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【愛在當代.藝起幸福】系列三 - 冒泡@當代藝術館, 2012/06/23-2012/08/12 2012-07-10 10:12 |
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【愛在當代.藝起幸福】系列三 - 冒泡
【Contemporary Love‧Art Blissfulness】Series 3 - Speech Bubble
展出地點:台北市大同區103長安西路39號,台北當代藝術館 MOCA Studio
展覽名稱 | 【愛在當代.藝起幸福】系列三 - 冒泡
Exhibition | 【Contemporary Love‧Art Blissfulness】Series 3 - Speech Bubble
展覽時間 Date | 2012/06/23-2012/08/12
展覽地點 | 台北當代藝術館‧當代文創聚落廣場
Venue | The Zhongshan underground book street (Contemporary Community of Creative Design)
門票 Admission | 免費,Free
繁忙的都市生活,行人腳步匆匆。當你於人車繁忙的街頭往來奔走時,腦海中偶爾浮起的想法,是否留得住痕跡?版畫藝術家林仁信,由卡漫創作中常見的「對話雲」開始發想,於當代文創聚落展出最新創作【冒泡】。【冒泡】這一系列作品,是用實驗性手法將抽象的意念視覺化、具體化。這個作品反映了資訊充沛的年代,人們的心情意念容易受到外部資訊的牽引,時而歡喜愉悅,時而悲傷憂鬱,然而多變的情緒也彷彿雲朵一般,聚散無常。藝 術家林仁信為國立台北藝術大學美術系版畫講師,曾獲全國版畫獎,於美國、埃及、東京、台北等國內外重要美術館展出版畫創作,作品並獲國美館、關美館、國父 紀念館及國立歷史博物館典藏。他從傳統版畫出發,力求創新突破,以綜合媒材結合實驗手法,創作出具個人特色、同時又能反映當代社會生活的創意版畫。
The hustle and bustle city life is accompanied by people’s restless footsteps. As you shuttle back and forth in the hectic urban streets, are you able to remember those unique thoughts that have somehow managed to spring up in your mind amidst the havoc? Print artist Lin Ren-hsin, inspired by comic word balloons, created his latest artwork, “Speech Bubble”, for Community of Creative Design Installation Exhibition.
The collection of “Speech Bubble” utilizes experimental approach to visualize and make tangible abstract impressions. It reflects on people of this information generation, and how minds and thoughts are easily influenced by external information, as moods swing and alter like shifting clouds, with unpredictable emotions of happiness, sadness, gloominess…
Artist Lin Ren-hsin, a lecturer of printmaking at Taipei National University of the Arts, has been awarded with the National Printmaking Award, and has exhibited in important international and local museums in U.S., Egypt, Tokyo, and Taipei. Additionally, his artworks are collected by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, and National Museum of History. Originating from traditional printmaking, he strives to innovate with experimental mixed-media approaches. His creative prints are highly distinct and are also reflective of contemporary society and life. ________________ 饒是春秋等閑賦,識盡停跡翻浪去。
Should you need further information, pls feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Piauling Huang |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: 滄瀳飄零 註冊: 2009-01-19 發表: 13612 來自: 貓窩=W=
V幣: 115089