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葉謹睿個展:藝術與非藝術的醞釀、轉化與自我否決@當代藝術館, 2012/11/02-12/02 2012-11-23 13:35 |
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展出地點:台北市大同區103長安西路39號,台北當代藝術館 MOCA Studio
展覽名稱 | 葉謹睿個展:藝術與非藝術的醞釀、轉化與自我否決
Exhibition | Pre-Purpose, Re-Purpose, De-Purpose
展覽時間 Date | 2012/11/02-12/02
展覽地點 Venue | MOCA Studio
門票 Admission | 免費,Free
To create is part of life. Poetries and paintings are all essences extracted from life’s realizations. Different setbacks and experiences in life are part of the incubation process for my creative artistic vigor.
- C.J. Yeh -
一八五五年法國寫實主義畫家古斯塔夫‧庫爾貝(Gustave Courbet, 1819-1877)以著名的巨幅油畫《畫室-概括了我七年藝術和道德生活的真實寓喻》(The Artist’s Studio - A real allegory summing up seven years of my artistic and moral life),結合寫實和象徵的手法完整地呈現了畫家的生活和思想。新媒體藝術家葉謹睿以庫爾貝的名作為標竿,藉由此次展覽,分別以生活記憶、藝術創作與文化省思三個層面作為出發點,全面檢視和呈現自身成長的經歷與感悟。
Purpose 這個單字,意指目的、宗旨或意圖。葉謹睿以當初離鄉逐夢,決心在純藝術領域挑戰自我的初衷為創作起點。展覽茲將當代館展場的三個區域空間來對應其藝術生涯 的進程和轉折。第一個空間從「醞釀」(Pre-Purpose)開始,以實驗性的 「資訊扭曲」(databending)的技法,進行一種概念性的記憶重建,也藉此記述藝術家過去生活中所曾經出現的重大轉變。
第 三個空間為「自我否決」(De-Purpose),藝術家從方興未艾的社群網路文化開展,藝術家針對現代化科技生活,特別是在人際關係以及自我存在感的建 立這兩個層面,提出個人的質疑和批判。作品並從擴張實境的概念出發,用新奇和特殊的模式,讓觀者與虛擬物件互動,藉此突顯人們已麻木無感的一些網路習性, 從而催生一種自我判斷乃至否決的因應策略,以此解構當代的網路文化,提供觀者一個重新檢視數位生活型態的觀想機會。
In 1855, French Realism painter Gustave Courbet (1819-1877) painted the renowned large-scale oil painting, The Artist’s Studio - A real allegory summing up seven years of my artistic and moral life, which employed elements of Realism and Symbolism to depict wholly the artist’s life and philosophy. New media artist, C.J. Yeh has modeled Pre-Purpose, Re-Purpose, De-Purpose - Solo Exhibition by C.J. Yeh after this distinguished artwork by Courbet. Departing from three distinct layers of life’s memories, art, and culture, the exhibition is a comprehensive inspection and portrayal of the artist’s experiences and realizations from his personal development.
The word Purpose has the meaning of goal, objective, or intent. The exhibition is based on the artist’s experience of leaving home to pursue his dream by taking on challenges presented by the pure art world. The entire exhibition is divided into three parts and begins with the portion of Pre-Purpose. Utilizing experimental databending, a conceptual memory reconstruction is executed, whereby major changes that occurred in the artist’s past life are recounted.
Re-Purpose, on the other hand, is based on an interactive internet work. Through computer programming, an automated conversion mechanism and a communication platform are constructed between the audience and modern art. With the computing and information processing functions provided by digital technology, a creative and artistic transformation is thus made possible.
De-Purpose originates from the still unfolding social media culture. The artist targets the two components of social relationship and sense of existence, and prompts for interaction between the audience and the virtual object. The artistic endeavor is used to emphasize certain internet habits that have long become customary and with rejection used as a form of strategy. Through deconstruction of the internet culture, an opportunity is provided for everyone to re-examine our digital lifestyle. ________________ 饒是春秋等閑賦,識盡停跡翻浪去。
Should you need further information, pls feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Piauling Huang |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: 滄瀳飄零 註冊: 2009-01-19 發表: 13612 來自: 貓窩=W=
V幣: 115089
Re: 葉謹睿個展:藝術與非藝術的醞釀、轉化與自我否決@當代藝術館, 2012/11/02-12/02 2012-11-23 13:38 |
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时间:2012-11-13 11:53:03 信息来源:雅昌艺术网
展览城市:台湾 - 台北
一八五五年法国写实主义画家古斯塔夫‧库尔贝(Gustave Courbet, 1819-1877)以着名的巨幅油画《画室-概括了我七年艺术和道德生活的真实寓喻》(The Artist’s Studio - A real allegory summing up seven years of my artistic and moral life),结合写实和象征的手法完整地呈现了画家的生活和思想。新媒体艺术家叶谨睿以库尔贝的名作为标竿,藉由此次展览,分别以生活记忆、艺术创作与文化省思三个层面作为出发点,全面检视和呈现自身成长的经历与感悟。
Purpose 这个单字,意指目的、宗旨或意图。叶谨睿以当初离
乡逐梦,决心在纯艺术领域挑战自我的初衷为创作起点。展览兹将当代馆展场的三个区域空间来对应其艺术生涯 的进程和转折。第一个空间从「酝酿」(Pre-Purpose)开始,以实验性的 「资讯扭曲」(databending)的技法,进行一种概念性的记忆重建,也藉此记述艺术家过去生活中所曾经出现的重大转变。
第 三个空间为「自我否决」(De-Purpose),艺术家从方兴未艾的社群网路文化开展,艺术家针对现代化科技生活,特别是在人际关系以及自我存在感的建 立这两个层面,提出个人的质疑和批判。作品并从扩张实境的概念出发,用新奇和特殊的模式,让观者与虚拟物件互动,藉此突显人们已麻木无感的一些网路习性, 从而催生一种自我判断乃至否决的因应策略,以此解构当代的网路文化,提供观者一个重新检视数位生活型态的观想机会。 ________________ 饒是春秋等閑賦,識盡停跡翻浪去。
Should you need further information, pls feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Piauling Huang |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: 滄瀳飄零 註冊: 2009-01-19 發表: 13612 來自: 貓窩=W=
V幣: 115089