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★【塔哇歐瑪司twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★魯凱族Rukai ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 魯凱族 ›› Rukai ›› 阿達禮歐 ›› Adalio ›› 巴冷 ›› Balhenge ›› 鬼湖之戀 ›› 百步蛇郎君 ›› 古老歌曲 ›› 百合花 ›› 蝴蝶飛舞 ›› 七彩琉璃珠之謎 ›› 太平洋鯨之島
人氣點閱: 5364, 回覆: 0, 2020-02-26
(1 個評分 Rating 6)
Hundred-Pacer Prince/Old melody

Love story of the lake/butterfly flying

七彩琉璃珠之謎the mystery of colorful Camilla beads
太平洋鯨之島Whale island in Pacific ocean

木雕是魯凱族男子擅長的工藝藝術 在部落民族中, 會所是分布頗廣的一個文化特質。
Woodcarving is a craft art that Lukai men are good at. Among the tribal peoples, the clubhouse is a cultural feature with a wide distribution.
★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★撒奇萊雅族Sakizaya ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 撒奇萊雅族 ›› Sakizaya ›› 內透斯 ›› Votoc ›› 莎瓦克 ›› Savak ›› 土金色三角神印 ›› 火神太花棺 ›› 巴拉瑪火神祭 ›› 神靈 ›› Dito
人氣點閱: 5247, 回覆: 2, 2020-02-22
(1 個評分 Rating 6)
Golden triangle/ Coffin of the fire god

Tear of mother/ Fence/ Formosa Black Bear

紅.綠.藍.白.黑五色使者5-Color envoy
因火而亡/火裡重生Life return from fire

巴拉瑪火神祭與傳統豐年祭不同,為撒奇來雅族後人對祖先的追思祭典。 祭典中共有七道法禮,並以紅、綠、藍、白、黑五色使者祈福。 紅色使者以紅花在額頭開啟靈魂之眼,迎接火神,傳承智慧; 綠色使者以刺竹除穢,藉由刺竹拍打,去除厄運及晦氣; 藍色使者以酒解除族人心靈與智慧的鳩渴; 白色使者代表火神光照,透過點燃火把,表示祖先交付的薪傳,並為族人點燃光明的未來; 黑色使者則以炭塗黑表示隱身,讓惡靈、厄運無法靠近。 儀式中祝禱司為族人以酒沫蕉葉表示護身,而族人持火把巡禮繞圈,體驗及追緬先民落難情境。 在祈福儀式後,舉行火葬儀式燃燒火神太花棺,祈求火神的靈魂能與族人一起浴火重生。

Barama fire god offering
The Barama fire god offering is different from the traditional full year festival. There are seven ordinances in the ceremony, and they are prayed with red, green, blue, white, and black messengers. The red messenger opened the eyes of the soul with red flowers on the forehead, greeted the god of fire, and passed on wisdom; the green messenger used thorn bamboo to remove the foulness, and slapped the thorn bamboo to remove doom and gloom; the blue messenger used wine to relieve the thirst of the people's soul and wisdom ; The white messenger represents the fire god's light, and by lighting the torch, it represents the salary passed by the ancestors and ignites a bright future for the tribe; the black messenger is blackened with charcoal to indicate stealth, so that evil spirits and bad luck cannot be approached. During the ceremony, the Secretary of the Prayers prayed for the clan to express their bodyguards with wine foam banana leaves, while the clan took a torch to tour around the circle to experience and pursue the difficult situation of the people. After the blessing ceremony, a cremation ceremony was held to burn the Vulcan Taihua coffin, praying that the soul of the Vulcan would be reborn with the people.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★鄒族Tsou ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 鄒族 ›› Tsou ›› 巴蘇亞 ›› Pasuya ›› 白芷山美 ›› Patsu ›› 阿里山 ›› 庫巴 ›› Kuba ›› Mayasvi ›› 戰祭 ›› 山豬神
人氣點閱: 4700, 回覆: 2, 2020-02-19
(1 個評分 Rating 6)

Agora/ hat accessories

Love story/wild boar/ Giant elephant's ear

Alishan Tapagu-Tufuja/Lututu

鄒族部落中最重要的祭儀為「播種祭」、「homeyaya (小米收穫祭)」與「mayasvi (瑪雅士比)」三大祭儀。 鄒族一年一度的mayasvi (瑪雅士比),目前分由達邦及特富野分別舉行祭典儀式,mayasvi又譯為戰祭。 沙阿魯阿族最重要的祭儀是「miatungusu(貝神祭)」,沒有鄒族的「mayasvi(戰祭)」。

The Zou tribe is also called the Cao tribe.
The Zou did not have a class system, but they had several special status characters:
Boss: Fixedly inherited by one family.
Marshal: Commander of battle, headhunting, and sometimes leader. If the fighting is frequent, there will be several recruits.
Warrior: A tribe with special merit on the battlefield.
The meeting place of the Zou tribe is called "Kuba", but only men of the tribe can enter, and non-tribe and women cannot enter. The Shaarua men's gathering is called "Tapulailia".
The most important rituals in the Zou tribe are the "seeding sacrifice", "homeyaya (millet harvest sacrifice)" and "mayasvi (mayasvi)". The Zou tribe's annual mayasvi (Mayasvi) is currently held by Dabang and Tefuye separately, and mayasvi is translated as a war ritual. The most important sacrificial ritual of the Shaarrua is "miatungusu" (shellfish sacrifice). There is no "mayasvi (war sacrifice)" for Zou.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★達悟族 Tau ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 達悟族 ›› Tau ›› 札瓦爾 ›› Dzawal ›› 蔓卡兒 ›› Mankal ›› 蘭嶼 ›› 魚人傳說 ›› 銀盔 ›› 椰子鬚禮帽 ›› 飛魚招魚祭 ›› 雅美語
人氣點閱: 5326, 回覆: 2, 2020-02-18
★達悟族 Tau
Lanyu Island Murloc Legend /boat building

Coconut hat/ Yami Language

A libangbang Mivanwa
5 zones (time/space/human/god/ghost)



The Dawu society does not have a clan or aristocratic system, but a patrilineal society in which elders of various families are the opinion leaders. These families also constitute the most important social unit of the Dawu: the fishing group organization.
The Dawu tribe is the only fishery ethnic group among Taiwan's indigenous peoples, but it also grows millet, taro and other crops. Generally speaking, fishing is the task of men, while agriculture is the responsibility of women, and there are economic work units such as fishing group organizations, millet crops organizations, and irrigation organizations.
March to June each year is an important festival of the Dawu tribe: flying fish festival. The Dawu people regard flying fish as a gift from God. During the flying fish season, the crew of each fishing boat must live in a shared room. During this period, only the flying fish are caught, and other fish species are not caught. All the catches are shared with the tribe. The Wu people believe that if the catch is eaten before the flying fish festival is over, there will be endless harvest in the coming year.
The earliest record of Lanyu was Zhangye's "East and West", which was called "Hongdouyu" . In 1644, the city of Relanze sent three sailboats to Lanyu. The Dawu people on the island quickly avoided hiding. The Dutch captured only three people and taught them to speak Dutch in Relanze. "Botel".

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★排灣族Paiwan ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 排灣族 ›› Paiwan ›› 達藍瓦 ›› Dlanwa ›› 穆莉淡 ›› Mulida ›› 琉璃珠 ›› 孔雀王子傳說 ›› 百步蛇之女 ›› 百合花之心 ›› 蛇王祖靈象徵 ›› 紅白太陽卵
人氣點閱: 2318, 回覆: 0, 2020-02-12

Camilla beads/ Peacock prince

Hundred-Pacer Princess/Lily Heart

Vnlung meljeveq/Sunny Egg Red and Whute


The most striking feature of Paiwan people is the gorgeous costumes. Wearing colorful patterns, glazed beads, appliqués, or threads embroidered with stitches and stitches, a gorgeous piece of clothing will take a half-year's effort and time of a Paiwan woman, and everyone's patterns are different. It also shows the creativity of Paiwan people and the uniqueness of self-aesthetics.
Ornaments are mainly divided into:
The natural ornaments are flowers, feathers, fur, animal teeth, and leopard skin. They are limited to the direct use of the aristocracy, and glass beads, shells, copper, and Japanese coins are also limited to the nobles.
Weaving and embroidery: men's and women's embroidered clothes, ribbons, and embroidered mourning towels are set for each person and are not transferable.
Others include silver, copper, shell, floral headgear, shoulder, chest, back, wrist and fat.
In addition to clothing, wood carving is the most famous in the world. Types include buildings (such as lintels, lintels), furniture (even cups, spoons, combs), weapons (decorative gifts), religious utensils, and carvings, etc. The carvings are based on myths and legends, hunting life, ancestral spirit Like the main. The most common statues are heads and snakes, followed by naked figures, animals, snakes, and diamonds.
The other is a body art, also known as tattoos. Expressed in the back of the woman's hand, the front of the man, the back of the man. The nobles in the village may have special merits, and the leader shall grant the right to decorate the body.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民★泰雅族Atayal ›› hoelex ›› 浩理斯 ›› AlicemisA ›› 心夢品牌 ›› twaomas ›› 塔哇歐瑪司 ›› トワオマス ›› 台灣風味原住民 ›› 台灣 ›› Taiwan ›› Aboriginal ›› 原住民 ›› 寶島 ›› 人文 ›› 歷史 ›› 文化 ›› 品牌藝術家 ›› BrandArtist ›› 泰雅族 ›› Atayal ›› 哈勇 ›› Hayun ›› 瑪雅 ›› Maya ›› 大霸尖山 ›› 射日傳說 ›› 黥面勇武 ›› 幻化成鷹 ›› 占卜鳥 ›› 希利克 ›› 金龜子
人氣點閱: 2892, 回覆: 0, 2020-02-10
(1 個評分 Rating 5)

Kapatalayan/Shooting the sun/Facial tattoing for courage

M'kwali'/Bird divination Siliq/Chafer

Rutuxis belief/Gaga is virtual concept

根據不同方言群泰雅族人的傳說,其祖先起源包括三個地方,首先是於雪山山脈大霸尖山,其次是今南投縣仁愛鄉的發祥村(Pinsbukan) 由於黥面一詞在漢文原為古代的刑罰,多有負面的意思(馬騰嶽 1998),目前一般學術界與民間均改以「文面」稱呼泰雅族人的此一文化,以視對於泰雅族文化的尊重。

The second largest ethnic group in Taiwan is distributed in the mountains and mountains on the island. The Atayal ethnic name "Tayal" (Dayan) originally meant "real people" or "brave people." Due to the large dialect population of the Atayal, the Atayal are generally divided into two major language families from the perspective of anthropology, namely the Atayal and the Saidakya, with a total of 25 dialect groups.
According to the legends of the Atayal people in different dialects, their ancestors originated in three places, first in Yuxue Mountain Range, Daba Jianshan, and secondly in Pinsbukan, Ren'ai Township, Nantou County. Because the word noodle is ancient in Chinese Penalties often have a negative meaning (Ma Tengyue 1998). At present, the academic and non-academic people have changed the name of the Atayal culture to "traditional face" to respect the Atayal culture.
The Atayal language called ptasan, which has four meanings:
Extermination of demons;
Beautiful and elegant effect
Descent identification
Symbol of glory.

★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯


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