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›› Fedora 20 / Fedora 21: 忘記 Root 密碼 + 重設 root 密碼 (6896)

›› 2014 市民大『Fun』頌 影像徵選 (1261)

›› A Space Marine fighting an Ork (1387)

›› Fan Art:萬聖少女 - 奧莉安娜 (5868)

›› fan art of Streetfighter (1635)

›› 童話轉生術-張嘉穎個展 Fairy Tale Reincarnation (1821)

›› GRUB2: Set Default Menu Entry (Grub Default 設定) (5444)

›› Fedora 20 / Fedora 21 enable ssh/sshd on boot start (5125)

›› Dota2 fan art (1145)

›› 英雄聯盟Fan Art:巫毒娃娃 奧莉安娜 (4358)

›› Fan Art:皇室貴族 奧莉安娜 (3309)

›› 「擁抱」插畫 「抱」相關繪圖設計美術 - Hug Related Drawing Fine Art (7746)

›› 最後/最終: Ultimately, Eventually, Finally 的用法、比較、意思與程度差別 (41512)

›› 「扇」插畫 & 「鐵扇創作」相關繪圖設計美術 - Fab & Iron Fan Princess FineArt (6644)

›› 女魔法師 female wizard (3539)

›› 原創 - FAZZ (1091)

›› 戰場 & 戰爭相關插畫設計繪圖 - BattleField & Wars Illustraion/Drawing Art (6672)

›› Colorful (1018)

›› 小說插畫、擬人獸耳插畫設計 - 白米熊 WRB's Fiction Cover Illustration (6883)

›› 各種 PHP Framework 應用程式框架清單/官方網站整理 (5241)

›› PHP: str_split_unicode/str_split_utf8 Split UTF8 Character (4763)

›› 月之花 moon flower (1466)

›› 201409 XFSAINTMX (1839)

›› 場景設定、奇幻人物設計(2) - Arpachi Sci-Fi/Fantasy Landscape/Mob Design (6405)

›› DEFEAT (1024)

›› flower-hide-and-seek (1106)

›› phpsqliteadmin: SQLite2/SQLite3 Web Management Interfaces (5026)

›› 奇幻人設、角色設定、女性角色 - da830618(barabababa) Sci-Fi Female Char Art (10229)

›› SRWFST (1055)

›› PF企劃 (970)

›› 幫同事畫的Q版圖 For Miau (1677)

›› 幫同事畫的Q版圖 For Lin (1638)

›› 梁培政油畫靜物玫瑰花寫實作品教學欣賞 oil painting still life rose roses (4491)

›› 油畫靜物素描橘子教學作品欣賞 oil painting still life orange oranges (11083)

›› 油畫靜物素描橘子教學作品欣賞 oil painting still life orange oranges (16421)

›› 【手繪】回憶工廠Memories Factory 如喜歡請恩賜一票 (1242)

›› Will Ferrell (1295)

›› Blade & Soul Fan Art 「劍靈同人」插畫作品 - B&S Illustraion Fan Art (8253)

›› FABLES (966)

›› baby FACE102 (1254)

›› BOF/BOFs: Birds of a Feather 意思 (2416)

›› 遊戲人設、奇幻場景、科幻插畫 - monet8915018(秩維) Sci-fi Illustraion / Char (6020)

›› 【Freedom Art Jam Café 自由畫匠】HOELEX&HANA &水水>自由發揮。 (1629)

›› ★【Freedom's 心裡畫,自由畫出心裡話。】HOELEX&HANA (1988)

›› extensive vs. extensible vs. flexible vs. elastic 的中文意思分析比較 (3927)

›› 【Freedom Art Jam Café 自由畫匠】HOELEX (1812)

›› PHP image jpg file batch rename (4879)

›› baby FACE (1385)

›› Fantasia (1175)

›› Law of first love (1554)

›› baby FACE 都敏俊 (4376)

›› 改圖:美麗境界 (A Beautiful Mind) 的主角,也喜歡「文鳥」 (2212)

›› DCCF :: Disk Copy, Compare & Fill (Disk Test Tool) (5909)

›› Piece wing fighter part2 (1800)

›› 冰与火之歌-Jon Snow (1321)

›› 冰与火之歌-Tyrion Lannister (1618)

›› 冰与火之歌-Tyrion Lannister (1279)

›› fighting (1151)

›› 英文同系受詞/動詞:dream, smile, sigh, sleep, laugh, live(life) (4925)

›› 科幻插畫、奇幻插畫、兵器機械人 - bigmouth(hanawa) Sci-fi Illustraion/Robot (5762)

›› Butterfly (1172)

›› 亞絲翠是正妹!!!!馴龍高手2設定集|The Art of How to Train Your Dragon2 (10175)

›› FF24 (1631)

›› Fate/Zero Saber (2403)

›› Fate/Zero (1110)

›› Fate/Zero Saber騎的擋車 (2554)

›› FF24: Fancy Frontier 24 會員參展 @ NTU Stadium (5608)

›› Frozen-Elsa (1336)

›› Piece wing fighter (2954)

›› FF24新刊封面 (4259)

›› CentOS 7 Install Failed "Warning: /dev/root does not exist" (13740)

›› HOW TO Install iperf (iperf3) on CentOS 7 (10920)

›› Fedora 20 / CentOS 7: How to "text mode" Install (7813)

›› reading,witch,tree,forest,sunshine (1400)

›› Elf妖精 (1183)

›› ATOM {C2768 vs C2558 vs C2518} Performance Benchmark (5063)

›› Fedora 17 安裝失敗: Fedorax2017x20x86_64 does not exist (5668)

›› 人間神系列_FIRE(Q版) (1185)

›› 三姊妹之一 (1128)

›› FF24火鳳二創 (1414)

›› 餐廳場景設計 Landscape Design of Cafeteria (1914)

›› 賞月場景設計 Moon Festival Landscape (1772)

›› 抒壓按摩椅動畫展示 GIF (1741)

›› 花床場景設計 Flower Bed (1725)

›› 讓 /bin/dd 有進度 (dd with progress Ubuntu/Fedora) (6018)

›› Linux run executable "No such file or directory" file exist (4874)

›› 2014第八屆Myfone行動創作獎-貼圖組 ,2014/07/10 (1836)

›› Fancy Frontier FF24 @ 台大體育館 (3707)

›› Go Fishing !ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ (2266)

›› Spider_Lily_Road (3859)

›› freeze (1209)

›› 黑魔女 Maleficent (4308)

›› ImagineFX 107 封面- 眾龍之女神 (6372)

›› 人間神系列_FIRE (1166)

›› PHP split files into parts (e.g. big to smaller files) (4206)

›› Old soldiers never die; They only fade away..... (1255)

›› Waiting for someone (1005)

›› The Forest Guardian (1470)

›› 電玩服裝設計、人物設定 - jefeazero(加飛零)'s Game Art Dress/Char Design (4766)

›› 森林妖精 Elf in the forest (5124)

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