人氣點閱: 323, 回覆: 0, 2024-09-20Cinn 卓瑩光波 奈米遠紅外線 百間醫療院所採用
★CINN卓瑩光波-IP心夢X數位皮羅-奈米遠紅外線-★★Alice misA Dessert -AmisA愛米莎小被套120cmX150cm
The lovely AmisA, the lead singer, especially likes the elements of music, desserts, and dreams. The partners in the band are guitarist JaskY and drummer ToosB. I look forward to the fantasy journey that the three of them will have. Do you want to know any exciting stories?
CINN卓瑩光波-IP心夢X數位皮羅-奈米遠紅外線-★Alice misA ★餐桌白城市豐華夜宴章設計毯被-145cm * 115cm
https://www.rakuten.com.tw/....../product/qj5m08s4w/...... #日本 #樂天市場 #Rakuten #CINN #卓瑩光波 #奈米遠紅外線 #小被 #Alice #愛麗絲 #下午茶 #甜點 #dessert #夢鏡 #mirror #音樂 #music #夢學 #微笑愛心 #Love #Smile #愛米莎 #AmisA #アミサ #AlicemisA #心夢幻鏡 #餐桌白城市 #夢遊者 #Sleepwalker
The story tells the legends from every tribe in the mountains from the history books. The guardian spirits created by the twa'omas of Taiwan's land are endowed with life elements: water, sunshine, and grass wind, adding incredible richness to Taiwan, the island of the Austronesian people.