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夢幻剪紙‧魔鏡花園 Paper-Cut Fantasy‧Mag@當代藝術館, 2012/11/24-2013/01/20

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夢幻剪紙‧魔鏡花園 Paper-Cut Fantasy‧Mag@當代藝術館, 2012/11/24-2013/01/20 2013-01-14 11:47
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夢幻剪紙‧魔鏡花園 Paper-Cut Fantasy‧Magic Mirror Garden





展覽名稱 | 夢幻剪紙‧魔鏡花園–2012 台北當代藝術館+成淵高中+日新國小館校合作成果展

Exhibition | Paper-Cut Fantasy‧Magic Mirror Garden –MOCA Taipei's 2012 Artist-in-School Program Exhibition

駐校藝術家 Teaching Artists | 陳薇 Wei Chen/邱雨玟 Yu-wen Chiu

展覽時間 Date | 2013/01/12-02/24

展覽地點 | 台北捷運中山地下書街/地下實驗‧創意秀場(近R9出口)

Venue | Zhongshan Metro Mall/MOCA Studio Underground(Near R9 exit)

門票 Admission | 免費,Free



Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei has always stood behind the mission of strengthening artistic capabilities from the roots, and the museum begun launching collaborative projects with schools since 2007. The first project was collaborated with Jan Cheng Junior High School, with Rixin Elementary School added in 2009, and in 2011, a further connection was made with Cheng Yuan Senior High School. The series of projects has opened up a two-way educational model with faculties and students coming together for creative endeavors and interactive learning opportunities. This year marks the seventh anniversary of the project series. In the new year of 2013, MOCA Studio Underground will be kicking off an exhibition based on collaborations with Cheng Yuan Senior High School, Rixin Elementary School, and artists in residence at these schools. Integrating traditional paper-cut art and innovative contemporary concepts, students were guided in creating the fantastic Mirror Mirror Miracle, with the joint exhibition of the two schools comprised of paper-cut artworks created by over six hundred students.


Wei Chen, the artist-in-school at Cheng Yuan Senior High School, specializes in creatively utilizing practical everyday elements, with an artistic style that is exceptionally unique. For this school project, she guided the students in observing the basic shapes and forms of pollens, seeds, animals, and plants, and from which, students were inspired to discover their creative muses. Mirror Mirror Miracleis one of the four artworks included in this exhibition. With mirrored acrylics used as the stamens and three dimensional effects created with hollow-cut paper works, students were given the freedom to creatively extend and add to the core structure of the piece. The second artwork, Fly Free Fly, is comprised of folded magazine pages to create the firm stomach portions of birds with light feathery wings that seem to be ready to soar up high with dreams ready to be fulfilled. The third artwork is a spherical piece titled Floating Ball Float, which seems to contain a sense of hope that slowly floated up high. Lastly, the fourth artwork, Fantasy Forest, is installed on the ground and is comprised of paper-cut plants that seem to emit soft gentle murmurs in this fantastic dreamy forest.


Yu-Wen Chiu, an artist who specializes in paper cutting, was invited by MOCA Taipei to work with Rixin Elementary School. The program was planned and executed by the artist, and with an up-close-and-personal approach to nature, children were guided in observing closely the vegetation ecology in their school. Furthermore, students also practiced illustrating these plants and later transformed their drawings into paper-cut artworks. The artist led the students in utilizing leaves, flowers, and insects as their creative subjects and worked with repetitive symmetrical shapes combined with personal innovation to cut out their own personal gardens of dreams. These exciting artworks are arranged at the exhibition from the smallest to the largest sizes, and additionally, with the artist’s design and the school’s art teacher’s guidance, the students worked as a team to execute the layout of the exhibition, whereby individual small pieces of artworks are turned into several large paper-cut installations that are nearly three meters long. The installation process was also a good opportunity for the children to learn about team work. MOCA Taipei hopes that through this artist-in-school program to offer the students experiences that are different from their schools’ regular art curriculum and to prompt for solid art education, with actualization of the museum’s educational role of promoting art in our community.
Should you need further information, pls feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Piauling Huang

暱稱: 滄瀳飄零
註冊: 2009-01-19
發表: 13612
來自: 貓窩=W=
V幣: 115089

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