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bcny(B.c.N.y.) :: bcny 美術繪圖作品畫廊 人氣點閱: 951130

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CCC6 彩色插畫:日治時期台灣原住民少女學生 ›› CCC ›› B.c.N.y. ›› bcny ›› 女孩子 ›› 自創 ›› 原住民 ›› 少女 ›› 日治時期
人氣點閱: 11071, 回覆: 4, 2011-10-28
(23 個評分 Rating 5.25)

越來越精采的Creative Comic Collection創作集(CCC),於2011年6月推出了最新一期的刊物,我在其中很榮幸地負責了專題”青澀韶光-台灣女學生圖錄”裡一個時期的彩色插畫。





110315 Illustration work .

This illustration is a commercial case for Taiwanese magazine "Creative Comic Collection vol.6". The color illustrations column theme in this magazine is “Taiwanese Girl Students at different ages in Taiwan”.

I select the age of Taiwanese aboriginal students under the Japanese colonial era; they have to study Japanese textbooks, wearing Japanese clothing. To present a real atmosphere for that age, all objects in the picture are based on the actual data, and make sure the picture keeping native feeling.

I love aboriginal style; so I really enjoy creating this illustration in this case, and hope you like it.

By the way, here has a blog page described details previous, you can read more information in this page.

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重生之橋The Bridge of Rebirth ›› BcNy ›› B.c.N.y. ›› Han-Yuan Yu ›› 少女
人氣點閱: 4723, 回覆: 2, 2014-04-18
(21 個評分 Rating 5.6875)
她是一位掌握著人類重生的主宰, 當人們的靈魂道達這邊來時, 她會讓他們喝下這能夠抹去一切記憶的酒.

除了這個原始的版本外, 我另外還嘗試了五種色調版本, 將會逐日發表到我的臉書. 希望大家會喜歡這次的作品!

She is a lord of dominating people's rebirth. When a human's soul comes to this bridge, she will give a wine to the soul for erasing the memory its had before the death.
The idea of this illustration came from a Chinese traditional story.

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短暫休息再出發 ›› B.c.N.y. ›› bcny ›› 機車 ›› 機械 ›› 機器人 ›› 風鏡 ›› 少女 ›› 人物設計
人氣點閱: 7493, 回覆: 13, 2010-06-19
(23 個評分 Rating 5.1875)


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瓦羅然藝術祭 - 實戰訓練 ›› 英雄聯盟 ›› Bcny ›› League of Legends
人氣點閱: 8124, 回覆: 0, 2013-02-14
(21 個評分 Rating 5.5625)
這張畫是投稿瓦羅然藝術祭的作品, 聽說美服那邊要過約莫兩禮拜, 才會有更進一步的公佈出現. 希望能夠獲得好成績! 不過最少我可以放在自己以後的畫集裡面xD

作品標題: 實戰訓練
作品簡述: 唯有透過不斷的實戰才能培養出最堅強的戰力!!

之後放到貼圖網站時, 有多作一些說明, 也多加了隻英雄進去, 所以才形成雖然五五捉對廝殺卻有11個人的奇妙情況.

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明日工作室小說:黃泉委託人4 地獄逃犯 封面插畫 ›› 明日工作室 ›› 小說 ›› 黃泉委託人4 ›› 地獄逃犯 ›› 封面插畫 ›› bcny ›› B.c.N.y.
人氣點閱: 8133, 回覆: 1, 2012-05-11
(22 個評分 Rating 5)



Cover design and character illustrations for volume 4 of “Huang Chuan Wei Tuo Ren”: “Escapist from Hell” (11/2011)

I carried out the client’s request on certain elements to design the composition of this illustration. Because the setting of the illustration was at night, I decided to saturate the screen with purple color tones to create a nocturnal atmosphere. The landscape was based on my memory of the basketball court of my senior high school. Although this illustration did not contain many objects, I still concentrated on the composition, which guides the audience’s eyes to move smoothly across this illustration.

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CCC7 彩色插畫:原住民傳說-百步蛇娶妻 ›› CCC ›› B.c.N.y. ›› bcny ›› 女孩子 ›› 自創 ›› 原住民 ›› 少女 ›› 排灣族
人氣點閱: 17074, 回覆: 6, 2011-11-11
(19 個評分 Rating 5.5625)

這張插畫刊載於Creative Comic Collection創作集(CCC)的第七集中。這次彩色插畫部分的主題是人與生物的對話,每一位畫家都有相當漂亮的表現,也希望我的呈現也不會輸給他們。



This Illustration had finished at about 2011’ May.

This one is the commercial case for Taiwan magazine "Creative Comic Collection vol.7". In this magazine has a color illustration column that the theme is “The Taiwan fable about the conversation between human and creature”.

The theme I selected is the fable about the hundred-pace snake marriage story, which mentioned a tale about the Paiwan, one of the Taiwan Aboriginals. One day a father plucked a glamorous flower in mountains, suddenly appeared a giant hundred-pace snake talked to him: If you don’t give a daughter be my wife, you will die in recent days!” Although the father’s every daughter were unwilling to be the snake’s wife, but to protect their father, finally, the youngest girl said that she wanted to took this mission. After the royal celebration of wedding, the giant snake up rolled the bride with the long tail and flying to the sky, then the snake transferred to a handsome gentleman! In the end, they have a happiness ending.

In this illustration, I spend a lot of energy to decorate the Aboriginal pattern and decoration, and hope you like it!

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