人氣點閱: 5112, 回覆: 5, 2020-01-27

(1 個評分 Rating 6)
Golden pangolin/The legend of Laly beast
Millet farming festival/
Kannaiara festival/Kaisisicakuran festival
傳統狩獵的方式有三種 Uma'anupu (帶狗狩獵) / Rumaringee (陷阱) / Aracakaan (狩獵)
"Kanakanavu" means people who live in Kanakanavu. It was called "Jianzai Wufan" or "Danzi Wufan" in the ancient times. It was identified as the Zou in the Japanese era, and it was also used after the war Classified so far. However, in the era of Japanese rule, there were various classifications for this and Zou ethnic groups. According to the similarities and differences of language and customs, scholars such as Yineng Jiaju and Torii Longzang considered the Zou ethnic group as a single ethnic group, but they did not discriminate within the ethnic group. Xiaochuan Shangyi considered Zou and Kanaka from the perspective of comparative linguistics. The Nafu and Laalua are regarded as three independent races. The Kanakana rich people found that they could not communicate in language when they were certified by the indigenous abilities of the indigenous people in 2001. A further comparison revealed that they were also significantly different from the Zou people in their ceremonies and ingredients. The clan naming movement was inspired, and it was decided to launch a naming movement , and formally became a clan on June 26, 2014.
The important rituals of the Kanakana rich people include "Mikong" and "Pasikarai".
There are three traditional hunting methods: Uma'anupu (hunting with dogs) / Rumaringee (trap) / Aracakaan (hunting)
★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯
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