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謝謝反應。(2006-11-14 20:04)


您把 Hinet
寫成 Hient

已經砍掉帳號,請重新註冊,謝謝反應。(2006-11-14 19:38)

謝謝反應,有問題請再提出。(2006-11-14 19:25)

1. vofan_XX => 2003 年註冊, Hinet 信箱
2. xxxvofan => 2006 年註冊,尚未啟用

兩者都已經刪除。(2006-11-13 22:42)

HiNet 機房作業流程失誤,導致企業型 ADSL 雙向 512K 電路斷線故障 48 小時。

Vovo2000.Com 申請送件 SeedNet 升速 4M/1M

中華電信-123 電話告知無法升速,請求再確認

HiNet 中華電信工程師電話告知距離過遠無法升速,同意退件

2006/11/10 11:30
11:30 開始斷線,完全無任何 Packets 可進出

2006/11/10 12:00~22:00
多次聯絡 SeedNet, SeedNet 表示機房設定與網路正常;
Hinet 也表示機房設定與網路正常,Hinet 中華電信並表示維修單子很多,下午沒辦法派人。

2006/11/11 09:00
Call SeedNet 請求追 Hinet 維修

2006/11/11 10:10~10:40
HiNet 工程人員至現場查修,
30 分鐘過後,表示原因不明,無法修復,要等到禮拜一(?)

2006/11/11 16:00
Call SeedNet 請求協助,
SeedNet 表示無法理解什麼是『無法修復』; 並會追請 HiNet 再行查修。

2006/11/11 22:00
Seednet 與 Hinet 溝通發現,Hinet 已經將 router 相關設定為 4M/1M
(與前述 11/08~11/09 相違背,也與 11/10 之「正常」違背)。
SeedNet 轉述 Hinet 機房表示目前很晚無法修改。

2006/11/12 10:00
SeedNet 來電表示 Hinet 機房已經設定 4M/1M 完畢,
但 HiNet 工程人員根本沒有約時間,也沒來現場設定 ADSL設備,
也沒有通知改變, Hinet 便自行更改機房設定。

2006/11/12 10:30
SeedNet 機房強制改為 4M/1M,線路恢復。

2006/11/13 10:00
HiNet 中華電信工程師來電詢問「網路好了沒?」
HiNet 工程師表是這是 SeedNet 的錯,並給了新竹 SeedNet 機房的電話

2006/11/13 12:00
猜測 HiNet 把線路又改原雙向 512K,斷線
Call SeedNet 請求障礙排除。

2006/11/13 14:00
SeedNet 機房工程師來電,表示 11/12~11/13 可通信期間所使用的
頻寬強制設定為 4M/1M,
並再確認 ADSL 斷線故障是 Hinet 中華電信的問題
(2006-11-11 01:15)


1. 按上面的 "搜尋"
2. 在 Google / Yahoo! 站內搜尋輸入 "Case 費用"
3. 按下搜尋
----------------------------------------------(2006-11-09 21:19)

Rob Landley 暫時稱之為 ToyBox,也可能考慮稱之為 "BusyBox Lite"


After I stopped working on BusyBox I started over from scratch, and this is the result. The goal of toybox is a small, simple, complete implementation of the standard Linux command line utilities, with minimal external dependencies. This project could be considered "BusyBox lite", or perhaps a fleshed out version of Red Hat's nash.
(2006-11-06 01:44)

2006/11/05 先翻譯前面一段基本介紹,


--- Rationale
This is a forensic analysis undertaken to compare BusyBox 0.25 with current
BusyBox (approximately svn 16124), for the purpose of finding and removing any
code copyrighted by Bruce Perens.


本辯論分析文嘗試進行對於 BusyBox 0.25 與目前 BusyBox 1.2.2(SVN build 16124)進行比較,
目的在於找出並且移除 BusyBox 1.2.2 目前最新版
屬於 Bruce Perens 有版權的程式碼(0.25)。


Bruce Perens created BusyBox in 1995 as a utility for the Debian bootloader,
and declared the project complete in 1996, at which point he abandoned further
development.  Forks of the code were subsequently maintained by Enrique Zanardi
(for Debian) and Dave Cinege (for the Linux Router Project).

Bruce Perens 在 1995 年替 Debian 寫了個 BootLoader,名為 BusyBox,
並且在 1996 年宣稱此 BusyBox 計畫已經完成,在此之後便也沒有進一步的 BusyBox 開發動作。
衍生版本接著由 Enrique Zanardi(主要為了 Debian)
和 Dave Cinege(主要為了 Linux 路由器計畫) 繼續開發維護下去。


In 1998, Erik Andersen founded a new BusyBox project for Lineo, to create a
general purpose utility package for embedded Linux systems.  Erik unified the
Zanardi and Cinege versions of BusyBox, and launched a website, CVS repository,
and mailing list for the new project (asking for and receiving Bruce's
permission to do so). After leaving Lineo, Erik continued this line of BusyBox
development on his own.

1998 年,Erik Andersen 為了 Lineo 企業另外創了一個 BusyBox 的計畫,
目的在於讓此 BusyBox 能夠滿足嵌入式 Linux 系統(Embedded Linux Sysmtes)所需功能,

Erik 統一了之前 Zanardi 和 Cineige 的 BusyBox 版本,並且為此 BusyBox 計畫
寫了一個網站,和 BusyBox CVS 版本控制資料庫、以及 BusyBox Mail List(上述這些動作
都有經過 Bruce 的同意)。

Erik 在離開 Lineo 後,仍舊繼續維持 BusyBox 主線的開發動作。


Later, I (Rob Landley) began contributing to Erik's BusyBox project with the
goal of upgrading BusyBox into a more efficient general-purpose replacement for
the existing standard Linux command line utility packages (the gnu utils, etc),
without sacrificing the existing simplicity or small size of BusyBox.  My
initial goal was to create a busybox-powered development environment (the
Firmware Linux project) capable of rebuilding itself from source code without
any other packages but a compiler toolchain, C library, and kernel.  My
eventual goal is to use BusyBox as the set of command line tools on my laptop.
My first contribution to BusyBox was in 2001 (svn 2128), and I was granted CVS
access in 2003 (svn 8252).

之後,本人 (Rob Landley) 開始參與 Erik 的 BusyBox 計畫,目的在於讓此 BusyBox
升級為一個更有效率的萬用工具包,用以取代現存的標準 Linux 指令集(如 GNU Utils),
此升級也要求不犧牲 BusyBox 原有的簡易性與小的 Code Size。

我的初始目標是創造一個 BusyBox 強化的開發環境(韌體Linux計畫),

我的最終目標是讓我可以用此 BusyBox 當成一套完整的個人電腦命令列工具(Command Line Tool),

對於 BusyBox 的最初貢獻於 2001 年 (SVN 2128),在 2003 年我被允許開始可存取 CVS Vault (svn 8252)


After BusyBox's 1.0 release (in October 2004), Erik turned his attention to his
other embedded projects (uClibc and buildroot) which had not yet achieved their
1.0 releases.  In August 2005, I got Erik's permission to package and put
out the BusyBox 1.01 bugfix release, and then turned my attention to
stabilizing the development tree for a 1.1.0 release (in January 2006).  This
was not an attempt to become maintianer, merely to take some of the load off of
Erik until he had more spare time. 
However, the increasing popularity of
embedded Linux led Erik to instead hand off official maintainership of BusyBox
in February 2006, to its de-facto maintainer (me) so he could focus on uClibc
and buildroot.

在 2004 年 10 月 BusyBox 1.0 版發表後,Erik 將其開發注意力轉移至另外一個嵌入式系統的計畫(UClibc 與 BuildRoot)
在 2005 年 8 月 Erik 允許我整理並發表 BusyBox 1.01 版(Bug 修正版本),

之後我把注意力集中於讓 BusyBox 進入穩定版本,也就是後來 2006 年 1 月的 1.1.0。

這些行為並非是想成為主要維護者,而是在 Erik 仍無法分身時,替 Erik 分擔一些 Loading。

然而,隨著嵌入式 Linux 的快速成長,Erik 必需要花更多時間專注於 UClibc 和 BuildRoot
他決定在 2006 年 2 月將正式的維護工作交接給我。


Bruce Perens never even posted to the BusyBox mailing list during Erik's entire
tenure as BusyBox maintainer (a period of over 7 years).  In 2006, Bruce's web
page still pointed to BusyBox as hosted by Lineo, a reference which was last
current at the end of 2001.  Despite this, in September 2006 Bruce posted a
series of increasingly confrontational mesages to the BusyBox mailing list
objecting to the the plans of the current maintainer (me) to release new
versions of BusyBox under GPL version 2 (rather than GPLv2 or later).  This
topic had been discussed on the list for 9 months; he showed up to interrupt
its implementation.  His confrontational attitude and lack of tact quickly
burned through the respect and deference his historical contributions were
due, and his repeated demands quickly turned into threats (despite being asked
to fork the project from any of the existing releases if he felt that strongly
about the issue, plus repeated assurance that existing releases remained under
the licenses they had already been released under, and a persistent failure
to explain how "GPLv2" wasn't a compatible subset of "GPLv2 or later").

原創者 Bruce Perens 在 1998 年 Erik 接手此計畫之後,從來沒有在這七年間於 BusyBox
的 Mail List 發表任何文章。

Bruce 在他個人的網頁指向 BusyBox 的連結,
仍然是當初那 BusyBox-for-Lineo 的連結,該計畫於 2001 早已結束。

先不管上面這些,Bruce 在 2006 年 9 月,Bruce 在 BusyBox Mail List 發表了一系列
反對我繼續用 GPL Version 2 授權釋出新版的 BusyBox。

這個(GPLv2 or GPLv2 & Later)話題已經持續討論了九個月之久,然而他突然出現,並且打斷一切實作。

Bruce 這些對抗且不夠圓滑的行為迅速的抵銷了他過去對於 BusyBox 的貢獻與他人對他的尊敬,


In one of Bruce's messages, he stated that "you may attempt to prove that
everything I've written has been filtered out over 6 years", and implied it
would be the only way to get rid of him.  Since he wouldn't take me up on my
offer to fork off, I'm taking him up on his offer to demonstrate his

在 Bruce 於 Mail List 發表的訊息中,他指出 "你們可以去證明一下過去六年我寫的所有東西都被過濾掉了"


This is an effort to either show that Bruce has no copyrights on any of the
current code, or to remove any code shown to have his copyrights, in hopes
that he'll shut up and go away.  It's also possible that a detailed analysis
of the origins of BusyBox (predating the current source control system) will
assist future license enforcement efforts, but the motivation is definitely
making Bruce go away.

此分析文針對原始 BusyBox 程式碼的分析(在進入版本控制系統前的程式碼),
有可能有助於將來 BusyBox 授權執行相關議題,不過主要目的還是想擺脫 Bruce。(2006-11-06 00:44)

Be careful.

The employer's website looks so weird and not located in Taiwan.(2006-11-02 00:35)

pirate1981 寫到:
怎麼看不到 😭 😭

I'd guess LEE(版主) delete it by himself.(2006-11-01 00:22)

Type 寫到:

2. 徵狀: 部分文章分頁有問題, 導致最新的 post 頁面無法正常顯示
==> 可能原因: user_id deleted 導致 poster_id 無法 inner join 故實際 post 數目與 inner join 不符合
==> 已修復, Set deleted (user_id)poster_id to be anonymous

徵狀 ==> 同引言,因為使用者未 activate (啟用後,發表了一堆文章,後來改 e-mail 後未啟用)

修正 ==> 10/31 修正完畢,方式同引言。

備註 ==>
該類使用者約 8~10+ 位;
最多發表為會員編號 844 / 1829,原帳號名稱...難以考證。

844 # 影響列數: 18 篇發表
1829 # 影響列數: 63 篇發表(2006-10-31 22:14)


1. 應用軟體參數調整

在 09:00 ~ 16:00 之間可能會有部分不正常現象。(2006-10-29 15:42)


大部分的線上購物真的有和 IBM 達成授權嗎?
Yahoo 和 PChome 不知怎麼看這件事。
另外,sourceforge 上面一堆開店軟體...非常有趣。

International Business Machines Corp. said on Monday it had filed
two lawsuits accusing Amazon.com Inc. of violating patents on
features used in its online shopping network.

IBM 在 10/23 表示已經提出兩起對於 Amazon(亞馬遜) 的專利訴訟,
訴訟的內容是關於亞馬遜在其購物網站的功能侵犯到 IBM 的專利。

The suits say Amazon violates IBM patents covering such features
as allowing users to order items from an electronic catalog,
displaying advertising in an interactive service and storing data in
an interactive network.

訴訟表示亞馬遜侵犯了 IBM 相關的專利,


"We believe that Amazon's entire business model is built upon
these patents and that damages could be substantial," said IBM
spokesman Scott Brooks.

IBM 的發言人 Scott Brooks 表示, "整個 Amazon 的商業模式就是
建立在(IBM)這些專利上,而此行為造成了 IBM 實體商業利益的損失"。

Brooks said IBM was interested in striking a licensing deal with
Amazon, which is the world's biggest online retailer and had $2.14
billion in revenue for its second quarter.

發言人表示 IBM 之前對於和 Amazon 達成專利授權協議感到興趣。
Amazon 是世界上最大的線上購物公司,第二季營收達 21.4 億美金。

"Many companies that do e-commerce have worked with us on
license agreements, and frequently these are cross-license
agreements," Brooks said. "It gives both companies greater
freedom of action."

Brooks 表示,
"許多經營電子商務的公司已經和 IBM 達成了(前述)專利授權協定,
並且多數的狀況伴隨著 Cross-License(相互授權?)"

IBM, which files more U.S. patents than any other company, said it
had first notified Amazon of the infringement more than four years
ago, but that the Seattle-based company had "shown no
willingness to have meaningful discussions".

IBM, 這個擁有最多美國專利的企業, 表示四年前就已經向亞馬遜
提出關於(上述)專利侵害的提示,但 Amazon 這個在西雅圖的公司並

Amazon was not immediately available for comment.


Amazon sued Barnesandnoble.com, the online unit of the Barnes &
Noble book chain, in 1999 for allegedly infringing its "1-Click" patent
that lets shoppers order an item with a single mouse-click. The
companies settled in 2002.

亞馬遜曾經在 1999 年對 Barnesandnoble.com
(Barnes & Nobel 書商線上部門) 進行訴訟,
訴訟的內容是 B & N 侵犯了亞馬遜的《一指購》專利, 該專利

亞馬遜和 Barnes & Nobel 在 2002 針對此(一指購)訴訟達成和解。

Other services IBM maintains are covered by its patents deal with
presenting applications in an interactive service and adjusting Web
links with weighted user goals and activities, which IBM said would
apply to Amazon's popular feature that recommends products to

IBM 亦指出亞馬遜的 "個人化商品推薦" 相關功能也在

The suits were filed in two separate U.S. District Courts for the
Eastern District of Texas, known in technology and legal circles for
the large number of patent cases it hears.

IBM 在兩個不同美國德州東區行政訴訟法庭提出訴訟,

"We filed this case for a very simple reason. IBM's property is being
knowingly and unfairly exploited," John Kelly, IBM's senior vice
president of technology, said in a statement.

IBM 資深技術副總 John Kelly 在一份聲明表示
因為 IBM 的智慧財產正在被故意的和不公平的被利用著。"

Amazon shares rose 13 cents to $32.7 in morning trade on Nasdaq.
IBM gained 1.2 percent to $91.6 on the New York Stock Exchange.

今日 Amazon 在 Nasdaq 漲了 13 分,收盤 $32.7 美元。
IBM 今日在紐約股票交換中心漲了 1.2 分,收盤 $91.6 美元。


http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=technologyNews&storyID=2006-10-23T164202Z_01_WNAS9414_RTRUKOC_0_US-IBM-AMAZON.xml&sz=13&WTModLoc=NewsArt-C1-ArticlePage2(2006-10-24 20:38)

1. 徵狀: 部分簡體使用者多國語言(簡、日)轉換
==> 可能原因: metadata 無指定編碼
==> 已修復

2. 徵狀: 部分文章分頁有問題, 導致最新的 post 頁面無法正常顯示
==> 可能原因: user_id deleted 導致 poster_id 無法 inner join 故實際 post 數目與 inner join 不符合
==> 已修復, Set deleted (user_id)poster_id to be anonymous(2006-10-19 01:08)

Thank you.

我想應該已經修好了,有問題請再反映。(2006-10-18 22:10)

徵求 "最近" 曾經有問題的會員(e.g. 影宿 / 火野)

幫忙動作 ===> 回覆本討論串
內容或主題 => 發表一些您覺得容易有問題的簡體中文,或日文之測試段落

Thank you.(2006-10-17 20:21)


改天翻譯。(2006-10-17 00:21)

[資訊安全] McAfee 網站安全提醒者(SiteAdvisor)

1. Extension Plug-In 於 IE or Firefox

2. 與 Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft MSN-Search(Live.Com) 合作,
等顏色顯示該 URL 的安全性。

3. 同時顯示於瀏覽器的右下角。

4. 該網站也提供單一網站查詢功能。

5. 下載
Firefox: http://www.siteadvisor.com/download/ff.html
IE: http://www.siteadvisor.com/download/ie.html

=> 快速的幫你過濾,適合常常踏到怪網站的使用者。

=> 範圍不夠精確,新網站通常沒有判斷。

可參考,不可完全信賴。(2006-10-16 23:37)

Microsoft Terminology Translations
Excel 檔案。


很 Generic,深度可能會侷限於 Microsoft 有用到的範圍而已。
值得參考。(2006-10-16 23:14)

Vovo2000.Com 擁有良好的 SEO Infrastructure (搜尋引擎優化基礎建設)

google: 德珍 教學
google: 蔡銀娟 油畫

當然, "吃愛 日恩" 這種主題,只要有 PO,
google bot, yahoo slurp, baidu spider, msn-bot ... 就會來吃。

有 post 就會有效果。(2006-10-16 21:45)

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