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gitdm: howto and example

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gitdm: howto and example 2014-12-05 16:28
/ / /

gitdm howto / example: git statistics generator

the default config is mainly for "linux kernel git repo".
Yet may still be meaningful in some stats rows.


$ sudo yum install pypy (or, apt-get install pypy)

$ cd <the folder you want to install gitdm, e.g. ~/z/ >

$ git clone git://git.lwn.net/gitdm

$ (** Modify gitdm config or alias if needed **)

$ cd <your/git/repository/folder/>

$ git log -p | ~/z/gitdm/gitdm -b ~/z/gitdm/ -u -s -a -o results.txt -h results.html

Processed 1022 csets from 16 developers
1 employers found
A total of 12775663 lines added, 258409 removed (delta 12517254)

Developers with the most changesets

Developers with the most changed lines

Developers with the most lines removed

Developers with the most signoffs

Developers with the most reviews

Developers with the most test credits

Developers who gave the most tested-by credits

Developers with the most report credits

Developers who gave the most report credits

Top changeset contributors by employer

Top lines changed by employer

Employers with the most signoffs

美術插畫設計案子報價系統 v0.1 Beta

暱稱: Type
註冊: 2002-11-30
發表: 11081
來自: vovo2000.com
V幣: 900806

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