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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★阿美族 Amis ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 阿美族 ›› Amis ›› 巴奇達魯 ›› Pacidal ›› 巴奈 ›› Panay ›› 七彩布裙 ›› 水稻 ›› 飛鼠祭 ›› 阿里嘎蓋 ›› 巨人異族傳說 ›› 月亮男神 ›› 太陽女神
人氣點閱: 6365, 回覆: 0, 2020-02-08
(1 個評分 Rating 6)
★阿美族 Amis

Pacidal (巴奇達魯)
Moon god Malataw/Seven colors skirt

Sun god Donngy/Flying squirrelfestival

Alikakay/Legend of Giant


The traditional festivals of the Amis include the harvest festival, sowing festival (millet), fishing festival, sea festival, praying festival, and praying festival.
The contents of many ceremonies originally had strict separation between men and women, or taboos, but they were more or less obscured by the changing times.
The abundance festival is an important sacrifice ceremony for the Amis. Its importance is equivalent to that of the Chinese Lunar Year.
It will be held in July, August, and September each year, and is mainly held in the post-harvest season;
The number of days varies by tribe and is generally determined by the elders of each tribe.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★邵族 Thao ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 邵族 ›› Thao ›› 塔尼布 ›› Tanebu ›› 阿嬪 ›› Apin ›› 白鹿 ›› 貓頭鷹 ›› 日月潭 ›› 竹貯酒器 ›› 茄冬樹王 ›› 伊達邵祖靈籃 ›› 小黑矮人傳說
人氣點閱: 2225, 回覆: 0, 2020-02-04
★邵族 Thao
Catching white deer to the sun moon lake/Bamboo winewear

Red cedar tree spirit/Ancestral spirits basket

思麻丹 Shvatan/小黑矮人傳說
Shvatan/Little black dwarf legend

根據邵族的口傳歷史,據說祖先是追逐白鹿翻越阿里山('arithan / 'ari a hundun)而來。

According to the oral history of the Thao people, it is said that the ancestors chased Bailu over the Ali Mountain ('arithan /' ari a hundun).
The Wa people used to be the most powerful ethnic group in the Shuishalian area. Suiksha (kankwan) was one of the main settlements during the Japanese rule. Now it is centered on Baraw-baw (Sun Moon Village, formerly known as Dehua). Another major settlement is the Yushe Mountain settlement in Dingyu Village, Shuili Township. A small number of people live in the area of Shuilimin and the village of Aksa, and the remaining ethnic groups are scattered around.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★拉阿魯哇族Hla'alua ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 拉阿魯哇族 ›› Hlaalua ›› 阿維亞 ›› Avia ›› 拉佧 ›› Luka ›› 石虎 ›› 小矮人 ›› 藍鵲 ›› 十二顆聖貝 ›› 聖貝祭 ›› 太陽談判
人氣點閱: 3193, 回覆: 0, 2020-01-31
Ding Si She/Leopard /The dwarf "Kavurua"

Formosan blue magpie/The holy shell "Takiaru"

The rooster negotiating with thesun/Miatungusu festival


貝神祭之由來:很久前hla'alua(拉阿魯哇人)與kavurua(小矮人)曾經同住在 hlasunga 這個地方,而takiarʉ(貝神)是小矮人的守護神。小矮人與拉阿魯哇族人相處非常的融合,有一天拉阿魯哇的祖先要離開hlasunga 這個地方,小矮人很難過,於是當拉阿魯哇族人要離開時,就把他們最珍惜的寶物─貝神贈送給拉阿魯哇祖先,並且交代拉阿魯哇族人要把貝神奉為自己的神來祭拜,於是十二貝神從此就成為拉阿魯哇的神了。
The most important ritual of the La Aruwa tribe is "miatungusu (" Holy God Offering, "or" Holy Shell Offering "). It was originally held once every two years, but it has been held annually since 1994 for cultural heritage.
The origin of the shellfish festival: long ago, hla'alua (la aruwa) and kavurua (dwarf) lived together in hlasunga, and takiarʉ (shellfish) was the patron saint of the dwarves. The dwarves and Laaluwa people are very integrated. One day, the ancestors of Laaluwa want to leave the place hlasunga. The dwarves are very sad, so when the Laaluwas want to leave, they will treasure their treasure ─She gave it to La Aruwa ancestors, and explained that La Aruwa people wanted to worship Phai God as their own god, so the Twelve Phai God became the god of La Alua.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★卑南族 Puyuma ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› Story ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 卑南族 ›› Puyuma ›› 烏塔克 ›› Ukak ›› 絲娜泱 ›› 猴子 ›› monkey ›› 香蕉園 ›› 植物巫女 ›› 月形石柱 ›› 穆沙穆大 ›› 八社番
人氣點閱: 4541, 回覆: 0, 2020-01-30
(1 個評分 Rating 5)
★卑南族 Puyuma

Mangamangayaw/Eight communities

Musamuda/Plant Miko/Moon-shape monolith

Legend of “Born from Stone”-Jhihben/Legend of “Born from Bamboo”-Nanwangli

關於卑南族普悠瑪社的起源,有如下的傳說:. 「南王社的祖先從聖山aPangan」,

The Puyuma of the Puyuma people, also known as the Nanwang tribe, is a representative of the Puyuma bamboo system.
Regarding the origin of the Puyuma of Beinan, there are the following legends: "The ancestors of the Nanwangshe from the holy mountain aPangan",
The Puyuma are born warriors and have implemented a strict men's club training system.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★布農族Bunun ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› Story ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 布農族 ›› Bunun ›› 比勇 ›› Biung ›› 阿不思 ›› Abus ›› 海皮斯鳥 ›› 癩蛤蟆 ›› 洪水傳說 ›› 八部合音
人氣點閱: 5316, 回覆: 0, 2020-01-28
(1 個評分 Rating 6)
Haipis bird/The toad "Kukulpa"

Bulbul tribe/Eight-part polyphony/Flooding legend

The praise of God/Pasibutbut song

From the records of many documents, about ten kinds of musical instruments used by Bunun people can still be seen in the era of Japanese rule. For example: bow piano, harp, wood pestle, mortar (wooden), bamboo piano, nose flute, ukulele and so on. The Bunun cognition of musical instruments is called the Wulun tribe in the Qing Dynasty. It is an ethnic group of Taiwan's aborigines. They mainly live on high mountains above 1500 meters above sea level, and now have about 50,000 people.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★那卡那富族Kanakanavu ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› Story ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 卡那卡那富族 ›› Kanakanavu ›› 那瑪夏 ›› Namasia ›› 塔妮芙 ›› Tanivu ›› 金色穿山甲 ›› 拉狸聖獸傳說 ›› 櫻花鉤吻鮭 ›› 河祭
人氣點閱: 5112, 回覆: 5, 2020-01-27
(1 個評分 Rating 6)
Golden pangolin/The legend of Laly beast


Millet farming festival/
Kannaiara festival/Kaisisicakuran festival



傳統狩獵的方式有三種 Uma'anupu (帶狗狩獵) / Rumaringee (陷阱) / Aracakaan (狩獵)

"Kanakanavu" means people who live in Kanakanavu. It was called "Jianzai Wufan" or "Danzi Wufan" in the ancient times. It was identified as the Zou in the Japanese era, and it was also used after the war Classified so far. However, in the era of Japanese rule, there were various classifications for this and Zou ethnic groups. According to the similarities and differences of language and customs, scholars such as Yineng Jiaju and Torii Longzang considered the Zou ethnic group as a single ethnic group, but they did not discriminate within the ethnic group. Xiaochuan Shangyi considered Zou and Kanaka from the perspective of comparative linguistics. The Nafu and Laalua are regarded as three independent races. The Kanakana rich people found that they could not communicate in language when they were certified by the indigenous abilities of the indigenous people in 2001. A further comparison revealed that they were also significantly different from the Zou people in their ceremonies and ingredients. The clan naming movement was inspired, and it was decided to launch a naming movement , and formally became a clan on June 26, 2014.
The important rituals of the Kanakana rich people include "Mikong" and "Pasikarai".
There are three traditional hunting methods: Uma'anupu (hunting with dogs) / Rumaringee (trap) / Aracakaan (hunting)


★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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