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請自行設定刪除。(2011-04-22 00:24)

[h1]Petit Fancy 14 @ 台灣大學 NTU 4/23 ~ 4/24[/h1]
封面 taichu(元太初) :: PF14新刊封面-悍槍游擊隊

[h1]BMS-CaSiMiR & His Happy Monkeys @ 元智大學 YZU 4/25 ~ 5/13[/h1]
29-s Mexxxxem Gallery :: 「Mexxxem」美術繪圖作品畫廊
001 (21) EdwardBlue Gallery :: 「村木直人」美術繪圖作品畫廊
蜘蛛半身像04 Xes1983 Gallery :: 「友豪」美術繪圖作品畫廊

請務必主動告知! 因為站長/工作人員可能會遺漏,請主動告知!

CWT 27 台大體育館
FF17 台大體育館
CWT27 台大體育館
CWT26 台大體育館
PF13 會員參展
CWT25 台大體育館
FF16 台大體育館
FF15 + CWT24 會員參展
CWT K7 高雄

[/center](2011-04-21 23:59)

Hyper Terminal 替代方案

[h1]Bray's Terminal[/h1]
官網: https://sites.google.com/site/terminalbpp/

Pros: Tiny Size, No Installation Needed, Script & Easy-Macro
Cons: Slow Scrolling, Non-VT100 Simulation, Weird Group-Behavior

捲動很慢,Input & display 是分開的,僅支援最基本的 ASCII。

[h1]Tera Term Pro 4.6+[/h1]
下載: http://ttssh2.sourceforge.jp/
語法: http://ttssh2.sourceforge.jp/manual/en/macro/
Support: http://logmett.com/forum/index.php

Pros: Powerful TTL Macro Languages, Community Forum Support
Cons: Big Size, Learning Curve, Too many Pkgs along with

很完整的 TTL Macro Language,
可以讓你做出一套完整嵌入系統的 RS-232 based 的自動測試;
比用 GNU Expect 還要完整的語法。

但是如果你已經習慣簡單的 Hyper Terminal
Tera Term Pro 可能會讓你覺得還有一段學習曲線。整套裝起來不小,而且很多不曉得需不需要的其他軟體?(2011-04-20 23:04)

Example Download
=> https://docs.google.com/a/vovo2000.com/leaf?id=0BwwsJcOhwf0PZWY1YWMwODAtZTg0Zi00NjliLTlmN2ItZDM0ZWI2OWFkODYx&sort=name&layout=list&num=50(2011-04-20 22:24)

tyc07831 寫到:

1. 發表和回應都有 V-Coins:會根據內容做判斷。
2. 刪除:扣除原來賺的,並且會扣除一定的的刪除稅。
3. 「評分 + 回應」是最快的賺錢方式(會根據內容做判斷)。

V-Coins 用途:
http://vovo2000.com/utils/earn-vcoin/(2011-04-18 10:35)

[h1]Customized your own Firefox 3/4 Search Bar Plug-In[/h1]

[h2]1. Locate Firefox Search Plug-In Folder[/h2]

Windows: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\searchplugins\
Linux: /usr/lib/firefox-4.X.X/searchplugins/

There are some default built-in XML in it,
you could duplicate and revise them to meet your need.

[h2]2. Build your OWN icon by base64 encode (Optional)[/h2]

Get your website's favoicon or your logo gif file,
then base64-encode it.


# ls favicon.ico
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 318 2003-06-26 19:33 favicon.ico
# base64 favicon.ico

Note: these base64 are __without__ CR/LF/Space.

[h2]3. Build Your OWN Search Page[/h2]

You could use Google Custom Search or Google AdSense Search
Google Custom Search: http://www.google.com/cse/
Google Adsense Search: https://www.google.com/adsense/report/overview

[h2]4. Build Your OWN XML by revise one of XML[/h2]

Revise the ShortName/Description/InputEncoding/Image/Url/SearchForm
to meet your needed.

e.g. Paste base64 encoded code into Image-XML-Field from step-2

NOTE: These filed (includes tag or value) __must__ be "Case-Sensitive".


<SearchPlugin xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/2006/browser/search/">
<Image width="16" height="16">data:image/gif;...SKIP...</Image>
<Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="http://vovo2000.com/utils/search-result/">
    <Param name="q" value="{searchTerms}"/>
   <Param name="cx" value="partner-pub-8334843251678223:1729803172"/>
   <Param name="cof" value="FORID:10"/>
   <Param name="ie" value="utf-8"/>
    <Param name="sa" value="搜尋"/>

Note: AGAIN, the base64 Image-XML-tag are "contiguous" without CR/LF/Space.

[h2]5. Copy the XML file into the searchplugins folder mentioned above[/h2]

Edit it and save it into the folder.

[h2]6. Restart Firefox 4[/h2]

Then, you could see the your personal Firefox Plug-Ins!

Note: These steps may too work well under Firefox 3 / 3.5 / 3.6 / 4.0(2011-04-17 18:36)

[h1]Google 視訊 2011/4/29 停止播放服務,5/13 停止下載備份[/h1]

自從 Google 買了 Youtube 之後,Google Video 就變成孤兒了

0. 2006 十月: 10/9 Google 買下 Youtube
1. 2009 五月: 三年之後,Google 停止 Google Video 影片上傳
2. 2011 四月: 4/29,上傳的影片開始不能播放
3. 2011 五月: 5/13,服務完全停止,無法備份。

Google 的客服信件鼓勵把影片轉到 YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com

還有影片備份在 Google Video 的使用者,
=> http://www.google.com/video/upload/Status

_(2011-04-16 21:23)

[h1]Trees Artworks & Personification - 「樹」相關創作與擬人[/h1]
電力樹 電力樹 - Electric Trees
樹人017 怪物-樹人 - Treeman
榕樹-brayan 樹下的捉迷藏 - Hide and Seek
背景的逆襲30% 背景的逆襲 - Tree or Girl
tree guy 是樹還是人 - Tree Woman
小樹苗 繪本插圖小樹苗 - Sapling Drawing Book
端午桂樹精與玉兔 中秋桂樹精與玉兔 - Cassia Tree and Rabbit
魔法樹 Magic tree - 魔法樹
1964065989 Tree is fallen - 樹倒了
漸凍/樹根 漸凍/樹根 - Amyotrophic Root
forgettree 忘記自己是棵樹 - Forgot that I am a tree
樹精靈戰爭 樹精靈戰爭 - War of Trees
樹精黃金紅酒 樹精●黃金●紅酒 - Tree, Gold and Wines
聖誕樹 紙雕聖誕樹 - Paper Art Tree
一棵開花的樹_調整大小 一棵開花的樹 - A Blooming Tree
樹 樹的練習:鐵刀木、羅漢松、尤加利、樟樹、洋紫荊
讀樹(S) 樹,兩排的樹 - Trees Practice
橡樹5 精靈橡樹 - The Druid & Oak
秘密之森-燭光之樹小 秘密之森-燭光之樹 - Forest Trees
樹 樹......... - Trees
科技與自然JPG50% 科技與自然 - Techs & Trees
1977730378 靈與樹 Works with tree's Communication
樹精靈 樹精靈 - Tree Fairy
20081001-wed 迷網樹妖(全圖) - COnfused Tree
DSC09022 千年樹妖 - Aged Dryad
背景樹林 背景-樹林 - Background Trees
樹小圖 一個有關樹的創作 - Tree Art
WorldTree 世界樹美術設定 - World Tree
樹海 樹海 - Sea of trees
hey that is the tree_donee Hey That's the tree!! 鬼太陽
樹人拷貝 樹人不是素人喔 - Tree man
08 圖聊:樹人腳底下和頂上發生的事情 - What happens to Trees
快照 2008-01-27 20-13-34 懷孕的蘋果樹 - Pregnant Apple Tree
[h1]More "Trees" Artworks :: 更多「樹」相關創作[/h1]
樹: http://vovo2000.com/tags/%BE%F0/
Tree http://vovo2000.com/tags/tree/
[h1]See Also "Forest" :: 「森林」[/h1]

[h1]See Also "Personification" :: 「擬人」[/h1]


[/center](2011-04-16 20:54)

[h1]「生氣、憤怒」相關美術插畫人物設計 - Angry & Rage Related Artworks[/h1]
生氣的女人 生氣的女人 - Mad Woman
IMG_8801 Angry-Face T-SHIRT (喜怒哀樂系列-怒)
SKMBT_C45011012608510拷貝 愛生氣女孩 - Angry Girl
1283246850619 憤怒女神 - Nemesis
nosn120sin 我覺得我有點生氣 - A little bit Angry
evil-2-3 憤怒 - Rage
憤怒之火 憤怒之火 - Fire of Rage
140web 怒髮刀男 - Swordsman i n Anger
[h1]More "Angry" Artworks :: 更多「生氣、憤怒」相關創作[/h1]
生氣 http://vovo2000.com/tags/%A5%CD%AE%F0/
憤怒 http://vovo2000.com/tags/%AB%E3/
Angry http://vovo2000.com/tags/angry/

[/center](2011-04-13 00:40)

[h1]Change Ubuntu 10 Screen Size @ VirtualBox 4[/h1]

There seems to be only max 800x600 available on screen resolution
when installing Ubuntu 10 @ VirtualBox

You could achieve to detect higher screen resolution by doing so

1. Mount the Virtual Box 4 "Guest Additions CD" onto VirtualBox CD-Drive

2. You will then see there is a "VirtualBox Guest Additions" CD
in your Ubuntu 10 desktop

3. Open the CD Folder

4. Execute "autorun.sh" (sudo-user or root)

5. Virtualbox additions script might cost you 30~300 seconds
to finish extract/build/install.

6. After Done, the script will prompt you to press any key and "RESTART" your guest ubuntu 10. (You might have to restart yourself)

7. After Restart Done,
you could see and select higher screen resolution
(2011-04-12 12:19)


20 年前的任天堂 Wii-Fit 版
或者 20 年前的 XBOX Kinnect

[影片/動畫](2011-04-10 18:09)

(2011-04-10 16:11)

[h1]Ivanlin1977's 商業插畫、平面設計[/h1]
雜誌封面cover372 理財周刊雜誌第372期封面插畫
Hotdog Hot Go! Hotdog Hot Go!
03- homecoming A salute to "silent hill".
05-上課練習-侍 Sa Mu Rai
01-Money+封面 園富出版社【Money+理財雜誌】內頁插圖
更多 ivanlin1977(林芷蔚) 美術作品 :: More Artworks

See Also
插畫: http://vovo2000.com/tags/%B4%A1%B5e/
平面: http://vovo2000.com/tags/%A5%AD%AD%B1/

[/center](2011-04-09 14:26)

[h1]Google 瀏覽器播放短片出現水平綠色橫線 Green Lines[/h1]

根據 Adobe 和 Google 工程是研究表示
==> 通常是「顯示卡驅動程式太舊」的問題

1. 更新顯示卡驅動程式
NVIDIA: http://www.nvidia.com.tw/Download/index.aspx?lang=tw
ATI/AMD: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx

2. 更新您的瀏覽器 Chrome 到最新版
CHROME: http://www.google.com/chrome/index.html?hl=zh-TW(2011-04-09 11:52)


e.g. 最常看到違反規定亂入、接受批評后不給錢、明明是修煉場卻無法接受批評。(2011-04-06 23:21)

感覺不只要包圍,而是要「轟殺」(2011-04-06 20:59)

HTML5 範例

<!DOCTYPE html>


(2011-04-03 11:33)

GIMP 我記得有不少 plug-in 找找看說不定有。(2011-04-02 22:26)

可以打電話給 Adobe or 購買的代理商問問看 CS5 相容問題。(2011-04-02 22:26)

[h1]Happiness Artworks/Illustration - 幸福插畫、幸福相關插圖美術[/h1]
貓 該說是幸福還是困擾? - Trouble or Happiness?
吃飽撐著幸福 吃飽了撐著的幸福 - Happiness Too Full
理想的幸福 蒙其<理想的幸福> - Ideal Happiness
失落的幸福 失落的幸福 - Happiness That Lost
幸福 最幸福的事 有你保護我 - Its My Happiness
Sleep With You 和你牽手入眠...是最幸福的 - Sleep with You
Happy Together 幸福是跟你一起 - Together with You
Happy Yeah! MSN大頭貼[幸福:YA─] - Happiness Yeah!
Moving Happy 移動的幸福-送信人 - Happiness Deliver
媳婦 媳婦初喜 - Son's Wife Happiness
紅茶 【拉亞漢堡】幸福的紅茶 - Happiness Black Tea
rabi 幸福就是啊~ - My Happiness is ...
ap_F23_20081214054715318 莉莉亞的幸福 - Liliya's Happiness
吹號角 啟程吧! 幸福的青鳥 - Blue Birds
RAKU4CKANSEI 形似小貓的幸福 - Cat's Happyiness
[h1]More "Happiness" Art Creation :: 更多「幸福」插畫創作[/h1]
幸福: http://vovo2000.com/tags/%A9%AF%BA%D6/

[/center](2011-04-02 22:12)

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