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嚇人的圖 2008/06/27(2014-08-15 00:54)

[h2]helm 主要有兩個意思[/h2]

(a) 舵 / 掌舵
(b) Helmet(頭盔、安全帽)的略稱

[h2]On the helm[/h2]

on the helm => 掌舵中、執導、操盤中。

e.g. Someone is on the helm. (某某人是操盤者,某某人正在掌舵中)

[h2]helmless 的意思[/h2]

簡單就是沒人掌舵,沒有方向、家裡沒大人的意思 (== without a helm)

(2014-08-13 00:45)

Big banner(2014-08-12 01:15)

[center]Sci-Fi Fantasy Char Design[/center]
[h1]遊戲人設、奇幻場景、科幻插畫 - monet8915018(秩維) Sci-fi Illustraion / Char Design[/h1]
魔君完稿 人物設定-魔君 - Demon Lord
1146250_638092046225657_1422121690_o INVADE 入侵 - Invade
刺客9-已修復 人物設計-刺客 - Assassin
場景2 場景-出征 - The Set Off
秦義絕-(縮小) 劍靈-秦夕顏 - Blade & Soul Fan Art
More monet8915018(秩維) 's Artoworks


See Also:
「人設」相關創作 :: "Character Design" Artworks Creation

「科幻」相關創作 :: "Sci-Fi" Design Fine-Art

「奇幻」相關創作 :: "Fantasy" Artworks Drawing

「場景」相關創作 :: "Scene/Landscape" Creation Painting

[/center](2014-08-12 01:15)

報價評估系統: http://vovo2000.com/utils/artquote/

(2014-08-11 23:15)


@ 2014/08/10 英文原文: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/08/10/world/asia/studio-ghibli-miyazaki-future/index.html

Watch a movie from acclaimed Japanese animators Studio Ghibli,
and you might see a boy turn into a flying dragon, a deer morph into a monstrous god,
or a fish transform into a young girl.
But with the retirement last year of 宮崎駿(Hayao Miyazaki), the studio's legendary co-founder, s
igns suggest the venerable and inimitable company is headed for a transformation of its own.



In a Japanese TV interview last Friday, Ghibli co-founder 鈴木敏夫(Toshio Suzuki) said the firm needed to
"think about its future,"
and would be "changing the way we make (animation)."
He also speculated that Miyazaki might "make something again," though it might be a no more than a short film for
the Studio Ghibli museum.

在上週五(2014/08/08)的日本電視訪談內,另外一位創辦人鈴木敏夫(Toshio Suzuki)說到,


Suzuki's comments followed his own remarks from early last week, when he said Studio Ghibli would take a "brief break,"
leading to panicked online speculation
that the studio was about to close.


A Ghibli representative told CNN the speculation was untrue, saying "Studio Ghibli has decided nothing officially for the future
of the studio."
Yet after concluding nearly three decades with Miyazaki at the helm, the fate of the company suddenly looks uncertain.

CNN 的記者訪問吉卜力,發言人表示「(吉卜力要結束營業)這並非事實。 目前吉卜力工作室尚未決定未來的道路。」
然而,在宮崎駿親手掌舵將近約 30 年後,吉卜力工作室命運目前看起來是前途未卜。

The studio has been producing hand-drawn animated films for decades, sticking to old-school, painstaking frame-by-frame methods
even as other studios have long
embraced computer-aided animation and CGI.
Every one of Studio Ghibli's hits -- from "My Neighbor Totoro" (1988) to "The Wind Rises" (2013) features a signature artistic
style -- delicately rendered characters,
exquisitely crafted environments, and an effortless sensation of movement.



Anime expert Helen McCarthy says Ghibli has been able to perfect its hand-drawn tradition because it has employed the same animators for a very long time --
unlike many other studios, which rely on per-project contracts and short-term piecework.

美國動畫專家 Helen McCarthy 表示,吉卜力透過「長期雇用同一批的手繪動畫師團隊」,讓他得以達成手繪動畫作品的高品質傳統;

"This means Ghibli can be sure of a consistent quality of artistry and craftsmanship," she said.
But as Ghibli's staff ages, the firm must figure out how to carry on with younger talent.

Helen McCarthy 表示「這種方式,造就了偉大的藝術成就,並持續產出穩定品質的動畫工藝」

(Studio Ghibli) is like a great violin... it has to be passed on to new players or else falls silent.


McCarthy says the Japanese studio has focused for decades on "the personal visions of two remarkable directors," Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata -- both now in their 70s.
"(Studio Ghibli) is like a great violin, a Stradivarius maybe, in the hands of two great musicians.

Helen McCarthy 表示「吉卜力長久聚焦於兩位偉大動畫師的願景(宮崎駿、高畑勳),然而,這兩位大師現在都 70 多歲了。
吉卜力工作室就像是一支偉大的小提琴,也許就像是斯特拉迪瓦里琴(Stradivarius), 過去由這兩位大師所演奏著,不斷拉出動人的音符。」

But when those musicians retire it has to be passed on to new players or else falls silent, because its structure is expensive to maintain."
What's next?


The big question: Can anybody succeed Hayao Miyazaki?

目前的最大問題: 有人能繼承宮崎駿嗎?

"Studio Ghibli has young creators, Goro Miyazaki and Hiromasa Yonebayashi," Studio Ghibli's representative told CNN.
"They are continuing to work for the studio."
But the films of Goro Miyazaki, -- Hayao Miyazaki's 47-year-old son -- and Yonebayashi, 41, \
have yet to achieve anywhere the success of the elder Miyazaki's work.

工作室發言人說「吉卜力工作室目前有兩位年輕的創作家,宮崎吾朗(47, 宮崎駿之子)和米林宏昌(41);他們持續的替工作室做出貢獻」

Hayao Miyazaki's 2001 epic, "Spirited Away," grossed a record-breaking $274 million worldwide and took home the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.
n 2013, Miyazaki's swansong "The Wind Rises," made over $117 million.

宮崎駿 2001 年的經典作品「神隱少女(2001)」,創下了全球兩億七千四百萬美金的票房紀錄,並且獲得奧斯卡最佳動畫片獎。

By contrast, the studio's newest film, "When Marnie Was There," directed by Yonebayashi, is only expected to make $36 million.
Goro Miyazaki's 2013 "From Up on Poppy Hill" made about $61 million.

反過來看,米林宏昌的「回憶中的瑪妮(2014)」,約只有三千六百萬美金票房(約神隱少女 13%),
而,宮崎吾朗的「來自紅花坂(2011)」,也只賣了六千一百萬美金(約神隱少女 22%)

That's why the studio must now perform a sober self re-evaluation after enjoying years of steady success.


"We wanted to make a dream company," said Suzuki.
"We were able to realize (that dream) to some extent and we're very happy about that.
But now we're at a point where we've got to think about what we'll do next."
Should fans be worried? McCarthy says Ghibli's tradition of hand-drawn animation should survive,
as long as audiences "accept the high costs and the demands it places on the workers involved."
"Art is viable as long as people are willing to make it and buy it."

鈴木敏夫「我們最初的目標就是一家夢想公司。 我們努力去實現我們和觀眾的夢想,並對於這段時間的的成就感到愉悅。」



美國動畫專家 McCarthy 表示「吉卜力工作室的手繪工藝動畫應該會繼續存活,只要觀眾繼續願意掏錢出來支撐工作室的大量人力開銷」


(2014-08-11 15:06)

[h1]「extensive vs. extensible vs. flexible vs. elastic vs. adjustable」的中文意思分析比較[/h1]

1. "extensive": 廣大、廣泛、廣博之意(和下面三個不太一樣,這裡舉出來是和 extensible 比較)

2. "extensible": 可擴展的,可 Extend,可延伸的,泛指「可」擴展;但比較不強調有韌性和靈活的意味(但,也不代表沒有)。

3. "flexible": 有彈性的;強調韌性、不容易斷 vs elastic。

4. "elastic":有彈性的;強調靈活的、容易延伸並恢復原狀 vs flexible。

5. "adjustable": 可調整的,比起 extensible 更強調「可伸也『可縮』」

2/3/4/5 英語意思接近,但要看場合使用。
{1 vs 2/3/4/5} 英文意思相差較大!

(2014-08-10 21:37)




1. 老實說 Honestly speaking, ...

2. 老實說 To be frank, ... (Frankly speaking, ...)

3. 老實說 To be honest, ...

4. 基本上 Basically, ...

5. 事實上 Actually,

6. 事實上 In fact,

7. 一般來說 Generally, ...

8. 就我所知 As is known to me, ...

9. 就我目前所知 As far as I know, ...

10. 因此 Thus, Therefore, ...


11. 相同的/同樣的來說 Similarly, ...

12. 同個時間點 In the meanwhile, ...

13. 相反的來說 On the contrary, ...

14. 反過來看,反過來說 On the other hand, ...

15. 簡單來說: In brief, ...

16. 簡單來說 In short, ...

17. 然而 However, ...

18. 目前我所擔心的: As far as I'm concerned, ...

19 於是、所以: hence, thus, and then, thereupon, accordingly (用於句首轉折)

20. 理論上來說,從理論上講: Theoretically, In theory, In principle, In essence


21. 從我的角度,從某某人的角度來看: From my viewpoint, from <SB>'s viewpoint ...

22. 在實際的應用上: In real practice, ...

23. 在最差的狀況下: In the worst case (scenario), ...

24. 在最好的狀況下: In the best case (scenario), ...

25. 藉著如此(連接上一句): By doing so, ...

例句應用 By "V-ing" ...:
e.g. By cleaning up the shelf, she found the classic music box.

應用 By "V-ing" ...
By travelling to various customer's site, we could understand more requirements and details of their need.
26. 嚴格來說: Strictly speaking, ...

27. 嚴格來講: Properly speaking, ...

28. 進一步來說,狹義地講: Narrowly speaking, ...

29. 精確的來說: Precisely speaking, ...

30. 不嚴格來說, 大致上來看: Loosely speaking, ...

31. 大略上來說: Broadly speaking, ...

32 一般來說: Generally speaking, ...

33. 摘要來說、簡略來說: Briefly speaking, ...

[h2]26~33 等項目分成兩類: <Adv-ly> + speaking[/h2]
「嚴格的、精確的、狹義的」:「strictly, properly, narrowly, precisely」 + speaking

「大致上、一般的、廣義的」:「broadly, loosely, generally, briefly」 + speaking

(注意): 分成兩類不代表同類意思 100% 相同,而是接近。

(2014-08-10 21:02)


「日本料理」的英文: Japanese Cuisine / Japanese Ryori / Japanese Food

「懷石/懷石料理」的英文: Kaiseki / Kaiseki Ryori / Kaiseki Dinner

「味增/味增湯」的英文: Miso / Miso Soup / Miso Shiru

「定食」的英文: Teishoku / Combo meal / Set Meal / Fix Price

「漬物(泡菜/醃菜)」的英文: Tsukemono / Pickled things / Pickled Vegetables

「御飯(白飯)」的英文: White Rice / Rice / Gohan

「飯團」的英文: Rice Ball / Onigiri

「壽司」的英文: Sushi

「海苔卷」的英文: Nori roll / Makizushi

「軍艦卷」的英文: Warship roll / Gunkanmaki

「手卷」的英文: Temaki / Hand Roll

「握壽司」的英文: Nigirizushi / Hand-Pressed sushi

「散壽司」的英文: Scattered sushi / Chirashizushi

「稻荷壽司/豆皮壽司」的英文: Tofu-skin Sushi / Inarizushi

「笹壽司」的英文: Box Pressed sushi / Oshizushi

「迴轉壽司」的英文: Conveyor belt sushi / Kaitenzushi

「天婦羅」的英文: Tempura / Battered Fried Vegetables / Battered Fried Seafood

「生魚片/刺身」的英文: Sashimi / Sliced Raw fish / Sliced Raw meat

「清酒」的英文: Sake / Rice Wine

「便當」的英文: Bento / Meal Box / Lunch Box

「章魚燒」的英文: Takoyaki / Battered Octopus

「關東煮/黑輪」的英文: Oden / Boiled Eggs & Vegetables & Konjac(蒟蒻)

「蓋飯/丼物」的英文: Donburi / Don / Gyu-don (牛丼) / Oyako-don (親子丼) / Katsu-don (豬排蓋飯)

「蕎麥麵」的英文: Soba / Buckwheat Noodles

「拉麵」的英文: Ramen / Soup Noodles / Miso Soup Noodles(味增拉麵) /
Soy sauce Soup Noodles(醬油拉麵) / Pork bone broth Soup Noddles (豚骨拉麵)

「烏龍麵」的英文: Udon / Miso Udon / Soy sauce Udon / Cold Udon (冷烏龍麵)/ Yaki Udon (炒烏龍麵)

「咖哩/咖哩飯」的英文: Curry / Curry Rice / Curry Udon (咖哩烏龍麵)

「佃煮」的英文: Tsukudani / Simmered food


袖珍模型:日式燒肉(2014-08-10 20:27)

[h1]PHP image jpg file/filename batch rename PHP 同目錄檔案改名[/h1]

Usage: search specific filename($argv[2]) and rename it with argv[1] prefix

$ php rename.php
$ php rename.php vovo
$ php rename.php nana-blog jpg


    $dir    = './';
    $files1 = scandir($dir);
    $i = 1;

    if (isset($argv[1]) && trim($argv[1]) != '')
        $filename_prefix = trim($argv[1]);
        $filename_prefix = 'nana_';

    if (isset($argv[2]) && trim($argv[2]) != '')
        $filename_ext = '.'.trim($argv[2]);
        $filename_ext = '.jpg';

    $sz = 0;
    foreach ($files1 as $val)
        if (stristr($val, $filename_ext))

    if ($sz <= 9)
        $szfmt = '';
    else if ($sz <= 99)
        $szfmt = '02';
        $szfmt = '03';

    foreach ($files1 as $val)
        if (stristr($val, $filename_ext))
            $new_file = $filename_prefix.sprintf('%'.$szfmt.'d', $i).$filename_ext;
            echo "$val --> $new_file \n";
            rename($val, $new_file);


$ php /tmp/rename.php vovo

image_1.jpg --> vovo01.jpg
image_10.jpg --> vovo02.jpg
image_11.jpg --> vovo03.jpg
image_12.jpg --> vovo04.jpg
image_13.jpg --> vovo05.jpg
image_14.jpg --> vovo06.jpg
image_15.jpg --> vovo07.jpg
image_16.jpg --> vovo08.jpg
image_17.jpg --> vovo09.jpg
image_18.jpg --> vovo10.jpg
image_2.jpg --> vovo11.jpg
image_3.jpg --> vovo12.jpg
image_4.jpg --> vovo13.jpg
image_5.jpg --> vovo14.jpg
image_6.jpg --> vovo15.jpg
image_7.jpg --> vovo16.jpg
image_8.jpg --> vovo17.jpg
image_9.jpg --> vovo18.jpg
(2014-08-10 18:04)

[h1]2014/08/10 Yahoo! Proxy/Load Balancer 出現錯誤[/h1]

Location: tw.autos.yahoo.com

Date: 2014/08/10 12:00 ~ 14:00 (+08:00)


@@ https://tw.autos.yahoo.com/

Not Found on Accelerator

Description: Your request on host "tw.autos.yahoo.com" was not found. Check the location and try again.
(2014-08-10 18:00)

[h1]2014 新人王網站設計大賽[/h1]

官方網站: http://2014.netking.tw/
線上報名: http://2014.netking.tw/index02.html


報名須具備有以TWNIC所提供十種類型之一的.tw/.台灣域名所建置之專屬作品網址(例如: http://www.twnic.net.tw),不得為子域名及子目錄。




主題說明耀眼台灣,處處是亮點。物產豐隆、氣候宜人是生活在台灣這美麗土地上每一個人的驕傲。本屆新人王網站設計比賽以「發掘台灣新亮點」為主題,將最值得推薦的台灣亮點作為設計發想主題,透過網站內容的呈現,構思您心目中認為最值得推薦的台灣新亮點, 用網站描繪出你心目中的亮點台灣。



第1名 (1位):獎金100,000元及獎座
第2名 (1位):獎金50,000元及獎座
第3名 (1位):獎金30,000元及獎座
佳 作 (3位):獎金10,000元及獎座


[h2]評 審 [/h2]



凡報名參賽者,即視同承認本報名規定的各項內容及規定,本活動參賽規則如有異動,依本活動網站最新消息公布為準。主辦單位保有所有相關活動最終解釋權與活動更改之權利。(2014-08-09 00:35)

[h1]Linux Kernel 3.17 (@ 2014) 的 2038 年解法[/h1]

增加一個 timespec64 structure, 其中 tv_sec 使用 time64_t (64-bits)


struct timespec {
         __kernel_time_t   tv_sec;         /* seconds */
         long      tv_nsec;      /* nanoseconds */

struct timespec64 {
        time64_t   tv_sec;         /* seconds */
        long      tv_nsec;      /* nanoseconds */

(2014-08-07 19:30)

[h1]Skype: 遇到磁碟 I/O 錯誤,無法登入 Skype Windows 7/8/8.1[/h1]

[h2]Skype Sign in Disk I/O Error - 磁碟錯誤無法登入![/h2]

a. 這個症狀通常發生在「升級硬碟 / 升級 SSD」之後

b. 只要 Windows 7/8/8.1 進入睡眠 or 休眠狀態

c. 喚醒之後,Skype 就不會自動登入,取而代之的是「磁碟 I/O 錯誤」

d. 縱使你輸入正確的密碼,還是看到「I/O 錯誤!」(這應該是 bug)

[h2]Skype 磁碟 I/O 錯誤登入,兩種方法可解決 (for Windows 7/8/8.1) [/h2]

1. (暫時解法)

1.1 按下 Skype Icon --> 右鍵 --> 關閉結束 Skype

1.2 然後重開 Skype ,應該就可以登入(但下一次遇到,還是要這樣做)


2. (重灌解法)

2.1 新增或移除程式 --> 移除 Skype
2.2 刪除 C:\programdata\skype
2.3 抓「最新版本的」的 Skype

http://www.skype.com/zh_TW/download-skype/ (繁體中文 Skype)
http://www.skype.com/zh_CN/download-skype/ (簡體中文 Skype)
http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/ (英文 Skype)

2.4 安裝上述最新 Skype


[h2]3. 或者,用刪除個人 skype 目錄的方式,看這一篇[/h2]

備份 Backup: C:\Users\<Windows_Username>\AppData\Roaming\Skype\<Windows_Username>
刪除 Delete: C:\Users\<Windows_Username>\AppData\Roaming\Skype\<Windows_Username>



[h2]Mac OS X (iMac/MacBoox Air) Skype 使用者請看這邊[/h1]

=> https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA12079/why-do-i-get-a-disk-i-o-error-when-i-try-to-sign-in-to-skype-for-mac-os-x


那很有可能你的 %TEMP% or %TMP% 跑掉了!
==> 這常見於你把 %TEMP% or %TMP% 設在外接硬碟

請進入 cmd.exe command line mode
--> echo %tmp%
--> dir %tmp%\skype*

如果 echo or dir 其中之一有 error ,那就是 temp 設定跑掉了!
把 %TEMP% %TMP% 乖乖的指回 C:\temp\ or 存在且沒問題的 folder。


C:\>echo %tmp%

C:\>dir %tmp%\skype*
磁碟區 D 中的磁碟是 SD-64G
磁碟區序號:  1E29-F2A8

D:\tmp 的目錄

2014/08/30  下午 04:03    <DIR>          Skype
2014/08/03  下午 09:38        26,509,312 Skype.msi
               1 個檔案      26,509,312 位元組
               1 個目錄  31,201,820,672 位元組可用

目前的想法是「Skype Exception Handling 太弱了...遇到 I/O Error 整個就傻掉」

最低限度 skype i/o error handling
==> 最少提供一下 Skype 在哪些 Files Access 遇到 I/O error。

==> 持續提供警告訊息,但是還是讓你暫時登入! 因為畢竟不是網路問題。 Local Disk error 應該有辦法產生 temp file 應急。(2014-08-06 15:18)

[h1]PHP7 vs PHP6 投票結果 (PHP 7 獲勝)[/h1]

PHP6 (24 票) vs PHP7 (58 票)

_(2014-08-02 19:52)

[h1]味覺障礙/異常 (Dysgeusia) + 味覺退化 (Hypogeusia) + 味覺喪失(Ageusia)[/h1]



味覺障礙/異常:綜合泛指「味覺退化 & 味覺喪失」!

[h2]1. 背景:味覺障礙的成因原因:[/h2]

1.1 口腔、舌頭、喉嚨、食道都有或多或少的「味蕾」組織,這些組織約 10 天會代謝一次。味蕾又包含「30 ~ 80 個受體細胞」,

味蕾/受體細胞 -> 神經 -> 腦部,這條路徑只要有人出錯,就會出現味覺問題。

1.2 舉例:癌症化療(唾液缺乏)、相關藥物影響(如:類固醇、開刀麻醉)、缺乏某種營養(如:鋅)、舌頭或口腔傷害(如:牙周病、燙傷)、壓力(如:車禍事故)、神經失調或感染(感冒)、自然老化、腦內疾病等

[h2]2. 味覺障礙症狀/病徵[/h2]
2.1 吃東西沒味道、吃東西有某種味道(金屬味道、鐵澀味道)、或者以前覺得很辣很甜的,現在吃起來沒有那麼重口味了。
2.2 有時也伴隨其他感官障礙的症狀(如嗅覺障礙)
2.3 如果是短期造成的(如太冰的食物、麻醉等),大概數個小時會症狀消失。
2.4 如果是中期的傷害(如輕微燙傷、感冒等),大概等 10 天細胞代謝完成,味覺應該會慢慢恢復。
2.4 如果是長期傷害(如神經病變或者神經切除),則可能這個味覺障礙疾病會一直存在,甚至無法康復。

[h2]3. 味覺障礙的診斷與治療[/h2]
=> 由於原因很多,要先判斷出到底是哪一個原因並不容易;也很可能是多個原因混合;請洽詢醫生進行專業診斷。

=> 醫生診斷後,可能開給你「人工唾液、毛果芸香鹼(唾液刺激)、鋅補充錠、硫辛酸等類維生素」等

=> 當然如果是牙周病、神經感染、長期壓力、或者化療導致,可能要先解決根本原因才能進行下一步治療。


(2014-08-02 19:28)


這裡是英文原文(其實也是「日翻英」),出處是夏威夷大學 (2010 URL existed!)

不過 2014 年 URL 連過去已經 404 Not found


Master Chojun Miyagi At The Meeting In 1936

Remarks: This is a part of the meeting records. It appears as an appendix in the book, "Karatedo Dai Hokan" written by Kanken Toyama. Pages 377-392 (Tsuru Shobo, 1960).

"The Meeting of Okinawan Karate Masters"

Time and Date: 4:00 pm, October 25, 1936
Place: Showa Kaikan Hall, Naha, Okinawa
This meeting was held by Ryukyu Shinpo Newspaper Publisher

Those who attended the meeting are as follows.

Karateka: Chomo Hanashiro, Chotoku Kyan, Choki Motobu, Chojun Miyagi, Juhatsu Kyoda, Choshin Chibana, Shinpan Shiroma, Chotei Oroku, Genwa Nakasone

Guests: Koichi Sato, Zenpatsu Shimabukuro, Kitsuma Fukushima, Eizo Kita, Chosho Goeku, Gizaburo Furukawa, Sei Ando, Choshiki Ota, Kowa Matayoshi, Zensoku Yamaguchi, Tamashiro

Genwa Nakasone: When karate was first introduced in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, "karate" was written in Kanji (= Chinese character) as "Chinese Hand". This name sounded exotic, and gradually accepted among people in Tokyo. However, some people thought this Kanji "Chinese Hand" was not appropriate at schools. In order to avoid the use of this Kanji, some karate dojo wrote "karate" in Hirakana (= Japanese phonetic letters) instead of Kanji. This is an example of temporary use of the word. In Tokyo, most karate dojo use the Kanji "Empty Hand Way" for karate-do, although there are still a few dojo using the Kanji "Chinese Hand." In order to develop Japanese martial arts, I think Kanji for "karate" should be "Empty Hand" instead of "Chinese Hand" and "Karate-Do" should be the standard name. What do you think?

Chomo Hanashiro: In the old days, we, Okinawan people, used to call it "Toodii" or "Tode", not "Karate." We also called it just "Tii" or "Te." It means fighting with hands and fists.

*Translator's note:
Pronunciation for the Kanji written as "Chinese Hand" has two ways:
1) Toodii or Tode (Okinawan dialect)
2) Karate
Pronunciation for the Kanji written as "Empty Hand" has only one:
1) Karate

Ota: We, too, called it "Toodii" or "Tode."

Shimabukuro: Mr. Nakasone, I hear nowadays people call "Karate-Do" for karate. Does this mean people added the word "Do" (= literally means the Way) to the name "Karate" for emphasizing the importance of spiritual training like Judo and Kendo?

Nakasone: They use the word "Karate-Do" in the meaning of cultivation of the mind.

Ota: Mr. Miyagi, do you use the word "Chinese Hand" for karate?

Chojun Miyagi: Yes, I use the Kanji "Chinese Hand" as most people do so. It has minor meaning. Those who want to learn karate from me come to my home and say "Please teach me Tii or Te." So I think people used to call "Tii" or "Te" for karate. I think "Karate" is good in the meaning of the word. As Mr. Shimabukuro said, the name "Jujutsu" was changed to "Judo." In China, in the old days, people called Hakuda or Baida for Chinese kungfu, Kenpo or Chuanfa (= Quanfa). Like those examples, names changes according to times. I think the name "Karate-Do" is better than just "Karate." However, I will reserve decision on this matter, as I think we should hear other people's opinions. We had a controversy on this matter at the meeting of Okinawa Branch of Dai Nippon Butokukai. We shelved this controversial problem. In the mean time, we, members of Okinawa Branch, use the name "Karate-Do" written in Kanji as "The Way of Chinese Hand." Shinkokai (= a karate promotion center) will be formed soon, so we would like to have a good name.

Oroku: Mr. Miyagi, did you go all the way to China for studying karate?

Chojun Miyagi: At the beginning I had no plan to practice kungfu in China, but I found the kungfu excellent, so I leaned it.

Oroku: Have there been our own "Te" here in our prefecture, Okinawa, for a long time?

Chojun Miyagi: There have been "Te" in Okinawa. It has been improved and developed like Judo, Kendo and boxing.

Kyoda Juhatsu: I agree to Mr. Nakasone's opinion. However, I am opposed to making a formal decision right now at this meeting. Most Okinawan people still use the word "Chinese Hand" for karate, so we should listen to karate practitioners and karate researchers in Okinawa, and also we should study it thoroughly at our study group before making a decision.

Chojun Miyagi: We do not make a decision immediately at this meeting.

Matayoshi: Please express your opinion honestly.

Chomo Hanashiro: In my old notebooks, I found using the kanji (= Chinese character), "Empty Hand" for karate. Since August 1905, I have been using the kanji "Empty Hand" for karate, such as "Karate Kumite."

Goeku: I would like to make a comment, as I have a relation with Okinawa branch of Dai Nippon Butokukai. Karate was recognized as a fighting art by Okinawa branch of Dai Nippon Butokukai in 1933. At that time, Master Chojun Miyagi wrote karate as "Chinese Hand." We should change his writing "Chinese Hand" into "Empty Hand" at Okinawa branch if we change the Kanji into "Empty Hand." We would like to approve this change immediately and follow procedure, as we need to have approval of the headquarters of Dai Nippon Butokukai.

Ota: Mr. Chomo Hanashiro is the first person who used the kanji "Empty Hand" for karate in 1905. If something become popular in Tokyo, it will automatically become popular and common in other part of Japan. Maybe Okinawan people do not like changing the kanji (= Chinese character) of karate. But we would be marginalized if the word "Chinese Hand" is regarded as a local thing, while the word "Empty Hand" is regarded as a common name for karate as a Japanese fighting art. Therefore we had better use the word "Empty Hand" for karate.

Nakasone: So far the speakers are those who have been living in Okinawa for a long time. Now I would like to have a comment from Mr. Sato, the director of the School Affairs Office. He came to Okinawa recently.

Sato: I have almost no knowledge about karate, but I think the word "Empty Hand" is good, as the word "Chinese Hand" is groundless according to the researchers.

Furukawa: The kanji written as "Empty Hand" is attractive for us who came from outside Okinawa, and we regard it as an aggressive fighting art. I was disappointed when I saw the kanji "Chinese Hand" for karate.

Nakasone: This time, I would like to have a comment from Mr. Fukushima, the Lieutenant of the Regimental Headquarters.

Fukushima: The kanji "Empty Hand" for karate is appropriate. The kanji "Chinese Hand" for karate is difficult to understand for those who do not know karate.

Ota: There is no one who do not like the word "Empty Hand" for karate, but

there are people who do not like the word "Chinese Hand" for karate.

Chojun Miyagi: Well, when I visited Hawaii, Chinese people there seemed to have friendly feeling toward the word "Chinese Hand" for karate.

Shimabukuro: Here in Okinawa, we used to call "Tii" or "Te" for karate. To differentiate from it, we called "Toodii" or "Tode" for karate that was brought from China.

Nakasone: I think we have almost made clear about the name of karate. Now we would like to discuss about the promotion of karate. It is regrettable that karate is no popular in Okinawa at present. We need to find a solution to promote karate in the fields of physical education and martial arts education.

Furukawa: There are a lot of Ryu or styles in karate now. I think we have to unify them at any cost. I hear there are small differences between Shuri style karate and Naha style karate. I think both styles should be unified and  we should make Kata of Japanese Karate-do. In the old days, we had about 200 styles of Kendo (= swordsmanship), but now they have been unified and we have the standard Kata of Japanese Kendo. I think karate would become popular all over the country if we had the unified Kata. For example, we can newly establish ten Kata as Japanese Karate. The name of each Kata should be changed into Japanese, such as Junan-No-Kata (soft and stretch kata), Kogeki-No-Kata (= offensive kata) and so on. In this way, we can conform the name of Kata to its content. And I also think we should make karate a competitive sport, so we should study how to hold a game of karate. We would like to make a uniform of karate and standardize contents and forms.

Chojun Miyagi: I agree to your opinion. With regard to Kata of karate, I ever submitted the opinion with explanation to the headquarters of Dai Nippon Butokukai (= national fighting arts association), when its Okinawa branch was established. As to karate clothes, we also would like to make karate uniform soon as we often have problems. As for terminology of karate, I think we will have to control it in the future. I am also advocating it, and I have been making new technical words and promoting them. Regarding Kata,  I think traditional Kata should be preserved as old or classic Kata For the nationwide promotion of karate, I think we had better create new Kata. We will create both offensive and defensive Kata which are suitable for students of primary schools, high schools, universities and youth schools. Mainly, we, the members of Shinkokai (= karate promotion association), will make new Kata and promote them throughout Japan. Now there are Physical Education Association and Okinawa Branch of Butokukai. We also have senior students of karate and those who are interested in karate. We, therefore, cooperate with them to study and promote karate. If such organizations and experts study karate thoroughly, we can make a decision about the karate name issue and karate uniform relatively soon. I think the old Kata should be preserved without any modification while new Kata should be invented, otherwise I am convinced that no one will be interested in karate any longer in the world in the future.

Ota: How many karate organizations are there in Okinawa at present?

Chojun Miyagi: There are Okinawa Branch of Dai Nippon Butokukai, Physical Education Association of Okinawa Prefecture and Physical Education Association of Shuri City.

Ota: Mr. Chibana, how many students do you have now at your karate dojo?

Choshin Chibana: I have about 40 students at my karate dojo.

Chojun Miyagi: There is an opinion insisting that there are two Ryu or styles in karate, namely, Shorin-Ryu and Shorei-Ryu. I think such an opinion is wrong or false, as there is no evidence at all. However, if we have two styles in karate, we can categorize them by their teaching methods. In one style, they do not even differentiate between Fundamental Kata (= Kata such as Sanchin, Tensho and Naifanchi) and Kaishu Kata (= Kata other than Sanchin, Tensho and Naifanchi). They teach karate unsystematically and unmethodically. In the other style, they differentiate between Fundamental Kata and Kaishu Kata clearly. They teach karate systematically and methodically. My teacher (= Master Kanryo Higaonna) taught me karate in the way of the latter.

Ota: Karate masters we know did not go to China to study karate.

Chojun Miyagi: I have heard that Master Matsumura went to China and practiced karate there.

Choshin Chibana: Our teacher taught us Naifanchi as a Fundamental Kata.

Ota: Mr. Motobu, who taught you karate?

Choki Motobu: I learned karate from Master Itosu, Master Sakuma and Master Matsumora of Tomari village.

Ota: I thought you created your own karate on your own without learning from karate masters.

Choki Motobu: (laughing) No, I did not create my karate on my own.

Nakasone: Now we know every karate masters have agreed to the plan to establish a karate promotion association. As Mr. Furukawa told us the necessity of founding a karate promotion association, we think the other people also seem to agree to this plan. So we would like the members to start the preparation for establishing it.
(2014-08-02 18:29)

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(2014-08-02 16:40)

[h1]「空手道 唐手 カラテ Karate」定名命名起源對談翻譯 @ 1936 年 沖繩會議[/h1]

這的對談片段,由 1960 年出版的「空手道 大補完 (by 遠山寛賢)」的附錄摘要出來
紀錄 1936 年間,沖繩空手道大師對於「空手」的命名定名對談,這個簡短的會對於

時間: 1936/10/25, 16:00
地點: 沖繩那霸 昭和會館
主辦: 琉球新報

Karate Masters: Chomo Hanashiro, Chotoku Kyan, Choki Motobu, Chojun Miyagi, Juhatsu Kyoda, Choshin Chibana, Shinpan Shiroma, Chotei Oroku, Genwa Nakasone
空手大師:花城長茂, 喜屋武朝德, 本部朝基, 宮城長順, 許田重發, 知花朝信, 城間真繁, 小禄 緒亭, 仲宗根源和

Guests: Koichi Sato, Zenpatsu Shimabukuro, Kitsuma Fukushima, Eizo Kita, Chosho Goeku, Gizaburo Furukawa, Sei Ando, Choshiki Ota, Kowa Matayoshi, Zensoku Yamaguchi, Tamashiro


仲宗根源和:「當 Karate (カラテ, 空手道) 第一次引入日本本土(東京)的時候,空手道這個武術用漢字稱之為「唐手」,
所以少部分道場把「空手道」用平假名拼出 Karate,而非用漢字。」

仲宗根源和:「目前東京的道場的現狀是,大部分使用「空手道(漢字 )」,另外也有不少還是維持「唐手(漢字 )」。」

仲宗根源和:「為了發展日本本土的武術,我覺得使用「空手(漢字)」代表 Karate カラテ 會比「唐手(漢字)」來的恰當。

「我們沖繩人,長久以來習慣用「唐手(Toodii / Tode)」來稱呼空手道,而非使用「Karate カラテ」,我們也習慣直接簡稱為「手 (dii / de)」,

小田: 「是的,我們也是慣用唐手(Toodii / Tode)

據我所知最近人們使用空手『道』來稱呼 Karate 這項武術,


小田:「宮城長順先生你好,你會用『唐手(漢字)』來稱呼 Karate 嗎?」

那些來我家門口,請我教授他們這武術的沖繩子民們,都說『長順哥,請教我手(Tii/Te) 這武術!』
所以一般民眾會用「手」來稱呼 Karate。而我認為『空手(漢字)』在稱呼這項武術也很好」










花城長茂:「我在我的筆記本上,發現從 1905 年以來,我就用『空手(漢字)』來代表 Karate 這項武術。
例如 我用『空手組手(漢字)』來代表空手道對打。」

越來:「我想做個補充,Karate 在 1933 就被大日本武德會沖繩分部承認為格鬥武術之一。
當時,宮城長順大師是用『唐手(漢字)』來代表 Karate。





福島:「 用『空手(漢字)』比較容易從字面上瞭解;





古川:「目前有很多的『流派 (Ryu)』,我想是我們應該不計算代價整合他們。
例如我知道首里流(Shuri Ryu)和那霸流(Naha Ryu)就有一點不太一樣。
舉例來說,古代劍道約有 200 個流派,但經過整合,就是目前日本的劍道,且也有標準的劍道 Kata。如此一來,空手道才有辦法普及。」


你說的空手道「型」套路,我曾經在武德會沖繩分部成立時,把一些型的提案提給總部。 」












知花朝信:「我的道場約有 40 名空手道學徒。」

宮城長順: 「剛有提到一個意見要整合各種『流派』,如整合「首里流」和「小林流」

宮城長順: 「然而,雖然我不贊同整合; 但有一些相同的地方,卻是存在可以努力的地方。

例如,基本的『型』(如三戰,轉掌、内蹯地/鐵騎)、進階的『型』(開手型 Kaishu Kata),這些型在各種流派都有,但在傳授時,有的『有系統和有方法』的傳授方式,
有的流派卻沒有。 我的老師『東恩納寬量』是系統方法來傳授我們這些型。」







本部朝基:「 (笑)沒這回事,我並沒有自創自己的空手道。」


(2014-08-02 14:57)

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