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HMRemi(H.M.Remi) :: HMRemi 美術繪圖作品畫廊 人氣點閱: 15769

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Water Mirror for Lost Memory ›› CG ›› Water ›› HmRemi ›› Mirror ›› Fantasy
人氣點閱: 1726, 回覆: 0, 2009-12-09
"Water Mirror for Lost Memory" 是我的動畫作品 “The Battle Song of Iron Bird Chronicle” 的主角插畫3幅的其中之一。


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Dance of Sparks ›› CG ›› HMRemi ›› Fire ›› Sparks ›› Fantasy
人氣點閱: 1595, 回覆: 0, 2009-12-09
"Dance of Sparks" 是我的動畫作品 “The Battle Song of Iron Bird Chronicle” 的主角插畫3幅的其中之一。


如想看本作的動畫,請到這兒看看 😃 http://hmremi-art.blogspot.com

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希望之光下的戰士 - Fighter Under the Light of Hope ›› “CG” ›› light ›› hmremi ›› fantasy
人氣點閱: 1750, 回覆: 0, 2009-12-09
(1 個評分 Rating 5)
"Fighter under the Light of Hope" 是我的動畫作品 “The Battle Song of Iron Bird Chronicle” 的主角插畫3幅的其中之一,也是最令我自豪的一幅, 因為它入圍了Aniwow!2009第四屆中國國際大學生動畫節插畫組的正式比賽😊

Animia 充滿了希望的堅定眼神很帥氣啊!(那不是殺氣才對嗎?.....)

如想看本作的動畫,請到這兒看看 😃 http://hmremi-art.blogspot.com

請容許在下宣傳一下:在下正在尋找插畫的工作,善長CG、手繪、人物設計 及將故事視覺化。如有意與在下合作,請email致 hmremi@hotmail.com


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Fighter under the Light of Hope ›› CG ›› HMRemi ›› Fighter ›› Fantasy
人氣點閱: 1695, 回覆: 0, 2009-12-09
"Fighter under the Light of Hope" 是我的動畫作品 “The Battle Song of Iron Bird Chronicle” 的主角插畫3幅的其中之一,也是最令我自豪的一幅,因為它入圍了Aniwow!2009第四屆中國國際大學生動畫節插畫組的正式比賽! 🤩

Animia 充滿了希望的堅定眼神很帥氣啊!(那不是殺氣才對嗎?.....)

如想看本作的動畫,請到這兒看看➡️ http://hmremi-art.blogspot.com

請容許在下宣傳一下:在下正在尋找插畫的工作,善長CG、手繪、人物設計 及將故事視覺化。如有意與在下合作,請email致 hmremi@hotmail.com


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噬魂者 SOUL EATER Fan Art: Partner-Maka and Soul ›› soul eater ›› fan art ›› hmremi ›› manga
人氣點閱: 2347, 回覆: 0, 2011-01-06
(1 個評分 Rating 5)
It has been a long time since the last time that I worked on fan art.
This is a piece that I draw for Soul Eater, a Japanese manga story.
I name this work as "Partner-Maka and Soul". Hope you can feel the strong bond of partnership between these two characters~
(done in Photoshop CS4)
Please go to my blog to see more arts :http://hmremi-art.blogspot.com

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噬魂者 SOUL EATER Fan Art: Maka ›› soul eater ›› fan art ›› hmremi ›› manga
人氣點閱: 2192, 回覆: 0, 2011-05-27
Hahaha It's Maka again.
It's not that I like this character particularly, but I like drawing this character particularly (myself also wonder why) XD
So here you are, Maka in Photoshop
More art at http://hmremi-art.blogspot.com

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