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[h1]Cat related CG Artwork[/h1](2014-07-08 23:32)

[center]Cat Art[/center]
[h1]「貓」插畫,「貓」美術繪圖, 「貓」相關創作 - "Cat" Drawing Art[/h1]
120628_PersonalArtbookV4_CoverIllustration_AD_step04_adjust_02_72dpi B.c.N.y. 個人精選畫冊第四冊:四際光
acvcad11 練習~~ - Cat Practice
cat_adv 忘我的妖貓 進階版 - Cat Fairy
UnHappy-2 Blue - Unhappy Boy & His Cat
飛行貓1024pix 飛行貓AirCat
12011801b 貓娘之夜 - Night of Cat
黃建豪 貓女 完稿2 UP 雙刃貓女 - Two Blades Slayer
coverII-5畫細OKKs Mint & RosemaryII
柴郡貓(Chesshire Cat) Alice in Wonderland
Grilandcat1 少女與貓 - Girl & Cat
DSC03795-1 《思。念》 - Missing You
1 奇幻生物設計 - Creature Cat Design
貓女巫 原創:貓魔女 - Cat Lady
1133793381 貓 CAT CAT CAT
輔助性職業B 輔助性職業之又是貓耳娘 - Cat Girl Carry
集會所溫泉浴場-貓咪時間 集會所溫泉浴場-貓咪時間 - Cat's Spring
More "Cat" Topic Related artworks

See Also:
「狗」相關創作 :: "Dogs" Artworks Creation

[/center](2014-07-08 23:29)

[h1]CentOS 7.0 正式上市 (2014/07/07),支援 CentOS 6.5 直接升級[/h1]

CentOS 7.0 (7.0.1406) 主要特色:

1. 提供 CentOS 6.5 直接升級到 CentOS 7.0

2. Linux Kernel 版本為 3.10.X (3.10 為 LTS Long Term Support, 目前最新是 3.10.47)

3. CentOS 7.0 支援 EOL 為 10 年後,也就是支援到 2014/06/30(比較: Ubuntu LTS 通常是 3~5 年支援)

4. 下載頁面目前只有 x86_64 64-bit 版本,沒有 x86 32-bit 版本

5. 下載有分 DVD (4GB 左右), LiveCD/KDE-Live/GNOME-Live (1GB 左右), NetInstall(0.4 GB), Everything (6.6 GB),
CentOS 建議是使用 DVD.iso

6. 主要改變:

6.1 網路支援 40GbE Ethernet (未來 Data Center ToR Server 的主流)

6.2 儲存系統支援 Kernel Space iSCSI/FCoE

6.3 檔案系統預設 XFS 為預設 FileSystem (CentOS 6.5 為 EXT 系列)

6.4 檔案快照支援 LVM-snapshot for EXT4 & XFS

6.5 系統管理改用 systemd、firewalld 及 GRUB2

(總之,主要就是跟著 RHEL 7 變動)

CentOS 7 一般下載: http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/7/isos/x86_64/

Hinet CentOS 7 下載 => http://mirror01.idc.hinet.net/CentOS/7/isos/x86_64/

CentOS 7 Torrent 下載 => http://mirror01.idc.hinet.net/CentOS/7/isos/x86_64/CentOS-7.0-1406-x86_64-DVD.torrent

官方 CentOS 7 Blog => http://seven.centos.org/

(2014-07-08 14:15)

BIG(2014-07-03 23:11)

[center]Illustrator Painting Creation[/center]
[h1]向量插畫/Illustrator繪圖/以拉圖 Illustrator Artworks - July(鎖骨[/h1]
Lantern festival 北七!你提錯了啦! - Wrong Holiday! You Fool
happy Easter 復活節快樂 - Happy Easter!
正太木馬 兒童節快樂 - Happy Children's Day
森森不息 森森不息~ - Forest, Lakes, Tree and Animals
wonderland 未成年請勿抽菸 - Young People Shall Not Smoke
More 鎖骨(July)'s Artoworks


See Also:
「向量」相關創作 :: "Vector Drawing" Artworks Creation

「Alice」相關創作 :: "Machine/Robots" Creation Painting

「Illustrator」相關創作 :: "Illustrator" Artworks Creation

「節慶」相關創作 :: "Holidays" Artworks Creation

[/center](2014-07-03 23:09)

john7905241990 寫到:


😈 😈


一定很至少有有兩次 C.C.F Special 吧!?(2014-07-02 11:26)

GOAL: Convert old gallery v1 (or even v2) .dat serialized data to SQL data

Gallery v1.0: About 2001 ~ 2002, which used PHP serialized data as DB
Gallery v1.x: About 2002 ~ 2004, which I still used PHP serialized data as Database

These codes are to parse & convert legacy Gallery V1 DB *.dat file into SQL
in order to build them as static HTML pages (or Dynamic Pages Integration, yet in fact static archive).
Of course, only some of fields were retrieved/parse.

Note: Main stream Gallery v2/v3+ has integrated with MySQL, no such issues any more!

Q: What fields were reterieved from Gallery v1/v1.x album.dat?
gallery_type => For my internal usage. (e.g. I got many different Gallery v1/1.x ... repositories)
albumname => Gallery v1 album folder name
imgitem => Album Caption or Album Title
imgtype => I set it as "RDIR" for root album, 'DIR' for sub-album
caption => Detail Description of this album(sub-album)
datetime => Creation date of this album
comment => Only useful for 'ROOT Album", contains all sub-album in CSV format. Empty if this is a sub-album

Q: What fields were reterieved from Gallery v1/v1.x photos.dat?
gallery_type => For my internal usage. (e.g. I got many seperated/different Gallery v1/1.x ... repositories)
albumname => Gallery v1 album folder name
imgitem => Image Name
imgtype => Image Type (jpg/png/gif/...)
caption => Detail Description of this IMAGE (Image title)
datetime => Creation date of this album (== uploadDate)
comment => The comment of this Image, only include "username/datetime/comment", use some big5-utf8 translate.

Q: It looks like that you combined "photos.dat & album.dat" into single Database Table?
A: Yes, because my requirement is very simple,
make gallery v1 photo repositories into static pages.
(though the "static pages" are in fact dynamic generated from PHP + DB)

Q: Didn't see your code parsing sub-album(DIR) CSV into root album comment field?
A: To make the conversion faster, and, my root album are not that many,
so I did that __manually__.

Q: Why not using Gallery Project's Import Tool? Do you ever use official tools to import v1.0 into v2.x
A: True, I ever tried it years ago around 2007 ~ 2011;
yet, futile; the Gallery v1.x album.dat & photos.dat looked too legacy to be imported.

Q: I got lots of SPAM messages in my Gallery v1 photos.dat, what I can do?

A: I have the same issue,
but since you cloud make them into database,
SPAM-comment removal will be much easier by using something like

SELECT * from gallery_database_table where comment
like '%some bad words%' or comment like '%another bad words%'

compared digging into thousands of photos.dat

Convert USAGE Example:

$ find /var/www/gallery-v1/ -name "album.dat" | xargs parse_album_dat_to_database_sql.php



Goal: Convert Gallery v1 album.dat format into DataBase SQL

/* data */
$title = array();
$desc = array();
$dtime = array();

function is_line_still_value($line_str)
   if (strstr($line_str, "' => "))
      return false;
      return true;

function get_val($str, $is_str = true, $multiple_lines = false)

   if ($multiple_lines == false)
      list($a, $b) = explode("' => ", str_replace("\r", "", $str));
      $b =  str_replace("\r", "", $str);

   if ($is_str)
      /* 字串要去掉頭尾 quote */
      if (substr($b, 0, 1) == "'" && $multiple_lines == false)
         $b = substr($b, 1, strlen($b) - 1);
      $b = str_replace("',\n", '', $b);
      $b = intval(str_replace(',', '', $b));

   return $b;

function get_photosdat_pass_1($str, $idx)
   global $title, $desc;
   $done_1 = 0;
   $done_2 = 0;
   foreach(preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $str) as $line)
      $line .= "\n";
      if ($done_1 == 0 && strstr($line, "'title' => "))
         $title[$idx] = get_val($line);
      if ($done_2 == 0 && strstr($line, "'description' => "))
         $desc[$idx] = get_val($line);
      if ($done_2 == 0 && strstr($line, "'description' => "))
         $desc[$idx] = get_val($line);

      if ($done_1 && $done_2)

    * Optional
   $title[$idx] = mb_convert_encoding($title[$idx], 'UTF-8', 'BIG-5');
   $desc[$idx] = mb_convert_encoding($desc[$idx], 'UTF-8', 'BIG-5');

   if (trim($desc[$idx]) == 'No description')
      $desc[$idx] = '';

if (isset($argv[1]) && file_exists($argv[1]))

   echo "CHECK albums.dat Integrity and Parse it, file count=".count($argv)." ...\n";

   for ($i=1; $i<(count($argv)); $i++)
      $str = file_get_contents($argv[$i]);
      $var = unserialize($str);

      // echo "[$i] Checking ".$argv[$i]."\n";
      if ($var === false || strlen($str) <= 3) {
         echo "_____ERROR_____ @ ". $argv[$i] . "\n";
         echo "ABORT: Please Fix this first! You could restore it from backup album.dat.[1~N]\n";

      //echo "[$i] Parsing ".$argv[$i]."\n";
      $str = var_export($var, true);
      get_photosdat_pass_1($str, $i);
      // echo $argv[$i].' => '.$title[$i].'_'.$desc[$i]."__EOF\n";

      list($a, $folder, $c) = explode('/', $argv[$i]);

      echo "Insert into gallery_database_table (gallery_type, albumname, imgitem, imgtype, caption, datetime, comment)
             values(0, '".$folder."', '".$title[$i]."', 'DIR', '".$desc[$i]."', 0, '');\n";

      // "Insert into gallery_database_table (gallery_type, albumname, imgtype, imgitem, caption)
      //   values(1, '$argv[$i]', '$title[$i]', 'DIR', '0', '$desc[$i]')"

   echo 'find /gallery-folder/ -name "album.dat" | xargs php parse_album_dat.php';



Goal: Convert Gallery v1 photos.dat format into DataBase SQL

1. 先 parse var export 一行一行找,找到關鍵字
2. 如果下一行,沒有 '=>' '[' ']'   那麼下一行還是資料

auto-idx, folder, imgname, imgtype, caption, date, comment(serialized)

/* data */
$imgname = array();
$imgtype = array();
$caption = array();
$dateint = array(); /* int */
$comment = array(); /* three diementional array */

function is_line_still_value($line_str)
   if (strstr($line_str, "' => "))
      return false;
      return true;

function get_val($str, $is_str = true, $multiple_lines = false)
   //   'name' => 'waidai_05',
   //  'type' => 'jpg',
   //  'uploadDate' => 123124312,     

   if ($multiple_lines == false)
      list($a, $b) = explode("' => ", str_replace("\r", "", $str));
      $b =  str_replace("\r", "", $str);

   if ($is_str)
      /* 字串要去掉頭尾 quote */
      if (substr($b, 0, 1) == "'" && $multiple_lines == false)
         $b = substr($b, 1, strlen($b) - 1);
      $b = str_replace("',\n", '', $b);
      $b = intval(str_replace(',', '', $b));

   return $b;

Pass #1 從零開始找
function get_photosdat_pass_1($str, $idx)
   global $imgname, $imgtype, $caption, $dateint;
   $done_1 = 0;
   $done_2 = 0;
   $done_3 = 0;
   $done_4 = 0;
   foreach(preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $str) as $line)
      $line .= "\n";
      if ($done_1 == 0 && strstr($line, "'name' => "))
         $imgname[$idx] = get_val($line);
      if ($done_2 == 0 && strstr($line, "'type' => "))
         $imgtype[$idx] = get_val($line);
      if (($done_3 < 31 && $done_3 > 0) || strstr($line, "'caption' => "))
         if ($done_3 == 0)
            $caption[$idx] = get_val($line);
            if (is_line_still_value($line) == true)
               $caption[$idx] .= get_val($line, true, true);
               $done_3 = 31;
      if ($done_4 == 0 && strstr($line, "'uploadDate' => "))
         $dateint[$idx] = get_val($line, false);

      if ($done_1 && $done_2 && $done_3 >= 31  && $done_4)

    * Optional
   $imgname[$idx] = mb_convert_encoding($imgname[$idx], 'UTF-8', 'BIG-5');
   $caption[$idx] = mb_convert_encoding($caption[$idx], 'UTF-8', 'BIG-5');

Pass #2 從 ["comments"]=> 往後找下列三個
function get_photosdat_pass_2($str, $idx)
   global $comment;
   $done_1 = 0;
   $done_2 = 0;
   $done_3 = 0;
   $done_4 = 0;

   $comment_count = 0;

   $comment[$idx] = array();
   $comment[$idx][$comment_count] = array(3);

   list($tmp, $str) = explode("'comments' => ", $str);

   foreach(preg_split("/((\r?\n)|(\r\n?))/", $str) as $line)
      $line .= "\n";

      if ($done_1 == 0 && strstr($line, "'name' => "))
         $comment[$idx][$comment_count][0] = get_val($line);
      if ($done_2 == 0 && strstr($line, "'datePosted' => "))
         $comment[$idx][$comment_count][1] = get_val($line, false);
      if (($done_3 < 31 && $done_3 > 0) || strstr($line, "'commentText' => "))
         if ($done_3 == 0)
            $comment[$idx][$comment_count][2] = get_val($line);
            if (is_line_still_value($line) == true)
               $comment[$idx][$comment_count][2] .= get_val($line, true, true);
               $done_3 = 31;
      if ($done_3 >= 31 && $done_1 && $done_2)

         $done_1 = 0;
         $done_2 = 0;
         $done_3 = 0;

          * Clean Gallery's SPAM comments
         if (  (stristr($comment[$idx][$comment_count][2], "url="))
            || (stristr($comment[$idx][$comment_count][2], "url:"))
            || (substr_count($comment[$idx][$comment_count][2], 'http') >= 2)
            || (strlen(trim($comment[$idx][$comment_count][2])) <= 2)
            || ($comment[$idx][$comment_count][2] == $comment[$idx][$comment_count][0])
            || (mb_detect_encoding($comment[$idx][$comment_count][0]) == 'ASCII'
               && mb_detect_encoding($comment[$idx][$comment_count][2]) == 'ASCII')
            $comment[$idx][$comment_count] = null;
          * Optional: convert BIG-5 --> UTF-8
         $comment[$idx][$comment_count][0] = mb_convert_encoding($comment[$idx][$comment_count][0], 'UTF-8', 'BIG-5');
         $comment[$idx][$comment_count][2] = mb_convert_encoding($comment[$idx][$comment_count][2], 'UTF-8', 'BIG-5');

         $comment[$idx][$comment_count] = array(3);

if (isset($argv[1]) && file_exists($argv[1]))

   echo "CHECK Photos.dat Integrity and Parse it, file count=".count($argv)." ...\n";

   for ($i=1; $i<(count($argv)); $i++)
      $str = file_get_contents($argv[$i]);
      $var = unserialize($str);

//      echo "[$i] Checking ".$argv[$i]."\n";
      if ($var === false || strlen($str) <= 3) {
         echo "_____ERROR_____ @ ". $argv[$i] . "\n";
         echo "ABORT: Please Fix this first! You could restore it from backup photos.dat.[1~N]\n";

//      echo "[$i] Parsing ".$argv[$i]."\n";
      for ($j=0; $j<count($var); $j++)
         $str = var_export($var[$j], true);
         get_photosdat_pass_1($str, $j);
         get_photosdat_pass_2($str, $j);

         $comment[$j] = serialize($comment[$j]);
         list($a, $folder, $c) = explode('/', $argv[$i]);
         echo "Insert into gallery_database_table (gallery_type, albumname, imgitem, imgtype, caption, datetime, comment)
               values(0, '".$folder."', '".$imgname[$j]."', '".$imgtype[$j]."', '".$caption[$j]."', ".$dateint[$j].",
   echo 'find /gallery-folder/ -name "photos.dat" | xargs php parse_photos_dat.php';

(2014-06-30 00:25)

[h1]PHP + ImageMagick Codes: PNG2JPG, JPG Quality, Shrink JPG Quality[/h1]

PHP Read All files in this directory and the proceed the following Image processing

1. convert_PNG_to_JPG($source): Convert PNG image files to JPG image files within this directory
2. convert_jpg_to_quality_90($source): Convert JPG quality to 90 within same folder
3. shrink_to_goolge_800($source): Shrink all images files in this folder to max 800 width or 800 height



function convert_PNG_to_JPG($source)
   // $source = "1.jpg";
   $convert = "D:\ImageMagick-6.6.3-Q16\convert.exe";  // define in constant.php   
   /* 一律 90 品質 */
   if (filesize($source) > 524288)
      $dest = str_replace('.png', '.jpg', $source);
      echo "Q90 $dest \n";
      exec($convert.' '.$source.' -strip -quality 90 '.$dest);
      echo ".";

function convert_jpg_to_quality_90($source)
   // $source = "1.jpg";
   $convert = "D:\ImageMagick-6.6.3-Q16\convert.exe";  // define in constant.php   
   /* 一律 90 品質 */
   if (filesize($source) > 524288)
      echo "Q90 $source \n";
      exec($convert.' '.$source.' -strip -quality 90 '.$source);
      echo ".";

function shrink_to_goolge_800($source)
   // $source = "1.jpg";
   $mid = 800;
   $convert = "D:\ImageMagick-6.6.3-Q16\convert.exe";  // define in constant.php   
   $size = getimagesize($source);

   if ($size[0] > 800 || $size[1] > 800)
      echo $source."\n";

      if ($size[0] > $size[1])
         $toWWW = ( $size[0] >= $mid ? $mid : $size[0] );
         //echo $convert.' '.$source.' -strip -resize '.$toWWW.'x '.$source;   
         exec($convert.' '.$source.' -resize '.$toWWW.'x '.$source);   
         $toHHH = ( $size[1] >= $mid ? $mid : $size[1] );
         // echo $convert.' '.$source.' -strip -resize x'.$toHHH.' '.$source;         
         exec($convert.' '.$source.' -resize x'.$toHHH.' '.$source);         
      echo "-";

function prepare_readidr($pid)
   /* 準備清單 */
   $file_list = array();
   if ($handle = opendir("."))
       while (false !== ($filedir = readdir($handle)))
          /* 確定目錄 */
          if (is_dir($filedir))
             /* 再從目錄讀出檔案 */
             if ($handle2 = opendir($filedir))
             while (false !== ($files = readdir($handle2)))
                /* 不能是目錄 */
                if (!is_dir($files))
                   $z = $filedir.'\\'.$files;
                   //if (filemtime($z) > (time() - 100))
                   //   echo '.';
                   // convert_jpg_to_quality_90($z)
                   // convert_PNG_to_JPG($z)

/* main */


(2014-06-29 16:15)

[h1]Fedora 17: Fedorax2017x20x86_64 does not exist - Install Failed[/h1]

[h2]症狀 Symptoms[/h2]

    ERROR: could not insert 'floppy': No such device
    Loading Fedora 17 x86_64 installer...

    dracut Warning: Unable to process initqueue
    dracut Warning: /dev/disk/by-label/Fedorax2017x20x86_64 does not exist
    dracut Warning: /dev/mapper/live-rw does not exist

    Dropping to debug shell.



1. 燒錄 FC17 DVD 時,請將 DVD Label 設定為 "FC17" ,也就是「不要有空格!」 "Label No Space (x20)"

(這有可能是 BIOS bug 的問題,也有可能是 Fedora Dracut 本身的 bug )

2. 然後在 Boot Disk Menu 畫面按下 "Tab",把 LABEL 從 "Fedora\x2017\x20x86_64" 改成 "FC17"

*NOTE*: 如果你用 USB 當成 ISO-DVD Boot Disk,那更簡單,使用 mtools/mlabel 改 USB Label,參考下面


$ yum install mtools  (or, apt-get install mtools)

$ sudo echo "mtools_skip_check=1" > ~/.mtoolsrc

$ sudo mlabel -i /dev/sdX1 ::FC17    (the '::' prefix is a must!)

(2014-06-29 16:02)

[h1]嗶...戰鬥力只有5?雜碎![/h1](2014-06-25 00:37)

[h1]X Window System 歡慶 30 週年 (June 2014)[/h1]

廣泛使用於 Linux, *BSD, SunOS, Iris, Solaris, Unix, 甚至是 Microsoft Windows 的「視窗主從架構系統」 "X"
或稱為 X-Windows, X Window System
在這個月 19 日 (2014/06/19) 正式歡慶 30 週年。

30 年前的這個時候 (1984/06/19),MIT 的 Bob Scheifler 宣布了 X Window System 的誕生。

X 視窗系統可說是最早期 Open Software / Free Software 的先驅者,
甚至比 Linux / BSD / Solaris / GPL / FSF / Apache / POSIX / C89 / C99 這些系統、標準、組織等,都來得早!

至今,經過三十年的演化,基於 X 視窗系統衍生出了 GNOME, KDE, XFCE, Unity, Enlightment 這麼多種的桌面環境,
廣泛的服務著數百萬以上的 Desktop GUI 桌面環境使用者。

(然而,這麼多 Desktop env 不知是好是壞...)

目前最新的 X Window System 版本為: X11 Release 7.7, 下個版本是 R7.8, 使用的是 MIT License

目前是由 X.org 基金會維護:

Xorg官網 => http://x.org/
Google+ => https://plus.google.com/102057777074369211973

(2014-06-23 15:56)

Dear Kelly


Thank you
(2014-06-22 20:34)

[h1]UI Template for the above Perl Codes[/h1]




<title>過去的事::美術、插畫、美術數位內容/News Archives/Fine Art Illustration/Fine Art Content</title>
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<meta name="keywords" content="News Archives,Fine Art Content,Fine Art Illustration,插畫,小說插畫">
<meta name="description" content="Vovo2000.Com: 包含竹吟個人之插畫、漫畫、同人誌;駐站畫家之美術、藝術作品;另有線上繪圖版 PaintBBS, 繪圖聊天室 PaintChat, 討論區 PHPBB, 投稿區">
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<body background="/image/backround-1.gif"  text="#000000" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" alink="#000000">

<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="1">
    <td nowrap>
     <H3>[ <a href="news.php" target="_self">Latest News Archive 最新動向過去的事</a> ] </H3>
   <H2><a href="/news/2003.htm">Vovo2000.Com News Archive :: News-2003</a></H2>
   <H2><a href="/news/2002.htm">Vovo2000.Com News Archive :: News-2002</a></H2>
   <H2><a href="/news/2001.htm">Vovo2000.Com News Archive :: News-2001</a></H2>

<div align="center"><font color="333333">©All Rights Reserved by
      <a href="http://vovo2000.Com/" target="_blank" class="nounderline">Vovo2000.Com</a>
    | <a href="http://vovo2000.com/friend/about.php" target="_self" class="nounderline">About
    | Last Update {UPDATE_TIME}</font> </div>



<div align=center>
<a href='http://artist.vovo2000.com/{AUTH}#new'
title="Artist:{AUTH} {RNAME}, 插畫,美術插畫,美術數位內容, Image of Fine Art Artwork/Illustration/Content"
target='_self' onclick="window.open( 'http://artist.vovo2000.com/{AUTH}#new', '_self' )">
   <table width=85 height=100 border=1 background="{NEWS-IMG-SRC}" class="everydaynews">
   <tr><td> </td></tr>
   <font size=-1>駐站畫家「<a href='http://artist.vovo2000.com/{AUTH}#new' target='_self'>{RNAME}</a>」


<h2><a href="http://vovo2000.com/gallery/{A_GALLERY}/{A_PIC}"
<img src="/gallery/albums/{A_GALLERY}/{A_PIC_THUMB}" border="1" width="100">
...<strong>#{NUM}</strong> by <a href="http://vovo2000.com/friend/{A_INDEX}" target="_rankit"><font color=black size=+1>{A_REALNAME}</font></a>
<font size="-1"> [
點閱 {A_CLICKS} 次 /
<a href="http://artist.vovo2000.com/{A_GALLERY}" target="_rankit">Gallery</a>
<a href="http://vovo2000.com/phpbb2/forum-{A_FORUM}.html" target="_rankit">Forum</a>
<a href="http://vovo2000.com/friend/{A_INDEX}" target="_rankit">Profile</a>
]</font> {HOT_IMG}</h2>


<div align="center">
  <table width="80%" border="0" cellpadding="8">
        <div align="right">
          <p><font size="+2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> [Artwork
            Hits Rank] 作品點閱統計</font><br>
            <font size=-1>(投稿園地排除)</font>
            <strong>畫廊取樣作品:取 <font color=red>{HOWMUCH}</font> / 共 <font color=red>{TOTAL_PICS}</font> 張</strong><br>
            <!-- #BeginDate format:Am1 --> {UPDATE_TIME} <!-- #EndDate -->
            <br />
            本名次排行依據畫廊點閱次數逐日自動統計,工作坊並不以此數據做為任何其他用途<br />
            <font size="-1">This rank stat is just A-Gallery-FYR. Vovo2000.Com does not and will not use it for alternative usage.</font>
      <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="but1"> <br>


<div align='left'>
         <table width='100%' border='0'>
  <div align="center"><font size="-1" face="Courier New, Courier, mono">
  <a href="http://vovo2000.com/"  style="color:#0000ff" target="_blank">(C)Vovo2000.Com</a></font>


<table width="100%">
   <a href="http://artist.vovo2000.com/{AUTH}" title="{AUTH}'s Art Gallery">
   <img width="80" src="/gallery/albums/{AUTH}{HIGHLIGHT}">
   <font size=-1>
   <strong><a href="/gallery/{AUTH}">Artist: {RNAME}</a></strong><br>
   <a href="http://artist.vovo2000.com/{AUTH}" alt="{AUTH}'s Art Gallery">個人畫廊</a><br />
   <a href="/phpbb2/forum-{FNUM}.html" alt="{AUTH}'s Forum">個人論壇</a><br />
   <a href="/friend/{FIDX}" alt="Intro to {AUTH}">畫家介紹</a><br />


<li><h2><font color="blue" size="+0" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<a href="http://vovo2000.com/friend/{A_INDEX}" target="_blank" alt="Artist {A_REALNAME}">
<strong>{A_REALNAME}</strong></font> <font size=-2>(#{NUM}-畫家,插畫家,美術工作者)</font></a>
<font size="-2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> [
美術、漫畫、插畫作品 {A_PCOUNT} 張 /
平均 {A_CLICKS} Hits /
總點閱 {T_CLICKS} Hits /
<font color=blue>
   <a href="http://artist.vovo2000.com/{A_GALLERY}#new" target="_self" alt="個人畫廊 Personel Gallery">Gallery</a>
</font> /
<font color=blue>
   <a href="http://vovo2000.com/phpbb2/forum-{A_FORUM}.html" target="_self" alt="個人討論區 Personel Forum">Forum</a>
</font> /
<font color=blue>
   <a href="http://vovo2000.com/friend/{A_INDEX}" target="_self" alt="個人資訊 Personel Profile">Profile</a>
</font> ]</font> {HOT_IMG}</h2>


<div align="center">
  <table width="80%" border="0" cellpadding="8">
        <div align="right">
          <p><font size="+2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> [Artist
            Hits Rank] 駐站畫家點閱統計</font><font size=-2>(投稿園地、社團排除)</font><br>
            駐站畫家總數:共 {TOTAL_ROOMER} 位<br>
            <!-- #BeginDate format:Am1 --> {UPDATE_TIME} <!-- #EndDate -->
            <br />
            本名次排行依據畫廊點閱次數逐日自動統計,工作坊並不以此數據做為任何其他用途<br />
            <font size="-1">This rank stat is just A-Gallery-FYR. Vovo2000.Com does not and will not use it for alternative usage.</font>
      <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="but1"> <br>
(2014-06-22 18:26)


應該是取出 Top10 Gallery Hits


$directory = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/gallery/albums/";
$directory2 = "D:\\Apache2\\htdocs\\gallery\\albums\\";

$file_tmp = "D:/VovoUtil/tmp.file";
$file_artistHit = "D:/Apache2/Htdocs/friend/rank_artistHit{NUM}.htm";
$file_artistHit2 = "D:/Apache2/Htdocs/friend/rank_artistHit.txt";
$file_template1 = "template-artisthitrank.tpl";
$file_template2 = "template-artisthitrank-detail.tpl";
$file_roomer_list = "D:/Apache2/Htdocs/friend/roomer_list.txt";

@not_in_list = ( "18", "ClubTWCP", "friend", "distrib", "vovo2000" );

$per_page = 25;  # 分頁

system( "dir $directory2 > $file_tmp" );
$i = 0;
$j = 0;

$hot_gap = 5;
$hot_imgrsc = "<img src=\"/image/hot.gif\"></img>";
$null_imgrsc = "<img src=\"/image/null.gif\"></img>";

# 娶作家
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_tmp" ) )
   @a = <FILE>;
   foreach( @a )
      if ( index( $_, "<DIR>" ) > 0 )
         ($c1,$c2) = split( "<DIR>", $_ );
         $c2 =~ s/^          //g;
         $c2 =~ s/$\///g;
         #if ( !($c2 in @not_in_list) )
         $addit = 1;
         for ( $j=0; $j<scalar(@not_in_list); $j++)
            if ( lc($not_in_list[$j]) eq lc($c2) )
         if ( $addit == 1 )
            $subdirs[$i++] = $c2;
            print "o";
         print ".";
   close( FILE );

$dfile = "photos.dat";
$dlimt = "clicks\";i:";
$plimt = "cached_photo_count\";i:";
$fileBuf = "";
$strbuf = "";
$strtmp = "";
@fdata = ();


# 名字到 %auth_rname,
# Forum 到 %auth_fnum,
# index 到 %auth_index
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_roomer_list" ) )
   my @a=<FILE>;
   $total_roomer = $.;
   foreach( @a )
      ( $rname, $fnum, $com1 ) = split( ",", $_ );
      ( $kname, $com2 ) = split( "\/", $com1 );
      $kname = lc($kname);
      $auth_rname{$kname} = $rname;
      $auth_fnum{$kname} = $fnum;
      $auth_index{$kname} = $com1;
   close( FILE );

# 讀取 ClickCount / PCOUNT / # "clicks";i:XXXX;
foreach( @subdirs )
   $df = $_;
   $fileBuf = $directory.$df."/".$dfile;
   $df = lc($df);
   if ( -e $fileBuf )
      print $fileBuf.$/;
      if ( open( FILE, $fileBuf ) )
         $cntBuf = 0;
         $artBuf = 0;
         if ( open( FILE, $fileBuf ) )
            $strbuf = join( "", <FILE> );
            $strbuf =~ s/;/\n/g;
            @a = split( "\n", $strbuf );
            foreach( @a )
               $zBuf = 0;
               if ( index( $_, "i\:" ) != -1 && index( $last, "clicks" ) != -1 )
                  ($zBuf,$zBuf) = split( ":", $_ );
                  $cntBuf += $zBuf;
               $last = $_;
            #print $cntBuf.$/;
            #print $artBuf.$/;
         $auth_pcount{$df} = $artBuf;
         $auth_tclicks{$df} = $cntBuf;
         $auth_clicks{$df} = sprintf( "%.2f", ($cntBuf/$artBuf));
         close( FILE );


########################################## 把 template 讀進來,然後至換
$strbuf = "";
$strAll = "";
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_template1" ) )
   $strTpl1 = join( "", <FILE> );
   close( FILE );

if ( open( FILE, "<$file_template2" ) )
   $strTpl2 = join( "", <FILE> );
   close( FILE );   
#print $strTpl2;

$j = 1;
$k = 0;
$l = 1;
foreach $key (sort {$auth_clicks{$b} <=> $auth_clicks{$a}} keys %auth_clicks)
   $strbuf = $strTpl2;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_REALNAME}/$auth_rname{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_PCOUNT}/$auth_pcount{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_CLICKS}/$auth_clicks{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_GALLERY}/$key/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_FORUM}/$auth_fnum{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_INDEX}/$auth_index{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{NUM}/$j/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{T_CLICKS}/$auth_tclicks{$key}/g;
   $strAltAll .= $key.",".$auth_clicks{$key}.$/;
   if ( $j <= $hot_gap )
      $strbuf =~ s/{HOT_IMG}/$hot_imgrsc/g;      
      $strbuf =~ s/{HOT_IMG}//g;   
   $strAll .= $strbuf;
   if ( $l > $per_page )
      print " 換頁...$k ".$/;
      $strAll[$k] = $strAll;
      $l = 1;
      $strAll = "";
$strAll[$k] = $strAll;
print "========> ".$j.$/;

########################################## 寫進去
#if ( open( FILE, ">$file_artistHit" ) )
#   print FILE ($strTpl1);
#   close( FILE );

print "========> ".scalar(@strAll).$/;

$strbuf = "";
$strtmp = "";

$i = 1;
foreach (@strAll)
   $strbuf = $strTpl1;
   $loct = localtime();

   $strbuf =~ s/{RANK_LIST}/$_/;
   $strbuf =~ s/{TOTAL_ROOMER}/$total_roomer/;
   $strbuf =~ s/{UPDATE_TIME}/$loct/;
   ########################################## 寫進去
   $strtmp = $file_artistHit;
   $strtmp =~ s/{NUM}/$i/g;
   print "產生: $strtmp".$/;
   if ( open( FILE, ">$strtmp" ) )
      print FILE ($strbuf);
      close( FILE );

   if ( open( FILE, ">$file_artistHit2" ) )
      print FILE ($strAltAll);
      close( FILE );

(2014-06-22 18:24)

[h1]Perl Code: Perl Web Utilities decades ago (3) [/h1]

總之一樣和土法煉鋼 Image Gallery 有關。


use File::Find;
use Time:😜iece;
use LWP::Simple;
use POSIX qw(strftime);

$timeOneDay = 86400;
$dayMultipler = 1;

$ByteCount = 0;
$fileAll = 0;
$fileJpg = 0;
$fileYes = 0;

####### 總共查三個目錄 ToTra / ToHa (CG) / ToSFX (SFX)
$pathToTra = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/gallery/albums/";
$pathToHa  = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/vovo-gallery/data/VovoCG/";
$pathToSFX  = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/vovo-gallery/data/sfx/";
$thumbExt = ".thumb.jpg";

$contrib = "distrib";
$roomerlist = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/friend/roomer_list.txt";
$targetPath = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/news/2005/";
$targetExt  = ".htm";

$template = "D:/vovoutil/template-gala.tpl";
$template_img = "D:/vovoutil/template-img.tpl";
$template_welcome = "D:/vovoutil/news_wordlist_welcome.tpl";


if ( open(FILE, $template_img) )
   $strImg = join( "", <FILE>);
   close( FILE );   

if ( open(FILE, $roomerlist) )
   @roomer_list = <FILE>;
   close( FILE );   
$roomer_count = scalar(@roomer_list);

$gt = localtime;
$t1 = $gt->epoch;

@ppp = ( $pathToHa, $pathToTra, $pathToSFX );

find(\&fileThumb, @ppp );

$gt = localtime;
$t2 = $gt->epoch;

print "Total KByte: ".($ByteCount/1024)."\n";
print "Total Scan:  ".$fileAll."\n";
print "Total Jpeg:  ".$fileJpg."\n";
print "Total Match: ".$fileYes."\n";
print "Total TimeCost: ".($t2-$t1)."\n";

## 產生 YYYYMMDD.htm

$strAll = "";
$bbCount = 0;
$lastAuth = "";
$piccount = 0;

for ( $i = 0; $i < scalar(@auth); $i++ )
   print $auth[$i].$/;
   if ( $bbCount == 0 )
      $strAll .= "<tr>\n";
   $strBuf = $strImg;
   if ( $auth[$i] ne "VovoCG" && $auth[$i] ne "VovoSFX" )
      $g_imag = "/gallery/albums/$auth[$i]/$fnam[$i]"."$thumbExt";
      $g_view = "/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=$auth[$i]&id=$fnam[$i]";
      $strBuf =~ s/{NEWS-IMG-SRC}/$g_imag/g;
      $strBuf =~ s/{NEWS-HREF}/$g_view/g;
      $authBuf = findRealAuth($auth[$i]);
      print $authBuf;
      if ( $auth[$i] eq $contrib )
         $strBuf =~ s/{AUTH}/$auth[$i]/g;
         $strBuf =~ s/駐站畫家//g;
         $strBuf =~ s/{RNAME}/投稿園地/g;
         $strAll .= $strBuf;
         $switch = 1;
         $strBuf =~ s/{AUTH}/$auth[$i]/g;
         $strBuf =~ s/{RNAME}/$authBuf/g;
         if ( $lastAuth eq $auth[$i] )
            $switch = 0;
            $strAll .= $strBuf;
            $switch = 1;
      if ( $auth[$i] eq "VovoCG" )
         $gala_ha = "http://vovo2000.com/vovo-gallery/data/VovoCG";
         $gala_ha2 = "http://vovo2000.com/vovo-gallery/VovoCG";
      elsif ( $auth[$i] eq "VovoSFX" )
         $gala_ha = "http://vovo2000.com/vovo-gallery/data/sfx";
         $gala_ha2 = "http://vovo2000.com/vovo-gallery/sfx";
      $g_imag = $gala_ha."/".$ha_p;
      $g_view = $gala_ha2;
      $strBuf =~ s/{NEWS-IMG-SRC}/$g_imag/g;
      $strBuf =~ s/http:\/\/artist.vovo2000.com\/{AUTH}/$g_view/g;
      $strBuf =~ s/駐站畫家//g;
      $strBuf =~ s/{RNAME}/小哈美術插畫/g;
      $strAll .= $strBuf;
      $switch = 1;
      print "=======".$fname[$i]."=========".$/;   
   $lastAuth = $auth[$i];   

   if ( $switch == 1 )
      if ( $bbCount >= 4 )
         $strAll .= "</tr>\n";
         $bbCount = 0;


if ( $i >= 1 && ($bbCount != 0 && $bbCount !=4 ) )
   $strAll .= "</tr>";

if ( $strAll ne "" )
   $strAll .= "<\!-- ".scalar(localtime)." AutoCreated end-(thwu) \/\/-->";
   if ( open(FILE, $template) )
      $strTpl = join( "", <FILE>);
      close( FILE );   
   $strTpl =~ s/{NEWS-IMG-ONLY}/$strAll/g;
   $strBuf = $gt->ymd;
   $strBuf =~ s/-//g;
   $strToday = "<li>".($gt->ymd("/"))." (".$gt->wdayname.")</li><br>";
   $strTpl =~ s/{NEWS-DATE-TIME}/$strToday/g;
   ### 歡迎 {WELCOME}
   if ( open( FILE, "<$template_welcome" ) )
       $strTpl =~ s/{WELCOME}/$tmp[rand($.)]/g;
       close( FILE );

   if( open(FILE, ">$targetPath".$strBuf.$targetExt ) )
      print FILE ($strTpl);
      close( FILE );


sub fileThumb
   if ( (/thumb\.jpg$/)  )
      my $lt = 0;
      $lt = localtime;
      my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($_)  or die "Unable to stat $_\n";           
      my $ctime_str = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime($mtime);
      my $nowcp_str = $lt->ymd("-");

      if ( $ctime_str eq $nowcp_str )
         my $tmp = $File::Find::name;
         if ( index( $tmp, "VovoCG" ) == -1 )
            if ( index( $tmp, "sfx" ) == -1 )
               ## 駐站
               $tmp =~ s/$pathToTra//g;
               ($auth[$fileYes], $fnam[$fileYes])=split( "\/", $tmp  );
               $fnam[$fileYes] =~ s/$thumbExt//g;
               print "駐站===".$tmp.$/;
               ## SFX
               $tmp =~ s/$pathToSFX//g;
               ($auth[$fileYes], $fnam[$fileYes])=split( "\/", $tmp  );
               $ha_p = $auth[$fileYes];
               $auth[$fileYes] = "VovoSFX";
               print "哈哈===SFX".$tmp.$/;
            $tmp =~ s/$pathToHa//g;
            ($auth[$fileYes], $fnam[$fileYes])=split( "\/", $tmp  );
            $ha_p = $auth[$fileYes];
            $auth[$fileYes] = "VovoCG";
            print "哈哈===".$tmp.$/;

sub findRealAuth
   local($par) = shift(@_);
   my $j=0;
   for( $j = 0; $j < $roomer_count; $j++ )
      $roomer_list[$j] =~ s/\n//g;
      $roomer_list[$j] =~ s/\r//g;
      ( $a, $b, $c ) = split( ",", $roomer_list[$j] );
      ( $e, $f ) = split( "\/", $c );
      if ( $par eq $e )
         return $a;
   return $par;
(2014-06-22 18:21)

[h1]Perl Code: 十幾年前的 Vovo2000.Com Perl Web Utilities (2)[/h1]


這是 2003 年,土法煉鋼硬讀取 Gallery 1 資料庫,取出「最熱門作品」的 Perl Code


$directory = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/gallery/albums/";
$directory2 = "D:\\Apache2\\htdocs\\gallery\\albums\\";

$file_tmp = "D:/VovoUtil/tmp2.file";
$file_hotpicHit = "D:/Apache2/Htdocs/friend/rank_hotestPic{NUM}.htm";
$file_template1 = "template-hotpicrank.tpl";
$file_template2 = "template-hotpicrank-detail.tpl";
$file_roomer_list = "D:/Apache2/Htdocs/friend/roomer_list.txt";

#@not_in_list = ( "18", "ClubTWCP" , "friend", "distrib" );
@not_in_list = ( "friend", "distrib" );

system( "dir $directory2 > $file_tmp" );
$i = 0;
$j = 0;

$hot_gap = 5;
$stop_gap = 300;
$per_page = 15;
$hot_imgrsc = "<img src=\"/image/hot.gif\"></img>";
$null_imgrsc = "<img src=\"/image/null.gif\"></img>";

# 娶作家
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_tmp" ) )
   @a = <FILE>;
   foreach( @a )
      if ( index( $_, "<DIR>" ) > 0 )
         ($c1,$c2) = split( "<DIR>", $_ );
         $c2 =~ s/^          //g;
         $c2 =~ s/$\///g;

         $addit = 1;
         for ( $j=0; $j<scalar(@not_in_list); $j++)
            if ( lc($not_in_list[$j]) eq lc($c2) )
         if ( $addit == 1 )
            $subdirs[$i++] = $c2;

         #print $_;
   close( FILE );

$dfile = "photos.dat";

$dlimt = "clicks\";";
$plimt = "\"image\":12:{s:4:\"name\";s:";

$fileBuf = "";
$strbuf = "";
$strtmp = "";
@fdata = ();


# 名字到 %auth_rname,
# Forum 到 %auth_fnum,
# index 到 %auth_index
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_roomer_list" ) )
   my @a=<FILE>;
   $total_roomer = $.;
   foreach( @a )
      ( $rname, $fnum, $com1 ) = split( ",", $_ );
      ( $kname, $com2 ) = split( "\/", $com1 );
      $kname = lc($kname);
      $auth_rname{$kname} = $rname;
      $auth_fnum{$kname} = $fnum;
      $auth_index{$kname} = $com1;
   close( FILE );

# 讀取 ClickCount / PCOUNT
$total_pics = 0;

foreach( @subdirs )
   $df = $_;
   $fileBuf = $directory.$df."/".$dfile;
   $df = lc($df);
   if ( -e $fileBuf )
      print $fileBuf.$/;
      if ( open( FILE, $fileBuf ) )
         $strbuf = join("",<FILE>);
         $strtmp = "";
         ( $i, $l, $k ) = split( ":", $strbuf );
         $i = 0;
         $a = "";
         for( $k=0; $k<$l; $k++ )
            ##### 讀取作品數 到 %auth_pcount
            $strtmp = "";
            $i = index( $strbuf, $plimt, $i );
            $i += length($plimt);
            $strspc = substr( $strbuf, $i, 2 );  ## 取最多兩位
            $strspc =~ s/://g;
            $zz = ( $strspc eq substr( $strbuf, $i, 2 ) ? 2 : 1 );
            $i += 2 + $zz;
            for( $j=0; $j<int($strspc); $j++ )
               $a = substr($strbuf, $i+$j, 1 );
               if ( $a ne ";" )
                  $strtmp .= $a;
                  $j = 10;
            $strtmp =~ s/\"//g;
            $strtmp =~ s/://g;
            #print "檔名: ".$strtmp.$/;
            $fname = $strtmp;
            ##### 讀取總點擊數 到 %auth_clicks            
            $i = index( $strbuf, $dlimt, $i );
            $i += length($dlimt);
            $strtmp = "";
            $a = "";
            if ( substr($strbuf, $i, 1 ) ne "N" )
               for( $j=2; $j<8; $j++ )
                  $a = substr($strbuf, $i+$j, 1 );
                  if ( $a ne ";" )
                     $strtmp .= $a;
                     $j = 10;
               $strtmp = "0";
            #print "點點: ".$strtmp.$/;
            $auth_clicks{$df.":".$fname} = $strtmp;
            close( FILE );


########################################## 把 template 讀進來,然後至換
$strbuf = "";
$strall = "";
@strAll = ();

if ( open( FILE, "<$file_template1" ) )
   $strTpl1 = join( "", <FILE> );
   close( FILE );

if ( open( FILE, "<$file_template2" ) )
   $strTpl2 = join( "", <FILE> );
   close( FILE );   
#print $strTpl2;

$j = 1;
$l = 1;
$k = 0;
foreach $key (sort {$auth_clicks{$b} <=> $auth_clicks{$a}} keys %auth_clicks)
   $strbuf = $strTpl2;
   ( $key1, $key2 ) = split( ":", $key );
   $clicks = $auth_clicks{$key};
   $pica = $key2.".thumb.jpg";
   if ( $auth_rname{$key1} ne "" )
      $strbuf =~ s/{A_REALNAME}/$auth_rname{$key1}/g;
      $strbuf =~ s/{A_REALNAME}/[CLUB]-$key1/g;
   #$strbuf =~ s/{A_PCOUNT}/$auth_pcount{$key1}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_CLICKS}/$clicks/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_GALLERY}/$key1/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_FORUM}/$auth_fnum{$key1}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_INDEX}/$auth_index{$key1}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_PIC_THUMB}/$pica/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{NUM}/$j/;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_PIC}/$key2/g;
   if ( $j <= $hot_gap )
      $strbuf =~ s/{HOT_IMG}/$hot_imgrsc/g;      
      $strbuf =~ s/{HOT_IMG}//g;   
   $strAll .= $strbuf;
   if ( $l > $per_page )
      $strAll[$k] = $strAll;
      $l = 1;
      $strAll = "";
   if ( $j > $stop_gap ) { last; }   

$loct = localtime();

$strbuf = "";
$strtmp = "";

$i = 1;
foreach (@strAll)
   $strbuf = $strTpl1;
   #print $_;
   $strbuf =~ s/{RANK_LIST}/$_/;
   $strbuf =~ s/{TOTAL_PICS}/$total_pics/;
   $strbuf =~ s/{HOWMUCH}/$stop_gap/;
   $strbuf =~ s/{UPDATE_TIME}/$loct/;
   ########################################## 寫進去
   $strtmp = $file_hotpicHit;
   $strtmp =~ s/{NUM}/$i/g;
   print "產生: $strtmp".$/;
   if ( open( FILE, ">$strtmp" ) )
      print FILE ($strbuf);
      close( FILE );



$directory = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/gallery/albums/";
$directory2 = "D:\\Apache2\\htdocs\\gallery\\albums\\";

$file_tmp = "D:/VovoUtil/tmp.file";
$file_artistHit = "D:/Apache2/Htdocs/friend/rank_artistHit{NUM}.htm";
$file_artistHit2 = "D:/Apache2/Htdocs/friend/rank_artistHit.txt";
$file_template1 = "template-artisthitrank.tpl";
$file_template2 = "template-artisthitrank-detail.tpl";
$file_roomer_list = "D:/Apache2/Htdocs/friend/roomer_list.txt";

@not_in_list = ( "18", "ClubTWCP", "friend", "distrib", "vovo2000" );

$per_page = 25;  # 分頁

system( "dir $directory2 > $file_tmp" );
$i = 0;
$j = 0;

$hot_gap = 5;
$hot_imgrsc = "<img src=\"/image/hot.gif\"></img>";
$null_imgrsc = "<img src=\"/image/null.gif\"></img>";

# 娶作家
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_tmp" ) )
   @a = <FILE>;
   foreach( @a )
      if ( index( $_, "<DIR>" ) > 0 )
         ($c1,$c2) = split( "<DIR>", $_ );
         $c2 =~ s/^          //g;
         $c2 =~ s/$\///g;
         #if ( !($c2 in @not_in_list) )
         $addit = 1;
         for ( $j=0; $j<scalar(@not_in_list); $j++)
            if ( lc($not_in_list[$j]) eq lc($c2) )
         if ( $addit == 1 )
            $subdirs[$i++] = $c2;
            print "o";
         print ".";
   close( FILE );

$dfile = "photos.dat";
$dlimt = "clicks\";i:";
$plimt = "cached_photo_count\";i:";
$fileBuf = "";
$strbuf = "";
$strtmp = "";
@fdata = ();


# 名字到 %auth_rname,
# Forum 到 %auth_fnum,
# index 到 %auth_index
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_roomer_list" ) )
   my @a=<FILE>;
   $total_roomer = $.;
   foreach( @a )
      ( $rname, $fnum, $com1 ) = split( ",", $_ );
      ( $kname, $com2 ) = split( "\/", $com1 );
      $kname = lc($kname);
      $auth_rname{$kname} = $rname;
      $auth_fnum{$kname} = $fnum;
      $auth_index{$kname} = $com1;
   close( FILE );

# 讀取 ClickCount / PCOUNT / # "clicks";i:XXXX;
foreach( @subdirs )
   $df = $_;
   $fileBuf = $directory.$df."/".$dfile;
   $df = lc($df);
   if ( -e $fileBuf )
      print $fileBuf.$/;
      if ( open( FILE, $fileBuf ) )
         $cntBuf = 0;
         $artBuf = 0;
         if ( open( FILE, $fileBuf ) )
            $strbuf = join( "", <FILE> );
            $strbuf =~ s/;/\n/g;
            @a = split( "\n", $strbuf );
            foreach( @a )
               $zBuf = 0;
               if ( index( $_, "i\:" ) != -1 && index( $last, "clicks" ) != -1 )
                  ($zBuf,$zBuf) = split( ":", $_ );
                  $cntBuf += $zBuf;
               $last = $_;
            #print $cntBuf.$/;
            #print $artBuf.$/;
         $auth_pcount{$df} = $artBuf;
         $auth_tclicks{$df} = $cntBuf;
         $auth_clicks{$df} = sprintf( "%.2f", ($cntBuf/$artBuf));
         close( FILE );


########################################## 把 template 讀進來,然後至換
$strbuf = "";
$strAll = "";
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_template1" ) )
   $strTpl1 = join( "", <FILE> );
   close( FILE );

if ( open( FILE, "<$file_template2" ) )
   $strTpl2 = join( "", <FILE> );
   close( FILE );   
#print $strTpl2;

$j = 1;
$k = 0;
$l = 1;
foreach $key (sort {$auth_clicks{$b} <=> $auth_clicks{$a}} keys %auth_clicks)
   $strbuf = $strTpl2;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_REALNAME}/$auth_rname{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_PCOUNT}/$auth_pcount{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_CLICKS}/$auth_clicks{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_GALLERY}/$key/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_FORUM}/$auth_fnum{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{A_INDEX}/$auth_index{$key}/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{NUM}/$j/g;
   $strbuf =~ s/{T_CLICKS}/$auth_tclicks{$key}/g;
   $strAltAll .= $key.",".$auth_clicks{$key}.$/;
   if ( $j <= $hot_gap )
      $strbuf =~ s/{HOT_IMG}/$hot_imgrsc/g;      
      $strbuf =~ s/{HOT_IMG}//g;   
   $strAll .= $strbuf;
   if ( $l > $per_page )
      print " 換頁...$k ".$/;
      $strAll[$k] = $strAll;
      $l = 1;
      $strAll = "";
$strAll[$k] = $strAll;
print "========> ".$j.$/;

########################################## 寫進去
#if ( open( FILE, ">$file_artistHit" ) )
#   print FILE ($strTpl1);
#   close( FILE );

print "========> ".scalar(@strAll).$/;

$strbuf = "";
$strtmp = "";

$i = 1;
foreach (@strAll)
   $strbuf = $strTpl1;
   $loct = localtime();

   $strbuf =~ s/{RANK_LIST}/$_/;
   $strbuf =~ s/{TOTAL_ROOMER}/$total_roomer/;
   $strbuf =~ s/{UPDATE_TIME}/$loct/;
   ########################################## 寫進去
   $strtmp = $file_artistHit;
   $strtmp =~ s/{NUM}/$i/g;
   print "產生: $strtmp".$/;
   if ( open( FILE, ">$strtmp" ) )
      print FILE ($strbuf);
      close( FILE );

   if ( open( FILE, ">$file_artistHit2" ) )
      print FILE ($strAltAll);
      close( FILE );

(2014-06-22 18:17)

[h1]Perl 維護 Web 程式碼: Vovo2000.Com Perl Web Utilities (1) [/h1]

這些 Perl code 是大約 2003 年使用 Windows Server 2003 + Apache 的 Web Server 維護程式 ... 各種老舊!
不過當時可 works,有部分還都一直用到 2007~2008 年左右!

貼出來的原因是,整理房間時,發現一個 8MB CF Card 裡面存了這些 code
(沒看錯, 8MB CF Made in Japan, Canon PowerShot A5Z 送的...)

這些 code 已經十幾年...目前完全沒使用了,若要拿去參考請小心。

[h2]Windows Server 備份 Apache Backup[/h2]


use File::NCopy qw(copy);
use Time:😜iece;

$file_toBackup = "D:/Vovoutil/BackupUtil/toBackup.txt";

$pathTarget = "E:/backup/".localtime->wday;
$pathTarget = "E:\\backup\\".localtime->wday;

print $pathTarget;

if( open( FILE, $file_toBackup ) )
   foreach( <FILE> )
      $a = $_;
      system( "mkdir $_" );
      print "備份: ".$a.$/;
      copy \1, $_, $pathTarget;
   close( FILE );

[h2]Windows deltempfile.bat[/h2]
因為 Session File 會存在 Temp,定時清一下

del /f /q c:\winnt\temp\*.*

[h2]Windows deltempfile.bat[/h2]
Goal: 因為 PHP/Apache2 Session File 會存在 Temp,定時清一下

del /f /q c:\winnt\temp\*.*

[h2]Replace String in Files Perl Code[/h2]

這段 code 目的很簡單,就是把所有 Files 裡面的 "web.vovo.idv.tw" & "www.vovo2000.com" 改成 "vovo2000.com"



use File::Find;

sub mysub();  # Our custom subroutine

@directories = ("D:/apache2/htdocs/");

$tar1 = "web.vovo.idv.tw";
$tar2 = "www.vovo.idv.tw";

find(\&mysub, @directories);

sub mysub()
    my ($filename) = $_;
    if ( ($filename =~ /\.htm$/) || ($filename =~ /\.html$/) || ($filename =~ /\.php$/) )
       print "$filename ";
       if( open( FILE, $filename ) )
            $a = join( "", <FILE> );
            close( FILE );
            $r = 0;
            if ( $a =~ /$tar1/ )
                $r = 1;

        if ( $a =~ /$tar2/ )
               $r = 1;
            if ( $r == 1 )
               ### 先備份
               if ( open( FILE, ">$filename".".orig" ) )
            print FILE ($a);
         ### 至換
         $a =~ s/$tar1/vovo2000.com/g;
         $a =~ s/$tar2/vovo2000.com/g;
         if ( open( FILE, ">$filename" ) )
            print FILE ($a);
         print "=============>改".$/;
               print "=>不改".$/;

[h2]DailyArist.pl Perl Code[/h2]

2000 ~ 2005 年,Vovo2000.com 還是採用 Gallery 1 or Gallery 2
這是產生每日投稿的 Perl Code(從 Gallery 目錄裡面硬 parse)


use File::Find;
use Time:😜iece;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Switch;

$timeOneDay = 86400;
$dayMultipler = 1;

$ByteCount = 0;
$fileAll = 0;
$fileJpg = 0;
$fileYes = 0;
$pathToTra = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/gallery/albums/";
$pathWebPreFix = "/gallery/albums/";
$thumbExt = ".thumb.jpg";

$contrib = "distrib";
$roomerlist = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/friend/roomer_list.txt";

$targetPath = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/news/";
$targetExt  = "dailyArtist.htm";

$template = "D:/vovoutil/template-dailyArtist.tpl";


if ( open(FILE, $template) )
   $strTpl = join( "", <FILE>);
   close( FILE );   

if ( open(FILE, $roomerlist) )
   @roomer_list = <FILE>;
   close( FILE );   
$roomer_count = scalar(@roomer_list);

## 產生 YYYYMMDD.htm
$intLuckGuy = int(rand()*$roomer_count);

( $a, $b, $c ) = split( ",", $roomer_list[$intLuckGuy] );
( $e, $f ) = split( "\/", $c );

print $e.$/;
print $e.$/;
print $e.$/;

$pathToTra = $pathToTra.$e;
find(\&fileHighLight, $pathToTra);

$img_high = $fname[int(rand()*scalar(@fname))];

print "We show this...: ".$img_high.$/;

$strTpl =~ s/{AUTH}/$e/g;
$strTpl =~ s/{RNAME}/$a/g;
$strTpl =~ s/{HIGHLIGHT}/$img_high/g;
$strTpl =~ s/{FNUM}/$b/g;
$strTpl =~ s/{FIDX}/$c/g;

#print $strTpl.$/;

if( open(FILE, ">$targetPath".$targetExt ) )
   print FILE ($strTpl);
   close( FILE );


sub fileHighLight
   if ((/$thumbExt/) )
      $tmp = $File::Find::name;
      $tmp2 = $tmp;
      $tmp2 =~ s/$pathToTra//g;
      #($auth[$fileYes], $fnam[$fileYes])=split( "\/", $tmp2  );
      #print $auth[$fileYes].$/;
      $fname[$fileYes++] = $tmp2;
      print $tmp.$/;



$directory2004 = "D:\\Apache2\\htdocs\\news\\2004\\2004*.htm";

$file_tmp = "D:/VovoUtil/tmparch.file";
$file_newsarchive = "D:/Apache2/htdocs/news/news_archives.htm";
$file_template1 = "template-newsArchives.tpl";

$file_roomer_list = "D:/Apache2/Htdocs/friend/roomer_list.txt";

system( "dir $directory2004 > $file_tmp" );
$i = 0;
$j = 0;

$template_str2003 = "[ <a href=\"/news/2004/{HTML}\" title=\"Vovo2000.Com Site News {DATE}\">{DATE}</a> ]";

# 取出新聞
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_tmp" ) )
   @a = <FILE>;
   foreach( @a )
      #print $_;
      if ( index( $_, ".htm" ) > 0 )
         $strbuf = $template_str2003;
         ($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4) = split( / +/, $_ );
         $c1 = $c4;
         $c1 =~ s/-m//g;         
         $c1 =~ s/.htm//g;
         $c1 = substr( $c1, 0, 4)."-".substr( $c1, 4, 2 )."-".substr( $c1, 6, 2 );
         $strbuf =~ s/{DATE}/$c1/g;
         $strbuf =~ s/{HTML}/$c4/g;
         $strAll .= $strbuf;
         if ( $i++ > 8 ) { $i = 0; $strAll .= "<BR />"; }
   close( FILE );

print $strAll;

########################################## 把 template 讀進來,然後至換
if ( open( FILE, "<$file_template1" ) )
   $strTpl1 = join( "", <FILE> );
   close( FILE );

$loct = localtime();
$strTpl1 =~ s/{V2K_NEWS_THISYEAR_DAYBYDAY}/$strAll/;
$strTpl1 =~ s/{UPDATE_TIME}/$loct/;

#print $strTpl1;

########################################## 寫進去
if ( open( FILE, ">$file_newsarchive" ) )
   print FILE ($strTpl1);
   close( FILE );


[h2]Apache Log Rotate and Restart Perl Code[/h2]

這段 Code 是因為 2003 ~ 2004 年左右的 Apache "for Windows" LogRotate
功能還是很爛! 所以只好自己寫。



$year += 1900;
$mon += 1;
$logg = $year."-".$mon."-".$mday.".log";

print "Stopping APACHE2!\n";
system( "D:\\Apache2\\bin\\apache -k stop" );

print "Renaming!...\n";
system( "move D:\\Apache2\\logs\\access.log D:\\Apache2\\logs\\$logg" );

print "Restarting APACHE2!\n";
system( "D:\\Apache2\\bin\\apache -k start" );

(2014-06-22 18:10)

[center]Landscape Concept 2014[/center]
[h1]場景設計/人物設定 Char Design & Landscape/Scene Concept - 波波 2014[/h1]
2014 什麼!?有埋伏!? - Watch Out, Trap!
深海魚怪 完成(小) 深海魚怪 - Deep Sea Giant Fish
白起 -4(小) 秦國名將:白起 - Bai Qi General
matte painting範例 場景練習 - LandScape Design
構圖練習-2 構圖練習-2 - LandScape Design 2
More 波波(e04su3su6)'s Artoworks

MORE: http://vovo2000.com/phpbb2/viewtopic-355545.html (MORE!)
See Also:
「海」相關創作 :: "Sea Fantasy" Artworks Creation

「場景」相關創作 :: "Scene/Landscape" Design

「機械」相關創作 :: "Machine/Robots" Creation Painting

「人設」相關創作 :: "Sci-fi Fantasy" Artworks Creation

[/center](2014-06-21 23:12)

[h1]升級: Ubuntu 12.04 Upgrade 14.04 設定注意事項[/h1]

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS: Apache 2 Httpd 2.2.X with PHP 5.3
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS: Apache 2 Httpd 2.4.X with PHP 5.5

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS default package
(1) Apache2 Httpd: 由 2.2.X 升級為 2.4.X
(2) PHP5: 由 PHP 5.3 升級為 PHP5.5 (但,沒有守護神)

所以當你從 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS --> 升級 --> 14.04 LTS,
你馬上就面臨 Apache2 HTTPD 的大改版


=> https://library.linode.com/web-servers/apache/2.2-2.4-upgrade
=> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html
=> http://tw.php.net/migration54
=> http://tw.php.net/migration55

幾個重點要注意! Main effort 在 Apache 2.2 -> 2.4 因為改的不算少

1. 先備份 /etc/apache2/* + /etc/php5/* BACKUP FIRST!
2. Apache 2.2 有些本來在 apache2.conf ,Apache 2.4 移到了 conf-available
3. Apache 2.4 sites-available/* 要多加 .conf 附檔名
4. Apache 2.4 Rewrite Rules 有點小修改,如果你的寫法比較老式,要多注意!
5. Apache 2.2 的 Allow/Disallow,在 Apache 2.4 寫法改成 Require ... Granted
6. PHP 5.3 --> 5.5 如果你 Code 寫法偏向保守,沒有用太多功能,則可無痛升級,注意一下 php.ini 即可。

(2014-06-21 21:45)

[h1]讓 /bin/dd 有進度 (dd with progress Ubuntu/Fedora)[/h1]


[h2]1. 配合 "pv" 或 "pv -s SIZE" 使用[/h2]

$ apt-get install pv  (or, yum install pv)

$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 | pv -s 2G | of=/tmp/file

(這裡的 -s 2G 取代 count=524288)

[h2]2. 或者直接安裝 "dcfldd" 配合 "time"[/h2]

$ apt-get install dcfldd  (or, yum install dcfldd)

$ man dcfldd

$ dcfldd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 of=/tmp/file count=524288 statusinterval=1

$ time dcfldd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 of=/tmp/file count=524288 statusinterval=1

(2014-06-21 21:29)

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