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(皆為自動發佈)(2007-09-09 00:23)

Simon9129 寫到:
噯呀?!我怎麼才能把後續的圖貼上來?!.....請大家教教我吧...感謝 😅


謝謝。(2007-09-08 10:37)




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謝謝您的配合。(2007-09-07 23:07)



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小黃鳥園、鳥G店都倒了...。(2007-09-07 22:59)

NetApp:NetApp 針對 Sun 的 ZFS 檔案系統提出專利訴訟

NetApp Blog http://blogs.netapp.com/dave/2007/09/netapp-sues-sun.html


NetApp Sues Sun for ZFS Patent Infringement

This morning, NetApp filed an IP (intellectual property) lawsuit against Sun. It has two parts. The first is a “declaratory judgment”, asking the court to decide whether we infringe a set of patents that Sun claims we do. The second says that Sun infringes several of our patents with its ZFS technology.

How did we get here?

Like many large technology companies, Sun has been using its patent portfolio as a profit center. About 18 months ago, Sun’s lawyers contacted NetApp with a list of patents they say we infringe, and requested that we pay them lots of money. We responded in two ways. First, we closely examined their list of patents. Second, we identified the patents in our portfolio that we believe Sun infringes.

With respect to Sun’s patent claims, our lawsuit explains that we do not infringe, and – in fact – that they are not even valid. As a result, we don’t think we should be paying Sun millions of dollars.

On the flip side, our suit points out that Sun’s ZFS appears to infringe several of NetApp’s WAFL patents. It looks like ZFS was a conscious reimplementation of our WAFL filesystem, with little regard to intellectual property rights. Here’s what creators of ZFS have to say: “The file system that has come closest to our design principles, other than ZFS itself, is WAFL … the first commercial file system to use the copy-on-write tree of blocks approach to file system consistency.” One of the first patents I filed at NetApp describes this “copy-on-write tree of blocks” technique in detail.

We filed suit against Sun because after we pointed out the WAFL patents, their lawyers stopped getting back to us. The first part of our suit is a declaratory judgment. It’s complicated, but the basic idea is that Sun claims we infringe their patents, so we are requesting a trial to show that’s not true. In essence, a declaratory judgment calls their bluff. It allows us to force a legal conclusion, rather than leaving this threat hanging over our heads. The second part is a complaint against Sun for infringing several WAFL patents with ZFS.

As we file this case, I’m painfully aware of the bad feelings that many people have about IP lawsuits. Business people sometimes view them as the last gasp of a dying company, while some technical folks view them as evil under any circumstances. In this case, I doubt that business people will be too concerned, given our growth rate, profitability, and the fact that we are responding to Sun’s claims against us. I expect skeptical technical people to be harder to comfort.

This case is especially sensitive, because Sun has released ZFS as open source. It is admirable to contribute to open source. I have done it personally, although it was a long time ago that I was writing code, and NetApp has also contributed as a company. But it doesn’t help the open source movement to give away code that is encumbered with someone else’s patent rights. The sooner we determine the true status of ZFS, the better it will be for everyone. NetApp certainly doesn’t believe that we can somehow erase every copy of ZFS that has been downloaded. (Impossible!) This lawsuit isn’t about downloads for personal or non-commercial use; it is about what Sun is doing.

We could have a long debate about the merits of the patent system. (I expressed my own qualms here.) But like it or not, it’s the law of the land. Here’s an analogy. Suppose you own a pro football team, and you really believe that touch football would be safer and more humane than tackle. You can lobby all you want to try to change rules, but until you are successful, I recommend that your team keep wearing pads and helmets. NetApp is participating in attempts to reform the patent system, but meanwhile we will play by the rules as they exist.

In closing, let me say that the legal system is a method of resolving disputes between companies, but it does not mean we are “at war”. During this process, we will continue to support all Sun products, including ZFS filesystems that use NetApp storage. It is not in anyone’s interest – Sun’s or ours – to leave a bunch of customers in the lurch. I hope that Sun will respond in kind.

Non-technical people can stop reading now.

It is important to me that technical readers not confuse NetApp with SCO, so in our lawsuit, we provided a starting point for people who want to dig deeper. This is not an exhaustive analysis of our case. We simply highlight one particular patent and one particular aspect of ZFS to help people see that this case of infringement is real.

Here’s how the ZFS designers describe filesystem consistency:

The best way to avoid file system corruption due to system panic or power loss is to keep the data on the disk self-consistent at all times, as WAFL does. To do so, the file system needs a simple way to transition from one consistent on-disk state to another without any window of time when the system could crash and leave the on-disk data in an inconsistent state.

In the ZFS paper, search for uberblock, and compare its role in filesystem consistency with the role of the root inode and file system information structure in our patent 5,819,292. Read claim 4 and its descendents, which describe our tree-of-blocks consistency technique. Claim 8 and its descendents describe efficient snapshot creation based on the tree-of-blocks. Some more useful references are here (see pages 7 and 8), here, and here.

We hope that this level of openness will help raise the bar on how people pursue intellectual property suits.

Let me insert the usual legal disclaimer: I’ve quoted our complaint, but beyond that, I won’t engage in any public comment on the technical details of our case while it is pending.(2007-09-07 22:37)

2007/09/07 凌晨宜蘭外海地震影響,HiNet連亞洲部分地區之海纜系統發生障礙

原文: http://www.hinet.net/notify/notify_20070907_01.htm

日期: 96/09/07

目前已影響HiNet連線大陸、香港、韓國等地區之服務。不便之處,敬請見諒。(2007-09-07 22:07)

Walkman:Sony 關閉音樂商店,推視訊「Walkman」

原文: http://www.eettaiwan.com/ART_8800478751_622964_NT_947d0ac6.HTM

在眼睜睜看著自己在可攜式音樂播放器領域的主導地位,被蘋果(Apple)藉iPod和iTunes的成功取而代之後,日本消費性電子大廠新力(Sony)日前宣佈將關閉其Connect線上音樂商店,轉採用微軟(Microsoft)的Windows Media Player 11所使用的檔案格式以及其他音樂服務。



新力表示,在美國市場發表的首批Walkman視訊播放器可支援Windows Media Audio (WMA)、AAC和MP3格式。這兩款Walkman型號分別為NWZ-A810和NWZ-S610,支援同一個下載音樂和視訊的開放式平台。

新力電子數位影像和音訊產品部門(Sony Electronics' Digital Imaging and Audio Division)的音訊產品副總裁Brennan Mullin表示:「我們讓消費者可以選擇多個音樂來源。」新款Walkman還支援大多數線上訂閱服務。

NWZ-A810和NWZ-S610可支援JPEG圖片格式、MPEG-4視訊編解碼器和AVC Baseline Profile。新力表示其子公司新力影視娛樂(Sony Electronics' Digital)將在網站上提供針對新款Walkman播放器的視訊內容。

高階的NWZ-A810具備一個2吋的QVGA 液晶顯示螢幕,記憶體容量有2G~8G等多個版本,價格在140~240美元之間。NWZ-S610則配備1.8吋的QVGA液晶顯示螢幕,並支援調頻廣播功能,售價為120~210美元。

新力表示,8G容量版本的新款Walkman可儲存1,850首歌曲,2G版本的則可以儲存440首歌曲:「所有新款Walkman都可相容安全性更高的WMA格式檔案,並支援大多數線上音樂訂閱服務。此外新款Walkman也已通過了包括PlaysForSure驗證在內的系列相容性測試,成為最先獲得Windows Vista認證的設備之一。」(2007-09-07 22:00)


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(皆為自動發佈)(2007-09-06 20:32)

你們自己的員工組成的嗎?(2007-09-06 20:28)


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(皆為自動發佈)(2007-09-05 21:33)

歡迎,Son dragon

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