: 4.361 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 5.009 ms., avg: 5.201 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 6.097 ms., avg: 6.503 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 6.799 ms., avg: 7.198 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 8.588 ms., avg: 8.897 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 10.729 ms., avg: 11.165 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 12.834 ms., avg: 13.531 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 14.341 ms., avg: 14.989 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 18.589 ms., avg: 19.204 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 23.178 ms., avg: 24.430 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 28.611 ms., avg: 29.364 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 32.346 ms., avg: 33.885 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 2.571 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 2.652 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 2.952 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 3.042 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 3.558 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 4.139 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 4.055 ms.
Best time for 75 bit trial factors: 4.001 ms.
Best time for 76 bit trial factors: 3.954 ms.
Best time for 77 bit trial factors: 3.961 ms.


Compare your results to other computers at http://www.mersenne.org/report_benchmarks
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz
CPU speed: 2485.59 MHz, 8 cores
CPU features: Prefetch, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
L1 cache size: 32 KB
L2 cache size: 256 KB, L3 cache size: 20 MB
L1 cache line size: 64 bytes
L2 cache line size: 64 bytes
TLBS: 64
Prime95 32-bit version 27.9, RdtscTiming=1
Best time for 768K FFT length: 11.573 ms., avg: 14.984 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 14.631 ms., avg: 18.489 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 16.829 ms., avg: 22.132 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 20.220 ms., avg: 24.649 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 25.579 ms., avg: 28.756 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 34.014 ms., avg: 45.896 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 32.859 ms., avg: 38.777 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 50.171 ms., avg: 75.586 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 60.816 ms., avg: 65.565 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 73.159 ms., avg: 94.815 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 78.367 ms., avg: 91.400 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 103.861 ms., avg: 119.626 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 127.727 ms., avg: 173.811 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 162.629 ms., avg: 175.157 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 167.165 ms., avg: 198.790 ms.
Timing FFTs using 2 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 5.947 ms., avg: 7.081 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 7.818 ms., avg: 9.212 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 9.006 ms., avg: 20.744 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 10.117 ms., avg: 12.218 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 13.671 ms., avg: 17.799 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 15.669 ms., avg: 19.683 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 17.818 ms., avg: 20.406 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 25.672 ms., avg: 36.636 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 30.441 ms., avg: 32.911 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 36.153 ms., avg: 40.934 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 45.510 ms., avg: 51.793 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 55.160 ms., avg: 72.772 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 66.883 ms., avg: 124.870 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 78.446 ms., avg: 105.416 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 88.516 ms., avg: 124.824 ms.
Timing FFTs using 3 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 5.291 ms., avg: 6.853 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 5.380 ms., avg: 16.697 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 6.926 ms., avg: 21.503 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 8.733 ms., avg: 20.066 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 11.863 ms., avg: 24.038 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 11.986 ms., avg: 14.367 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 12.216 ms., avg: 13.743 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 17.354 ms., avg: 19.214 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 23.224 ms., avg: 58.310 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 25.327 ms., avg: 28.844 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 28.374 ms., avg: 63.252 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 37.980 ms., avg: 43.274 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 45.052 ms., avg: 74.526 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 48.269 ms., avg: 52.898 ms.
[Sat May 17 18:40:35 2014]
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 55.658 ms., avg: 63.028 ms.
Timing FFTs using 4 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 3.564 ms., avg: 5.048 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 3.675 ms., avg: 4.472 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 4.789 ms., avg: 5.855 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 6.677 ms., avg: 16.237 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 7.615 ms., avg: 8.896 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 9.249 ms., avg: 10.449 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 10.021 ms., avg: 11.647 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 11.439 ms., avg: 13.202 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 15.117 ms., avg: 18.786 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 19.298 ms., avg: 23.889 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 19.499 ms., avg: 20.340 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 33.218 ms., avg: 48.873 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 33.129 ms., avg: 46.042 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 39.903 ms., avg: 43.816 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 54.629 ms., avg: 80.999 ms.
Timing FFTs using 5 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 3.421 ms., avg: 7.067 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 4.790 ms., avg: 9.307 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 4.270 ms., avg: 5.177 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 4.632 ms., avg: 5.151 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 5.536 ms., avg: 6.613 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 8.797 ms., avg: 12.528 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 12.003 ms., avg: 17.311 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 11.607 ms., avg: 22.260 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 11.799 ms., avg: 14.789 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 14.742 ms., avg: 16.449 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 16.480 ms., avg: 17.541 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 26.557 ms., avg: 36.126 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 48.140 ms., avg: 85.786 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 34.761 ms., avg: 37.946 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 35.652 ms., avg: 40.620 ms.
Timing FFTs using 6 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 2.310 ms., avg: 2.958 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 2.887 ms., avg: 3.329 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 2.810 ms., avg: 3.510 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 4.263 ms., avg: 5.422 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 4.916 ms., avg: 5.605 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 5.706 ms., avg: 6.328 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 7.172 ms., avg: 7.945 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 8.476 ms., avg: 10.160 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 10.772 ms., avg: 12.530 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 14.220 ms., avg: 14.913 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 12.545 ms., avg: 13.995 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 17.499 ms., avg: 18.902 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 22.162 ms., avg: 23.214 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 28.843 ms., avg: 31.448 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 32.147 ms., avg: 33.585 ms.
Timing FFTs using 7 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 2.610 ms., avg: 3.642 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 2.954 ms., avg: 4.715 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 2.821 ms., avg: 4.703 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 3.612 ms., avg: 5.005 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 6.416 ms., avg: 8.899 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 6.676 ms., avg: 7.334 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 6.410 ms., avg: 7.967 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 7.277 ms., avg: 8.367 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 8.975 ms., avg: 9.756 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 12.719 ms., avg: 13.878 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 11.673 ms., avg: 13.195 ms.
[Sat May 17 18:45:40 2014]
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 15.677 ms., avg: 18.274 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 32.474 ms., avg: 39.942 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 26.140 ms., avg: 27.522 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 30.584 ms., avg: 38.250 ms.
Timing FFTs using 8 threads.
Best time for 768K FFT length: 1.999 ms., avg: 2.404 ms.
Best time for 896K FFT length: 2.161 ms., avg: 2.651 ms.
Best time for 1024K FFT length: 2.813 ms., avg: 3.200 ms.
Best time for 1280K FFT length: 3.368 ms., avg: 6.599 ms.
Best time for 1536K FFT length: 4.048 ms., avg: 4.584 ms.
Best time for 1792K FFT length: 5.067 ms., avg: 5.971 ms.
Best time for 2048K FFT length: 5.496 ms., avg: 7.684 ms.
Best time for 2560K FFT length: 8.160 ms., avg: 9.016 ms.
Best time for 3072K FFT length: 11.301 ms., avg: 18.473 ms.
Best time for 3584K FFT length: 13.313 ms., avg: 19.847 ms.
Best time for 4096K FFT length: 13.466 ms., avg: 24.028 ms.
Best time for 5120K FFT length: 21.534 ms., avg: 33.834 ms.
Best time for 6144K FFT length: 19.952 ms., avg: 25.378 ms.
Best time for 7168K FFT length: 24.227 ms., avg: 27.098 ms.
Best time for 8192K FFT length: 24.951 ms., avg: 27.363 ms.
Best time for 61 bit trial factors: 4.615 ms.
Best time for 62 bit trial factors: 4.255 ms.
Best time for 63 bit trial factors: 7.126 ms.
Best time for 64 bit trial factors: 6.690 ms.
Best time for 65 bit trial factors: 6.175 ms.
Best time for 66 bit trial factors: 6.141 ms.
Best time for 67 bit trial factors: 6.140 ms.
Best time for 75 bit trial factors: 6.734 ms.
Best time for 76 bit trial factors: 6.629 ms.
Best time for 77 bit trial factors: 6.453 ms.
(2014-05-17 23:22)

[h1]「青軸 vs 茶軸」機械鍵盤 比較[/h1]

1. 安靜: 茶軸較為安靜, 青軸會有 Click-Click-Click 清脆的聲音(類似按滑鼠的聲音,但更為清脆)。

2. 要按到底: 都不用,兩者「都」大概按到 1/2 ~ 1/3 就可以觸發。

3. 完全靜音: 茶軸有辦法達到幾乎完全安靜(控制手勁只按 1/3 ~ 1/2),青軸沒辦法(要聽到聲音才觸發)。

4. 爽度: 使用環境方圓 15 公尺內沒有其他人,則選「青軸」配合獨特的聲音爽度較高。

5. 耐用度:市售 $2,000 NTD 以上的機械鍵盤,幾乎都耐打 5000 萬次以上,不分青軸或茶軸。

(一天 8 小時,全年無休一直打 ==> 可用 5 年以上)

6. 手勁大,都要打到底: 部分機械鍵盤會有鐵板/鐵底板,所以你的手勁大,就算茶軸、黑軸也會有聲音(鐵板撞擊)

7. 要買哪一種: 先去試用、試打,比較準;若使用環境會顧慮到吵到其他人,則更需要試打。

(2014-05-17 18:11)

請參考下列文章,應該是 ctrl+shift+I 就可切換

(2014-05-17 09:32)

[center]Animal Watercolor Drawing[/center]
[h1]水彩練習、動物水彩作品 - 阿修(t7930159)'s Water Color Artwork[/h1]
《筆下青鳥》 - Watercolor "Bluebird"

《水彩練習_蜥蜴》 - Watercolor "Lizard"

《叢林中剎那間的影子》 - Watercolor "Swamp Cat"

《廢墟系列-02》- Watercolor "Ruins"

《思。念》 - Watercolor "Missing You (Cat)"

More 阿修(t7930159)'s Artoworks

See Also:
「素描」插畫插圖 :: "Sketch" Illustration Artworks


「水彩」相關創作 :: "Water Color" Related Fine Artworks

「油畫」美術作品 :: "Oil Painting" Painting Creation

「人像」相關創作 :: "Portrait" Artworks Creation

「動物」相關創作 :: "Animals" Artworks Drawing Creation

[/center](2014-05-13 23:45)

IMDB 首頁報導 "'Alien' Artist H.R. Giger Dies at 74"

(2014-05-13 21:54)

Check this
=> https://github.com/hoehrmann/CutyCapt/issues/3

if you found the following errors

invalid use of incomplete type class QNetworkReply cutycapt
(2014-05-11 23:40)

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