hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) [23/06/1 15:01] ★PAC畢加索數位藝術認證平台-Alice misA心夢幻鏡
第二男主角超級樂天派的天然呆19歲少年,從小跟著母親在理髮店學習,跟著鼓號樂手父親學習跳舞和打鼓,總容易把事情弄巧成拙,但個性善解人意、平易近人,稱號律動美髮師。代表甜點:圈圈兔甜甜圈Circle rabbit Donut、象徵月亮Moon
The second male protagonist is a super optimistic 19-year-old boy who studied in a barber shop with his mother and danced and played drums with his father who was a drum player. division. Representative desserts: Circle rabbit donuts, Circle rabbit Donut, the symbol of the moon Moon
網址連結: https://www.picassocert.com/Silk_Road/modern/AlicemisA #PAC #畢加索數位藝術認證平台 #數位美術館 #AlicemisA #心夢幻鏡 #餐桌白城市 #品牌館 #音樂 #甜點 #夢境 #兔司比 #ToosB #トスビー #鼓手