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2014年台北國際電腦展創新設計獎 開放報名,2014/03/31

發表新主題 回覆主題 美術比賽:設計比賽,投稿活動,漫畫比賽,美術插畫比賽,兒童繪畫比賽

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2014年台北國際電腦展創新設計獎 開放報名,2014/03/31 2014-02-03 02:09
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2014年台北國際電腦展創新設計獎 開放報名




所有參賽作品將於2014年4月的評委會接受評選 – 評審將選出2014年台北國際電腦展創新設計獎獲獎作品,同時決定台北國際電腦展創新設計獎金質獎的優勝作品。



 網通產品
 零組件產品
 電腦系統產品
 儲存產品
 光電影音產品
 周邊產品
 電玩+娛樂設備
 手持裝置應用軟體

2014年台北國際電腦展創新設計獎頒獎典禮將於台北國際電腦展展覽期間舉行 (2014年6月3-7日)。所有獲獎產品將於會展中以特展方式公開展出。


 2014年德國柏林消費電子展 (IFA): 2014年9月5 - 10 日
 2014年杜拜電腦展 (GITEX): 2014年10月20-24日
 2015年美國拉斯維加斯消費電子展 (CES):2015年1月7-10日
 2015西班牙全球通訊大會 (MWC):2015年2月27日至3月1日
 2015年德國和諾威電腦展 (CeBIT):2015年3月4-8日


Participation requirements
All exhibitors at the COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2014 and non-exhibitors are eligible to compete for the COMPUTEX d&i awards 2014. This includes manufacturers, designers, sales representatives, importers or specialist retailers. Entries should reflect a particular level of innovation and design quality and should not have been on the market for more than two years prior to the date of the trade fair. There is no limit to the number of entries per participant.

The products submitted must not violate the patent and protective rights of other parties. The organizers assume no liability for any such violations.

All Dates at a Glance:
31 March 2014: Registration deadline
17 March until 1 April 2014: Dates for sending in your products
8 Apr. 2014: Self-assembly
10 Apr. 2014: Jury session
11 Apr. 2014: Disassembly by participants
30 Apr. 2014: Announcement of jury decision
15 until 30 April 2014: Collection of products

until 24 Apr. 2014: Online submission of publication material (for the documentation, iF online exhibition, certificates, exhibition graphics, press) for award-winning products

2 Jun. and 3 Jun. 2014: Awards ceremony
3 June 2014: iF online exhibition
3 June 2014: Publication date of documentation
3 until 7 June 2014: COMPUTEX d&i awards exhibition

5 until 10 September 2014: d&i awards exhibition at iFA 2014
20 until 24 October 2014: d&i awards exhibition at GITEX 2014
7 until 10 January 2015: d&i awards exhibition at CES 2015
27 February until 1 March 2015: d&i awards exhibition at MWC 2015
4 until 8 March 2015: d&i awards exhibition at CeBIT 2015

May 2015: Return of winning products

01. Network Communication Products
02. Components + Parts
03. Computer + Systems
04. Data Storage Products
05. Displays + Digital Audio / Video Products
06. Peripherals + Accessories
07. Gaming + Entertaining Products
08. Applications for Handheld Electronic Devices

Participation fees
Registration fees:
NT$2,000 (US$ 80) per entry (Plus VAT) for COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2014 exhibitors
NT$5,000 (US$ 175) per entry (plus VAT) for non-exhibitors

Participants will receive an invoice from iF after submitting a registration form for their entries.

Fees include the following services:
Processing fees
Handling and storage of entries until the date of the jury session

Fees for award winners:
NT$35,000 (US$1,200) per entry (plus VAT) for COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2014 exhibitors

NT$50,000 (US$1,700) per entry (plus VAT) for non-exhibitors

These fees will be invoiced to the award winning entries after the jury’s arrived at their decision.

Fees include the following services:
All successful contributions to the COMPUTEX d&i awards 2014 will receive the COMPUTEX d&i awards 2014 logo, and are entitled to use this logo for commercial purposes. The best contributions to the COMPUTEX d&i awards 2014 will receive an additional Gold Award.

Awards Ceremony
The winners of the COMPUTEX d&i awards 2014 will be announced at the awards ceremony, which will take place in an official setting during COMPUTEX TAIPEI.

COMPUTEX d&i awards 2014 exhibition
Winning entries will be showcased at the COMPUTEX d&i awards pavilion during COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2014, which runs from 3 till 7 June 2014 at the TWTC Nangang exhibition hall and following exhibitions: IFA 2014, GITEX 2014, CES 2015, MWC 2015 and CeBIT 2015.

Online Exhibition
All award-winning contributions will be represented in the iF online exhibition with up to two images and an English description. The award winning products will also be published with images and description on the COMPUTEX TAIPEI website.

Commercial material
Clients and partners should know when a contribution has successfully distinguished itself from the rest and has received an award in the COMPUTEX d&i awards competition. In order to make the most of this image-promotion factor, we offer all award winners a number of efficient advertising tools:

certificate for all award winners
sculpture for COMPUTEX d&i Gold Award winners
award winner logo for download

Special Commemorative Album
All prize winning entries will be published in a special commemorative album which both the organizers and iF will mail to a select list of international media representatives and important international buyers. Each prize winner will receive 10 free copies of documentation.

The organizer and iF will constantly work to ensure that the event, the COMPUTEX d&i awards, is fully covered by international press, as well as to promote the winners in their own PR campaign, including press releases, e-letters and physical and digital copy of a commemorative album of all the award-winning products. Therefore, companies of award-winning products must submit their official product news releases prior to 24 April 2014.

Terms of payment
All prices are per entry and are binding for each such entry. Please also note that 5% VAT will be added to all fees.

We will send you the invoice via surface mail. Payment can be made by bank transfer, or by check.

A cancellation of registered entries is possible until 31 March 2014.
A written cancellation notice must be sent to: tobie.lee@ifdesign.tw, quoted with the entry-ID.

Bank details and beneficiary:
(For NTD only)
銀行: 台北富邦銀行
戶名: 藝符設計有限公司
帳號: 676120606216

(For USD only)
Bank: Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
Yenchi Branch 012-4900
Account name: iF Design Asia Ltd.
Account No.: 490180000019
Address of Bank: No. 389, Jen Ai Rd. Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan
Should you need further information, pls feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Piauling Huang

暱稱: 滄瀳飄零
註冊: 2009-01-19
發表: 13612
來自: 貓窩=W=
V幣: 115089

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