hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) [23/06/1 15:01] ★PAC畢加索數位藝術認證平台-Alice misA心夢幻鏡
第二男主角超級樂天派的天然呆19歲少年,從小跟著母親在理髮店學習,跟著鼓號樂手父親學習跳舞和打鼓,總容易把事情弄巧成拙,但個性善解人意、平易近人,稱號律動美髮師。代表甜點:圈圈兔甜甜圈Circle rabbit Donut、象徵月亮Moon
The second male protagonist is a super optimistic 19-year-old boy who studied in a barber shop with his mother and danced and played drums with his father who was a drum player. division. Representative desserts: Circle rabbit donuts, Circle rabbit Donut, the symbol of the moon Moon
網址連結: https://www.picassocert.com/Silk_Road/modern/AlicemisA #PAC #畢加索數位藝術認證平台 #數位美術館 #AlicemisA #心夢幻鏡 #餐桌白城市 #品牌館 #音樂 #甜點 #夢境 #兔司比 #ToosB #トスビー #鼓手
hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) [23/05/26 14:53] ★PAC畢加索數位藝術認證平台
This is an adventure from a rebellious blonde girl who loves music and painting, AmisA, who was invited by the British director to star in the movie "Alice in Wonderland", but she accidentally fell into a dream because of passing through a magical mirror in the process.
A dream world full of desserts and music, including the roaring rabbit, the mad hat apprentice Jay Xingke who can perform dessert magic, the sly rabbit Sibi, and the timid and crying little tea girl. , Ugly weirdo big nose BOY...etc.
If Amisha wants to return to her original world, she must participate in the red and white talent competition to unravel the mystery of her dream. In addition to meeting the beautifu