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暱稱: .*(ॐ)宇宙的聲音 *. 註冊: 2004-05-21 發表: 4770 來自: 星天上君
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Re: 2 0 1 4 馬 上 吃 年 飯 .... 2014-01-31 02:10 |
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💡 【大天使麥克】2014-1-27 進入全新世界!
You have been on a journey for a long time now, your steps are getting quicker, the faster you get, the easier you reach the places you will stop by.
The light emanating from your heart first illuminates you, and then it flows to others from you, illuminating the path and your paths.
Although, every moment is more confident and wiser than the previous one, everything you make happen is new. This week you may experience sharp turns, sudden changes.
The wheel is turning. Moving towards new beginnings, new things.
Give your thanks to every person and every situation that has served you until now but is no longer valid, and hand it in to the Universe.
You are opening up layer by layer, flaking off; you are becoming more transparent, lighter. This eases your ascension.
New things happen at every moment. Situations regarding your relationships are also being renewed.
You may develop new points of view, new understandings, or you may proceed to completely new unions.
In all of these new happenings, continue to remain in your centers and proceed with serenity.
Be aware of the moments when you must care for yourselves, and give yourselves the time needed to rest.
Turn over all that must be left behind with love and receive the divine gifts presented to you with love.
Dive into the depths of your hearts by cleansing, grounding, uniting with animals, requesting the support of your guides, for higher.
Love and Light,Archangel Michael
【傳導】Gulcin Onel (Mavinin Sesi)
【翻譯】shan-athana http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bfe09e210101jdfi.html
Source: http://lightworkers.org/channeling/195456/archangel-michael-message...
感謝一切~歡迎轉載~ NAMASTE
🎨 【Aurora】2014-1-27 脫離幻相
When you are immersed in the process of life, it can be difficult to remember that it is all an illusion. The incarnation process is a structure, designed to allow life lessons to be learned, and karmic obligations to be addressed. Yet, once an individual is living a life, temporary amnesia about this structure often kicks in, causing many to forget the bigger picture of what is taking place. Everything around you is there for a reason; you designed it that way. Sometimes, you may not want to accept this; as it can be difficult to understand why you placed a certain set of circumstances in your own life. But, even if you do not see the reasons now, you will understand them upon your life review.
當你沉浸於生命的過程中時,回憶起它都只是幻相可能是很困難的。投生的過程是一個結構,它是設計用來使得生命課程可以得到學習,並使得業力債務得到處理。然而,一旦一個個體正在過某一生的生活,有關這個(投生過程)的結構的失憶症通常開始生效,導致許多人遺忘了所正在發生的事情的更大的藍圖。你周圍的每一件事出現在這都是有原因的;你設計它們以這樣的方式出現。有時,你也許不想接受這一點;因為有可能很難理解為什麼你會把某一系列境遇置於你自己的生命裡。但是,即使你現在沒有看到那個原因,你也會在你的一生回顧時理解。(譯註:life review,一生回顧,通常發生在剛剛死亡,靈魂離開肉體時,許多有過瀕死體驗經歷的人們提到過。請參看天外有天http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/wKWLsN45Ud0/)
The illusion of life is one that is built upon your stress, worry, anger, sadness, anxiety, obligation, fear and so forth. As you learn to release and move beyond these emotions, you are more able to experience moments of living outside of the illusion. When you are able to escape the illusion, whether for seconds, minutes, days, or longer, you will discover that everything falls into place even better than you could have expected.
You are both the Creator and action-taker in your life. No one else creates the situations or experiences around you, only you. You may not always witness this process, but none-the-less, you are the one in charge of your own life. In order to escape the illusion, all you have to do is remember two things. 1) Stay in the now moment 2) You are the Creator of your reality.
你在你的生活中既是造物主也是採取行動的人。沒有其他人能創造你周圍的狀況或經歷,只有你可以。你也許不是總能見證這個過程,但是,你依然是那個主管你自己生活的那個人。為了脫離幻相,你所需要做的所有事情就是回憶起兩件事。1)停留在當下的時刻, 2)你是你自己現實的造物主。
When you are truly living in the moment of now, you are always able to recognize what to focus your time and energy on. Life is nothing more than a string of moments laid one after the other. How you handle each moment, lays the foundation for the next moment to appear. That is how you create your experiences. It is much like a choose-your-own adventure book, where certain scenarios are available, but the pathway to move from one to the next is dictated by your choices.
Creation of experiences and situations does not happen with force, might or will. It happens through choice. Choice is what makes Earth so special in its ability for learning to take place. Now, the choices presented to you may not always be easy, sometimes you may not even be able to recognize that there are choices available at all.
Whenever you are bogged down with stress, worry, anxiety, or over-analyzing the experiences around you, take a step back and ask yourself this simple question. 「What is most important for me to do right now?」 You may not receive an answer, but that is the answer in it of itself. There will be certain times where the best action to take is no action at all (Often because the Universe is facilitating something already). Other times, you will feel, see, or hear clear guidance to take a specific action.
It is only your expectations and desire to control the circumstances around you that create stress. Once you let go of your expectations of opinions, reactions, something going wrong, doing well, doing poorly, etc., you begin to conserve your energy. By conserving your energy, you have more energy and intention to focus on the area of life where your energy can be best used. It sounds simple, but the application of this shift in thinking is very difficult. Start by becoming aware of what your mental energy is focused on, and if it is drawing you into the illusion, use an affirmation to bring you back to present. Some simple and easy affirmations to accomplish this aim are:
「I am at peace.」
「I trust in the Universe to always fulfill my best and highest good.」
「I feel safe and supported.」
「I am calm and relaxed.」
Choose the affirmation that you resonate with most, and repeat it until you feel your body return to a sense of peace. The more that you become aware of how you are reacting, the easier it will be to shift yourself back into peace. In that place of peace, you are always able to remember your role in what is happening around you. If you are faced with a big decision to make, a peaceful state of mind will give you the clarity to discern what to do next. That peace of mind and clarity is the key to escape from the illusion of life.
Love, Aurora
affirmation 肯定語(英文未譯)
原文: http://aurorasmessage.com/channel_122113.html
感謝一切~歡迎轉載~ NAMASTE ________________ 人於前八識之染著,若不入於第九識之真如本識上,確仍無法脫離輪迴,因而在彰顯佛性本質上,定要能入於第九之「菴摩羅識」內,方是正確也。
南無阿彌陀佛 |