人氣點閱: 2318, 回覆: 0, 2020-02-12
Camilla beads/ Peacock prince
Hundred-Pacer Princess/Lily Heart
Vnlung meljeveq/Sunny Egg Red and Whute
The most striking feature of Paiwan people is the gorgeous costumes. Wearing colorful patterns, glazed beads, appliqués, or threads embroidered with stitches and stitches, a gorgeous piece of clothing will take a half-year's effort and time of a Paiwan woman, and everyone's patterns are different. It also shows the creativity of Paiwan people and the uniqueness of self-aesthetics.
Ornaments are mainly divided into:
The natural ornaments are flowers, feathers, fur, animal teeth, and leopard skin. They are limited to the direct use of the aristocracy, and glass beads, shells, copper, and Japanese coins are also limited to the nobles.
Weaving and embroidery: men's and women's embroidered clothes, ribbons, and embroidered mourning towels are set for each person and are not transferable.
Others include silver, copper, shell, floral headgear, shoulder, chest, back, wrist and fat.
In addition to clothing, wood carving is the most famous in the world. Types include buildings (such as lintels, lintels), furniture (even cups, spoons, combs), weapons (decorative gifts), religious utensils, and carvings, etc. The carvings are based on myths and legends, hunting life, ancestral spirit Like the main. The most common statues are heads and snakes, followed by naked figures, animals, snakes, and diamonds.
The other is a body art, also known as tattoos. Expressed in the back of the woman's hand, the front of the man, the back of the man. The nobles in the village may have special merits, and the leader shall grant the right to decorate the body.
★【塔哇歐瑪司|twa'omas トワオマス台灣風味原住民Taiwan Aboriginal Story】16族
角色民族服裝創作/心夢展覽授權合作By Hoelex浩理斯
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