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[h1]村田蓮爾 Taiwan Event 2015 7月11日 - 7月12日[/h1]
今年夏天,Negibose KONDO邀請到世界級的知名插畫家&設計師村田蓮爾老師! 村田老師的粉絲們,千萬別錯過!
@ https://www.facebook.com/events/1459359701043822/
[h2] 村田蓮爾老師 座談會&簽名會 [/h2]
13:00 開場
13:30 村田老師演講
14:30 村田老師對台灣的插畫藝術家們的創作建議
15:00 Q & A時間
16:30 結束
① 入場方式
台灣限定村田蓮爾老師插畫集A4size,20page,Full color,新台幣500元。
② 村田老師對插畫的評論
台灣限定村田蓮爾老師插畫集A4size,20page,Full color,新台幣500元。
衷心期待所有村田老師的粉絲能光臨! (2015-07-01 00:40) |
[h1]曙U, 釵h, 奶O, 誑@, 黎H, 傍@, 誘l, 無楨韝, 楫僩P, 楔ㄣ捧
常見 BIG5 Back-Slash "0x5C" 遺跡列表[/h1]
e.g. "曙U","釵h","奶O","誑@","黎H","傍@","誘l", "無楨韝", "楫僩P"
景觀曙U, 定食曙U, 迴轉曙U, 運動曙U, 北方曙U, 四川曙U, 越南曙U, 泰國曙U, 韓國曙U
曙U清潔, 曙U檢查, 曙U規定 ... (MORE)...
「(小弟) "楔ㄣ捧"」意思就是「(小弟)愧不敢當」
[h2]更多 big5 backslashes 0x5C Legacy[/h2]
「奶O」的意思代表「功力」,「奶O深厚」「奶O大增」就是指「功力深厚、功力大增」,不是什麼 eroii 的。
「黎H無數」就是「閱人無數的意思」(黎H == 「閱人」)
只要把上述括弧內的字,如 "釵h人"、"奶O大增"、"誑@英雄", "點噙v不錯", "黎H無數", "曙U老闆"
拿去 Google 搜尋(記得加上 double quote)
讓搜尋到的網站,很可能就是 BIG5 網站,或者之前是 big5 encoding。
1. 「學校網頁上有釵h曙U打工機會,點噙v不錯,翻L奶O高的同學可嘗試應徵。」
BIG5 fix翻譯: 學校網頁上有許多餐廳打工機會,點閱率不錯,擺盤功力高的同學可嘗試應徵。
2. 「他和蔚O家商的美式曙U工讀生感情曖昧不清,內心充滿了釵h楫僩P...」
BIG5 fix翻譯: 他和穀保家商的美式餐廳工讀生感情曖昧不清,內心充滿了許多愧疚感...
3. 「釵h蘋果粉絲在專賣店前嶺溫S宿,就是為了能再 iPhone 6s 開賣前繞}陣勢,搶得頭香」
BIG5 fix翻譯: 許多蘋果粉絲在專賣店前餐風露宿,就是為了能再 iPhone 6s 開賣擺開陣勢,搶得頭香。
更多「BIG5 0x5C Back-Slash "\\\\" 遺跡」技術細節,請參考此篇
==> http://vovo2000.com/phpbb2/viewtopic-356251.html
(2015-06-30 16:10) |
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[h1]The linode team migrated my KVM node to another host, much better[/h1]
[h2]Linode "KVM" New Node "Stream" Performance @ 2015/06/26, 2nd Migration[/h2]
The linode team migrated my KVM node to another host, much better!
The ping-response time reduced 10ms as well! (why?)
Anyway, it looks to be equivalent to (or a little better compared to)
original Xen VM host. Thanks.
Function Rate (MB/s) Avg time Min time Max time
Copy: 9629.6261 0.0034 0.0033 0.0035
Scale: 11208.1610 0.0029 0.0029 0.0029
Add: 11890.3019 0.0041 0.0040 0.0042
Triad: 11524.7920 0.0042 0.0042 0.0044
(2015-06-26 09:16) |
[h1]Linode: Should I migrate from Xen to KVM (Worse Stream Performance)[/h1]
Answer: I don't know...
I got worse single thread performance after migration.
11341 MB/s --> 9594 MB/s
[h2]Linode "Xen" Node "Stream" Performance @ 2015/06/25[/h2]
Function Rate (MB/s) Avg time Min time Max time
Copy: 9321.3229 0.0037 0.0034 0.0041
Scale: 10873.1147 0.0030 0.0029 0.0032
Add: 10695.2078 0.0047 0.0045 0.0049
Triad: 11341.7042 0.0045 0.0042 0.0047
[h2]Linode "KVM" Node "Stream" Performance @ 2015/06/25[/h2]
Function Rate (MB/s) Avg time Min time Max time
Copy: 8672.0765 0.0038 0.0037 0.0040
Scale: 9846.5063 0.0033 0.0032 0.0033
Add: 9579.2260 0.0051 0.0050 0.0053
Triad: 9594.2905 0.0051 0.0050 0.0051
(2015-06-26 04:39) |
「耳鳴」的英文: Tinnitus (n.), Tingle (a.)
「頭痛」的英文: Headache (n.)
「頭暈」的英文: Dizzy (a.), Dizziness (n.)
「眼睛痛/眼睛不舒服」的英文: Eye Pain, Eye Discomfort
「喉嚨痛」的英文: Sore Throat (n.)
「發燒」的英文: Fever (n.)
「花粉症/過敏鼻炎」的英文: Hay Fever (n.)
「過敏」的英文: Allergy (n.), Hypersensitivity (n.)
「鼻塞」的英文: Stuffy Nose
「流鼻涕」的英文: Runny Nose, Running Nose
「鼻涕倒流」的英文: Postnasal Drip
「胃酸逆流」的英文: Acid Reflux
「喘不過氣」的英文: Breathless (a.)
「牙疼/牙痛」的英文: Toothache (n.), Tooth Pain (n.)
「肚子痛/胃痛」的英文: Stomachache (n.)
「肚子痛/拉肚子」的英文: Diarrhea, Tummyache
「脹氣」的英文: Flatulence, Intestine Flatulence, Stomach Flatulence
「月經痛」的英文: Menstrual Cramps, Menstrual Pain, Menstrual Periods Pain
「中暑」的英文: Heat Stroke, Heatstroke
「抽筋」的英文: Cramps, Leg Cramps (n.)
「扭傷」的英文: Sprain (v., n.)
「曬傷」的英文: Sunburn (v., n.)
「肌肉酸痛」的英文: Sore Muscles (n.), Muscle Aches (n.)
「淤血、黑青、擦傷」的英文: Bruise (n.)
「發炎」的英文: Inflammation (n.)
「骨折」的英文: Fracture (n.)
「反胃、噁心、想吐」的英文: Nausea (n.), sickness/sick(n, adj)
「睡落枕、落枕、頸部酸痛」的英文: Neck Stiffness
「肩膀酸痛」的英文: Shoulder Stiffness / Shoulder Soreness
(2015-06-25 19:09) |
本文永久有效!(2015-06-24 12:42) |
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有 Windows Phone 版本嗎?(NOKIA 使用者
_(2015-06-21 11:28) |
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[h1]How about 與 What about 的區別差別與用法/例句[/h1]
1. How about 用法上: "How about" + <動詞 or 動名詞>
e.g. 例句:
"You look sleepy. How about having a cup of tea or coffee?"
2. What about 用法上: "What about" + <名詞>
e.g. 例句:
A: "I am planning to have a vacation in Guam this winter."
B: "What about your pets? Bring them to your mom or take them along with?"
3. How about 「提出意見/提出邀請」成分相較高,「詢問作法」成分相較低。
例句: "How about having lunch with us?" (提出意見)
4. What about 「提出意見/提出邀請」成分相較低,「詢問作法」成分相較高,剛好相反。
例句: "What about the replaced laptop/PC? They looked to be still functional, though slow."
*** 簡單歸納就是 ***
WHAT ABOUT == 作法尚未明確,尚未有強烈主見。
HOW ABOUT == 作法已經明確,已經有一定主見存在。
5. 某些應用場合,"What about" / "How about" 也帶有反對、不贊成、不完全同意、請對方多想想、或者有嘲諷、拒絕的意思
e.g. 例句:
A: "I had it enough, I will quit. Don't want to work for the firm any more!"
B: "Think twice. What about your house mortgage and car loan?" (帶有「反對」意味的提醒)
e.g. 例句:
A: "Just give me more days, I will try to deliver the artwork painting by weekend."
B: "Huh, how about giving you more years?" (帶有「嘲諷」意味的「拒絕」)
熬夜趕稿(2015-06-04 12:38) |
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[h1]Fedora 22: dnf has replaced yum[/h1]
you should now use "dnf" in Fedora 22 to replace yum, something like
$ dnf update
$ dnf autoremove
ref: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/DNF
$ yum
Yum command has been deprecated, redirecting to '/usr/bin/dnf '.
See 'man dnf' and 'man yum2dnf' for more information.
To transfer transaction metadata from yum to DNF, run:
'dnf install python-dnf-plugins-extras-migrate && dnf-2 migrate'
You need to give some command
usage: dnf [options] COMMAND
(2015-06-03 17:26) |
[h1]Google Chrome error page Hijacked by Malware "www.chromenotice.com"
and "adnxs.com" [/h1]
Adware Found: 2015 May ~ June
Adware Cleanup Status: Not resolved yet.
[h2]ChromeNotice-Malware/Adware Reproduce Scenario: [/h2]
(1) URL keyin "About:config" (or something make you see Chrome error page)
(2) The Adware Hijack you to "www.chromenotice.com/error.html(DO NOT FOLLOW)"
(3) The page force then shows "adnxs.com(DO NOT FOLLOW)" ADs
(4) Tried the following procedures, no luck:
@ Chrome Reset Settings => Looks futile.
@ ADWCleaner.com 2015/May => Can't detect or remove it (ver 4.2.06)
@ AVG 2015 2015/Jun => Can't detect or remove it (ver 2015/06/03)
@ Microsoft MRT 2014/May => Can't detect or remove it (ver 205/05/13)
@ Spybot Search & Destroy => Can't detect or remove it (ver 2.2)
@ Uninstall Chrome to fix this issue
===> YES. it works. as long as you've done above actions and found all clean.
Your "view page source" in Chrome will too be hijacked by this ADware/Malware!
The adware redirect page will be looks like this,
chromenotice.com/error.html within an iframe.
<html i18n-values="dir:textdirection;lang:language" dir="ltr" lang="en">
<body id="t" i18n-values=".style.fontFamily:fontfamily;.style.fontSize:fontsize"
jstcache="0" class="neterror" style="font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, sans-serif;
font-size: 75%; height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 0px; text-align: center; overflow: hidden;">
<iframe frameborder="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" src="http://www.chromenotice.com/error.html?data={"h1":"This webpage is not available","msg":"The webpage at <strong jscontent=\"failedUrl\"></strong> might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.","url":"chrome://config/","li":[],"source_data":{"details":"Details","errorCode":"ERR_INVALID_URL","fontfamily":"'Segoe UI', Tahoma, sans-serif","fontsize":"75%","heading":"This webpage is not available","hideDetails":"Hide details","iconClass":"icon-generic","language":"en","suggestions":[],"summary":{"failedUrl":"chrome://config/","hostName":"config","msg":"The webpage at <strong jscontent=\"failedUrl\"></strong> might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.","productName":"Google Chrome"},"textdirection":"ltr","title":"chrome://config/ is not available"},"country":"tw"}" width="1920" height="739"></iframe></body></html>
[h2]"zhangxiaoyang@337.com" is too owner of delta-homes.com[/h2]
The email zhangxiaoyang@337.com is related to these domains :
1. 337.com
2. 337box.com
3. 4-zip.com
4. browser-hijacker.com
5. brpokerjoy.com
6. cuponkit.com
7. delta-homes.com
8. dosearches.com
9. elexddt.com
10. lightningnewtab.com
11. lollygame.com
12. nationzoom.com
13. novobaixar.com
14. omiga-plus.com
15. omniboxes.com
16. oursearching.com
17. p1games.com
18. po114.org
19. trustedwebportal.com
20. v9.com
21. very911.com
22. webssearches.com
23. win-tricks.com
24. xingcloud.com
25. yacvpn.com
Whois Server Version 2.0
Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 146
Whois Server: whois.godaddy.com
Referral URL: http://registrar.godaddy.com
Status: clientDeleteProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientDeleteProhibited
Status: clientRenewProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientRenewProhibited
Status: clientTransferProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited
Status: clientUpdateProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientUpdateProhibited
Updated Date: 14-apr-2015
Creation Date: 14-apr-2015
Expiration Date: 14-apr-2016
>>> Last update of whois database: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 06:29:10 GMT <<<
NOTICE: The expiration date displayed in this record is the date the
registrar's sponsorship of the domain name registration in the registry is
currently set to expire. This date does not necessarily reflect the expiration
date of the domain name registrant's agreement with the sponsoring
registrar. Users may consult the sponsoring registrar's Whois database to
view the registrar's reported date of expiration for this registration.
TERMS OF USE: You are not authorized to access or query our Whois
database through the use of electronic processes that are high-volume and
automated except as reasonably necessary to register domain names or
modify existing registrations; the Data in VeriSign Global Registry
Services' ("VeriSign") Whois database is provided by VeriSign for
information purposes only, and to assist persons in obtaining information
about or related to a domain name registration record. VeriSign does not
guarantee its accuracy. By submitting a Whois query, you agree to abide
by the following terms of use: You agree that you may use this Data only
for lawful purposes and that under no circumstances will you use this Data
to: (1) allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission of mass
unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations via e-mail, telephone,
or facsimile; or (2) enable high volume, automated, electronic processes
that apply to VeriSign (or its computer systems). The compilation,
repackaging, dissemination or other use of this Data is expressly
prohibited without the prior written consent of VeriSign. You agree not to
use electronic processes that are automated and high-volume to access or
query the Whois database except as reasonably necessary to register
domain names or modify existing registrations. VeriSign reserves the right
to restrict your access to the Whois database in its sole discretion to ensure
operational stability. VeriSign may restrict or terminate your access to the
Whois database for failure to abide by these terms of use. VeriSign
reserves the right to modify these terms at any time.
The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .EDU domains and
For more information on Whois status codes, please visit
Registry Domain ID: 1919575232_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.godaddy.com
Registrar URL: http://www.godaddy.com
Update Date: 2015-04-14T01:33:33Z
Creation Date: 2015-04-14T01:33:33Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2016-04-14T01:33:33Z
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
Registrar Abuse Contact Email: abuse@godaddy.com
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone: +1.4806242505
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: clientUpdateProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientUpdateProhibited
Domain Status: clientRenewProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientRenewProhibited
Domain Status: clientDeleteProhibited http://www.icann.org/epp#clientDeleteProhibited
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: xianlin xie
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: UNIT 04 hongkong, hongkong 999077 Hong Kong
Registrant City: hongkong
Registrant State/Province: hongkong
Registrant Postal Code: 999077
Registrant Country: Hong Kong
Registrant Phone: +852.18610012110
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: zhangxiaoyang@337.com
Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: xianlin xie
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: UNIT 04 hongkong, hongkong 999077 Hong Kong
Admin City: hongkong
Admin State/Province: hongkong
Admin Postal Code: 999077
Admin Country: Hong Kong
Admin Phone: +852.18610012110
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email: zhangxiaoyang@337.com
Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: xianlin xie
Tech Organization:
Tech Street: UNIT 04 hongkong, hongkong 999077 Hong Kong
Tech City: hongkong
Tech State/Province: hongkong
Tech Postal Code: 999077
Tech Country: Hong Kong
Tech Phone: +852.18610012110
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax:
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email: zhangxiaoyang@337.com
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System: http://wdprs.internic.net/
[h2]More details about chromenotice.com[/h2]
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www . chromenotice . com
Accept: */*
Server ngx_openresty is not blacklisted
Server: ngx_openresty
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 2015 04:56:56 GMT
(2015-06-03 14:01) |
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請協助「勿重複發文」,Thank you(2015-06-01 14:17) |
[h1]Convert JPG into GIF animation use imagemagick convert.exe[/h1]
1. Shall work in Window, Linux and MacOS
2. img[1-N].jpg source image {Width, Height} must be better to be equal to "target.gif"
$ convert -delay 100 -loop 0 img1.jpg img2.jpg img3.jpg img4.jpg img5.jpg target.gif
@delay: centi-seconds (1/100 seconds), "500" means "5 seconds", "100" means "1 second" => (default value is 100.)
@loop: "0" means infinite loop, other values
@img[1-N].jpg: SOURCE JPG IMAGES, please arrnage it by sequence
@target.gif: The target GIF
(2015-05-31 11:15) |
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