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›› ★龍年新春賀圖-New Year greetings for the Year of the Dragon-Hoelex (1871)

›› <Year of the Dragon 2024: 七星匯聚神龍現> (1737)

›› ★天相婧雅 X 浩理斯 獨家限量封神IP紫微牌卡 (2854)

›› 林愉軒創作個展【在疫情中被放逐的日子】 Lin Yu-Hsuan Solo Exhibition : In days of exile being in the pandemic (3723)

›› <Year of the Rabbit 2023: 兔飛猛進創佳績> (457)

›› Install Windows 11 ARM64 on Microsoft Lumia 950 Phone (Snapdragon 808) (4737)

›› 虎年 Year of the Tiger 2022 (1798)

›› <Year of the Tiger 2022: 臥虎蓄勢迎壬寅> (904)

›› 杜瑀婕 陶藝創作個展 【出廠紀錄】 Tu Yu-Chieh Solo Exhibition : The Note Of Factory (4561)

›› 潘嘉泠 創作個展【記憶儲存槽】Pan Chia-Ling Solo Exhibition: Storehouse of Memories (4737)

›› leon the professional (870)

›› <Year of the Ox 2021: 牛轉乾坤行大運> (803)

›› 「桌遊美術」「紙膠帶美術」創作 by Hoelex34(浩理斯) Artwork of board-game & paper tape (7893)

›› ★sixfanartschallenge一起來玩藝術插畫家們的跟風潮【心目中的經典女神】 (1081)

›› ★【心夢二等身Q版-《綠野仙蹤The Wonderful Wizard of Oz》桃樂絲(Dorothy)】 (1240)

›› "I am very, very proud of you." (我非常,非常為你驕傲) (4122)

›› "Seven of Nine?" 7️⃣9️⃣ "You owe me a ship, Picard." 🚀 (1252)

›› <Year of the Rat 2020: 鼠穎描春成畫稿> (1450)

›› Iori Yagami (1292)

›› 👘 和服的英文/浴衣的英文: Wafuku / Kimono / Gofuku / Yukata (26688)

›› ★「Alice misA心夢任務」潮流品牌公仔設計款-Summer The World of flowers 夏花淨土 (914)

›› ★【《冰與火之歌-權力遊戲》丹妮莉絲·坦格利安】 (1488)

›› ★【FINAL FANTASY最終幻想紛爭-太空戰士歷代 】★【Paper Doll紙公仔系列】 (1871)

›› The Wizard of Oz 奧茲魔女桃樂絲 (880)

›› call of ice (1469)

›› 己亥豬年賀圖、豬年賀年卡 "Year of Pig" Art, Pig New Year(2019 Pigs Year) (23199)

›› <Year of the Pig 2019: 諸事大吉萬象新> (1232)

›› 英雄聯盟 KDA單曲POP-STARSAkali阿卡莉-塗鴉變身版 (1975)

›› 《英雄聯盟》女團 K/DA -「POP/STARS」MV-Akali阿卡莉 (2160)

›› 英雄聯盟 league of legends (LOL) 拉克絲 Lux (3616)

›› 《寶石之國Land of the Lustrous 》鑽石Diamond By hoelex浩理斯 (1580)

›› 《寶石之國Land of the Lustrous 》南極石Antarcticite By hoelex浩理斯 (5576)

›› 事實上:As a matter of fact, In point of fact, In fact, Actually (7155)

›› LeoNiN_Princess of Mermaid (1134)

›› <Year of the Dog 2018: 犬吠戊戌迎新春> (1670)

›› 戊戌狗年賀圖、狗年賀年卡 - "Dogs Art" of "WuXu" 2018 Dogs New Year (34423)

›› Stars of Ravahla (12818)

›› 克萊德藝像CREDIT (石)雲豹狐 Neofelis Feles 文創、產品 (1224)

›› State the Nature of your Emergency (James Kirk) (1104)

›› Winter is coming (1000)

›› 異世之名前傳-世界樹的守護者Other World of Reason (991)

›› 原創情景圖7 序章-隱藏 (5246)

›› 原創情景圖6 序章-集合 (5018)

›› 原創情景圖5 序章-墮落 (1049)

›› 原創情景圖4 序章-相遇 (1019)

›› 原創情景圖3 序章-委託 (899)

›› 原創情景圖2 序章-準備 (850)

›› 原創情景圖1 序章-啟程 (901)

›› 異世之名 原創人物合集 (835)

›› 原創人物- Miya (813)

›› 原創人物- Samurai (1088)

›› 原創人物-Aberusu (801)

›› 原創人物-SAIDO (1198)

›› 原創人物- SAKI (1216)

›› Katarina vs Nami (901)

›› 斷電插畫比賽『作者心痛作品更無言...』心夢任務 By Hoelex (1983)

›› 金币a-ace of pentacles (1694)

›› Princess of Sea (5649)

›› 台南兒童科學館:帕克‧奇遇特展 The Adventures of Park 2017/Apr ~ 2019/Apr (1754)

›› 塔羅牌-圣杯A - Ace Of Cups (1440)

›› Art of Subconscious:2017 Group Exhibition by NCTU Arts Clubs (1569)

›› Age of Humanity –2017 Joint School Arts Exhibition (1549)

›› year of the Rooster (789)

›› <Year of the Rooster 2017: 金雞獨立賀新春> (1341)

›› 丁酉雞年賀圖、雞年賀年卡: Card Illustration of Ding-You Chicken New Year (4570)

›› Take kind care of flowers/trees, don not tread on or pick up (1150)

›› 杜星羽 - 宝剑八 - Eight Of Swords(s) (1373)

›› 权杖a-ace of wands (1164)

›› 幻象中的歷史現場 The Mirage of History (1311)

›› 撒旦的教義卡牌美術 by jefeazero 加飛零, Gospel of Satan Card Game Arts (3667)

›› Alice misA心夢少女 ART OF THE BOOK OF LIFE. 藝術人生的書。 (1457)

›› Alice misA心夢少女 ART OF THE BOOK OF LIFE. 藝術人生的書。 (1441)

›› Colors of your heart攝影比賽 (3504)

›› AlicemisA心夢少女 ART OF THE BOOK OF LIFE. 藝術人生的書。 (1374)

›› Alice misA心夢少女-ART OF THE BOOK OF LIFE. 藝術人生的書。 (1415)

›› <撒旦的教義>body double-替身術 (5920)

›› <撒旦的教義>glamour-魅惑 (2104)

›› <撒旦的教義>assassinate-暗殺 (7304)

›› <撒旦的教義>sacrifice-獻祭 (4197)

›› <撒旦的教義>demonic pact-惡魔契約 (5597)

›› <撒旦的教義>blood sacrifice-血祭 (1850)

›› <撒旦的教義>elven archer-精靈弓箭手 (2230)

›› <撒旦的教義>skeletal berserker-骷髏狂戰士 (4588)

›› <撒旦的教義>hades-黑帝斯 (1960)

›› <撒旦的教義>orc_king-半獸人王 (1336)

›› <撒旦的教義>forest spirit-森林原靈 (906)

›› Star vs The forces of evil (1753)

›› Serflygod 遊戲場景設計、人物設定 - Game Art of Char/Landscape Design (10945)

›› 宝剑A - Ace Of Swords (6922)

›› Microsoft Surface超越想像-創意平面設計大賽 (2038)

›› 環境光-2 (1158)

›› 環境光-1 (1215)

›› <撒旦的教義>pink elf-粉紅精靈 (1140)

›› <撒旦的教義>寄生蟲-parasite (1660)

›› <撒旦的教義>矮人勇士-dwarf warriors (1187)

›› 【魅惑時代-露璐】 (3961)

›› <撒旦的教義>惡魔僕從-devil servant (3648)

›› <撒旦的教義>精靈女牧師-elf priestess (1162)

›› <撒旦的教義>神族法師-protoss_magician (1175)

›› <撒旦的教義>骷髏將軍-skeleton_general (12378)

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