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片語單字140907 - 英文片語、英文單字例句、英文翻譯、中文意思

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片語單字140907 - 英文片語、英文單字例句、英文翻譯、中文意思 2014-09-08 17:51
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片語單字 20140907 - 英文片語、英文單字例句、英文翻譯、中文意思

be full of <something> 「充滿」的英文意思

The house was full of roaches, yet it has been cleaned up.

be filled with <something> 「充滿了」的英文

The box is filled with music CDs.

escape from <somewhere> 「逃脫」的英文意思

She escapes from the party by taking a taxi.

read between the lines 「從字裡行間讀出言外之意」的英文翻譯

Worldly cares 的意思英文翻譯「俗務、世俗的憂慮、柴米油鹽、牽掛等」

Worldly possessions 的英文意思翻譯「財產、財務等」

可省略 worldly 直接稱 Possessions 即可。

the state of having, owning, or controlling something.
"are you in possession of any items over $500 in value?"

同義詞: ownership, control, hands, keeping, care, custody, charge, hold, title, guardianship
an item of property; something belonging to one.
"I was alone with no money or possessions"

同義詞: belongings, things, property, (worldly) goods, (personal) effects, assets, chattels, movables, valuables, stuff, bits and pieces, luggage, baggage, gear, junk
the state of being controlled by a demon or spirit.
"they prayed for protection against demonic possession"

a good way to <do something> 做某件事情的一種好法子

"pick up" vs. "pick out"

pick up 意思為「撿」「撿拾」或者「學習上的零零碎碎」的學習

例句: e.g. She learns traiditional Chinese by picking up from viewing Taiwanese drama.

pick out 意思為「選擇」「從某個東西上選出一個」

例句: e.g. John pick out the biggest watermelon in the store.

a collection of <something> 某些東西的「收藏」「收集」

例句: There is a collection of ancient fine arts in the town's library.

If only 的意思:「但願」「只要....就好了」

用法: if only <過去式句子>

例句: Mary needs help badly. If only you could help her.
(Mary 急需要幫忙,但願你能幫助她!)(== 這裡等同於 wish,但用過去式

例句: If only I knew the stock boosted up today.
(我如果能預知今天股市會大漲那就好了...)(== 通常代表悔恨

單字 中文翻譯

Ethiopian == 衣索比亞人(n.)、衣索比亞的(adj.)

Hijack == 劫機、搶劫 (v.)
Hijacking == 劫機、搶劫 (n-ving)

surrender == 交出 (vt.) 例句: surrender something (to someone)

surrender == 投降 (vi.)

airliner == 民航機

release == 釋放 (vt.) 釋出版本 (n.)

ordeal == 痛苦的經驗、考驗、劫難 (n.)

grenade == 手榴彈 (n.)

unloaded == 尚未充填的、未上膛的 (adj.)

penalty == 懲罰、罰金、扣分 (n.)

extraadite == 引渡犯人 (vt.) 例句: Police Dept. extraadite Vincent from Hong Kong.


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