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衍序建築展-後設數位時代的新@當代藝術館, 2012/05/25-2012/07/01 2012-06-25 00:33 |
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展出地點:台北市大同區103長安西路39號,台北當代藝術館 MOCA Studio
展覽名稱 | 衍序建築展—數位時代的新維度
Exhibition | Procedural Architecture—Resolution in the Age of Meta-Digital
展覽時間 Date | 2012/05/25-2012/07/01
展覽地點 Venue | MOCA Studio
門票 Admission | 免費 Free
瑞士聯邦理工學院建築系電腦輔助建築設計研究室(ETH CAAD),是領先全球電腦輔助設計與數位組構的學術機構之一;台灣交通大學建築研究所(NCTU IAR)則是亞洲少數此類機構的代表,這兩個單位於2012年春天共同舉辦的「茶坊 2.0」國際工作營,旨在探索將電腦化設計與數位創作融入建築設計教學的新維度。工作營命名為「茶坊 2.0」,是為了表達衍序建築超越科技的追求,兼顧了對地方文化傳統、時間性與前衛性的重視與尊重,同時也藉此探尋數位設計的新可能。
In the past few decades,Digital Designhas madesignificant evolvement, although people may claim it is still in its infancy. The expanded array of digital design methods and fabrication technologies has become more integrated, fluent and available. In many ways, digital technologiesare right now on the brink of changing the process of design and the construction in architecture, bringing in much further degrees of dimension and newer level of resolution. What is currently going on will, so is steel and concrete have changed the 20th century design fundamentally, change how design is conceived andprocessed, not to mention how people will come to understand architecture. Moreover, all these evolvements are not simply technology-based issues, but more becoming the issue of intuitive sensitivity achieved through technology.
ETH CAAD, one of few institutions which lead the world in computational design and digital fabrication, and NCTU IAR, also one of few institutes pioneering the field in Asia, has held a joint workshop “Teahouse 2.0” in the Spring of 2012, which explore a new threshold of computational design and digital fabrication in the realm of education. The workshop is themed as “Teahouse 2.0” as interest and respect on something beyond technology, such as local tradition, temporality, and avant-garde-ness, also as seeking new possibility of digitally aided design. This exhibition shows the result of the workshop – 3 teams from NCTU IAR and ETH CAAD designed and built 3 experimental “Teahouses” taking advantage of digital technologies – and recent project of educational activities of each school. Through examples of process and result of actual materialization of digitally designed artifacts, visitor shall be able to sense what is really happening in, and fundamentally changing the world of architectural design.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich / Chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design (CAAD):
The Chair for Computer Aided Architectural Design explores the potentials of information technologies in the field of architecture. It is an interdisciplinary group of researchers that focus on computational design methods, material research and digital fabrication, and architectural theory.
The Chair for CAAD offers a one-year postgraduate Master of Advanced Studies program. In this program, fifteen to twenty students of various backgrounds conduct a series of practical and theoretical exercises with the aim acquiring and expertise in digital technologies. Students deepen their understanding and reflect upon these technologies in a joint diploma project and an individual thesis.
交通大學建築研究所在數位時代的全球發展中,以「當代建築設計」與「數位建築設計」為教學與研究領域。「當代建築設計」包含全球與台灣當代建築思潮與數位建築設計等理論性與實務性訓練;「數位建築設計」則包含自2000年起的運算設計與數位構築、虛擬實境、空間感測與互動科技等新數位媒材(New Digital Media)相關之數位建築理論與實務。
交大建築所在國內外實務研究與設計創作上十分活躍。全所研究生與教師之設計創作與數位研究,亦發表在國內外重要之展覽、雜誌、研討會與期刊。本所在建築專業教育方面,招收建築系與非本科系畢業生,提供建築碩士學位(Master of ArchitectureI & II);在數位理論與實務方面,提供建築理學碩士學位(Master of Science in Architecture)與博士學位(Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture)。
National Chiao Tung University, Graduate Institute of Architecture
The NCTU Graduate Institute of Architecture explores the digital era of global movement through the research on Contemporary Architectural Design and Digital Architectural Design. Contemporary Architectural Design covers the theoretical and pragmatic viewpoints of contemporary achitectural thinking and digital architectural design in Taiwan and throughout the world. Digital Architectural Design includes the areas of architectural theories and practices of new digital media such as digital fabrication, virtual reality, and interactive technologies.
The institute is active locally and globally in practical researches and design practices. The design works and digital research by the faculties and students of the institute are published in major seminars, magazines, periodicals and exhibitions throughout the country and the world.NCTU GIA offers Master of Architecture (MArch I & II) for students of both architecture and non-architecture major.Master of Science (MS) in Architecture and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Architecture for those who are interested in advanced research and practice in digital architecture.
[img]http://pic.pimg.tw/mocataipei/1337680755-4202222600_m.jpg [/img]
指導老師 Instructors
班雅明‧迪能布爾格Benjamin Dillenburger
麥可‧漢斯麥雅Michael Hansmeyer
楊家凱Kyle Chia-Kai Yang
侯君昊June-Hao Hou
豐田啟介Keisuke Toyoda
林政緯Cheng-Wei Lin
共同創作者 Artists
黛安娜‧阿爾瓦瑞茲─馬琳 Diana Alvarez-Marin
保佳娜‧密斯克爾金 Bojana Miskeljin
毛利西歐‧羅德立奎茲‧卡斯楚 Mauricio Rodríguez Castro
歐瑞斯提斯‧阿爾及洛波洛斯 Orestis Argyropoulos
史黛拉‧阿薩瑞亞迪 Stella Azariadi
依瓦娜‧丹佳諾維克 Ivana Damjanovic
皮波‧馬丁涅茲‧卡西亞Pepo Martínez García
美林娜‧美薩利 Melina Mezari
史坦尼斯拉瓦‧皮瑞多傑維克 Stanislava Predojevic
美達‧拉多凡諾維克 Meda Radovanovic
丹尼爾‧若雷克 Daniel Rohlek
史地里安諾斯‧薩爾提斯 Stylianos Psaltis
提姆‧賽培能 Teemu Seppänen
王映晴 Ying-Ching Wang
張益銓 Yi-Chuan Chang
陳思因 Szu-Yin Chen
鄭楷婷 Kai-Ting Cheng
謝高漢 Kao-Han Hsieh
林耀廷 Yao-TingLin
林家豪 Chia-HaoLin
李宸安 Chen-AnLi
梁兆沅 Chao-YuanLiang
曾珮涵 Pei-HanTseng
葉欲揚 Yu-YangYeh
劉家豪 Chia-HaoLiu
蘇薇晨 Wei-ChenSu
戴于凱 Yu-KaiTai
藍振育 Cheng-Yu Lan
陳又瑜 Yu-Yu Chen
黃鈺珊Yu-Shan Huang
黃慶雄 Ching-Shiung Huang
呂 昂 Ang Lu
許惠渝 Hsu-Hui Yu
葉昱瑩 Yu-Ying Yeh ________________ 饒是春秋等閑賦,識盡停跡翻浪去。
Should you need further information, pls feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Piauling Huang |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: 滄瀳飄零 註冊: 2009-01-19 發表: 13612 來自: 貓窩=W=
V幣: 115089
Re: 衍序建築展-後設數位時代的新@當代藝術館, 2012/05/25-2012/07/01 2012-06-25 00:50 |
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衍序建築展 後設數位時代的新維度
洽詢電話: 02-2552-3721 ________________ 饒是春秋等閑賦,識盡停跡翻浪去。
Should you need further information, pls feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Piauling Huang |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: 滄瀳飄零 註冊: 2009-01-19 發表: 13612 來自: 貓窩=W=
V幣: 115089
當代館展出「衍序建築展」 透晰數位時代的後設新維度 2012-06-25 00:51 |
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當代館展出「衍序建築展」 透晰數位時代的後設新維度
「衍序」代表「繁衍新序」,《衍序建築展》跳脫傳統的鋼筋水泥,將空間中的人性元素當做思維主軸,賦予建築有機性格,能與使用者產生更多互動。《衍序建築展》於 5月25日展至7月1日在當代館MOCA studio展出,民眾可以透過建築模型開啟數位設計建築新視野。
《衍序建築展》起源於今年春天,「瑞士聯邦理工學院建築系電腦輔助建築設計研究室(ETHCAAD) 」及「台灣交通大學建築研究所(NCTU IAR)」共同舉辦「茶坊2.0」國際工作營,藉由數位設計的模擬能力,開創建築的多元想像空間與實踐方案。
非池中陪著你 藝術零距離http://artemperor.tw/
原文網址: 當代館展出「衍序建築展」 透晰數位時代的後設新維度 | ETtoday消費新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲 #ixzz1yjLOg7tU">http://www.ettoday.net/news/20120605/52272.htm#ixzz1yjLOg7tU ________________ 饒是春秋等閑賦,識盡停跡翻浪去。
Should you need further information, pls feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Piauling Huang |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: 滄瀳飄零 註冊: 2009-01-19 發表: 13612 來自: 貓窩=W=
V幣: 115089