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各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-26 22:32 |
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目標是世界第一 (挖哈哈!!.....)
現在已有三位達人 希望有興趣的兄弟們能參考一下
以後會爭極力取任何競賽 展覽等等活動
我們要的是 Team Chemistry 和 share the same vision
most important of all , we are going to share lots of fun
we are a group of people who are very devoted in doing what we love to do, and we are to make impact on the field of artistry
目前有2D , 3D , graphic design 等人
最重要的是我們大家都熱愛藝術 並都抱持著革命的精神
朝著自己的夢想前進! 而且我們大家都很好相處喔~!
雖然不拘任何國籍或地區的人 但目前會先找同一地區的人 ^^
當然台灣人最好啦~ 呵呵..
若有興趣 詳情請主動連絡我一下吧~ ^^
michael97552@hotmail.com (我有MSN) |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: .oOMOo. 註冊: 2003-04-10 發表: 23
V幣: 396
Re: 各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-27 14:02 |
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oi, taiwanese here (im too lazy to type chinese here so please dont mind XD)
im currently studying in vancouver, bc
and i know a bit of everything like photoshop, flash, web design, but not soo specialized and kinda novice
i also do drawing and painting (both traditional and digital (anime stuff))
and actually i just had an art exhibition in kaohsiung, taiwan a month ago
so... msn me if ur interested: rickyp999@yahoo.com |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: RandomTaiwanese 註冊: 2005-04-27 發表: 1
V幣: 40
Re: 各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-27 14:11 |
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wow great spirit you've got thereXD
i currently live in australia now( but i m 100% taiwanese )
i was wondering what kind of style you were looking for?
looking forwards to see great things coming from you guys |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: 鈴音 註冊: 2003-12-08 發表: 19 來自: 澳洲, 雪梨
V幣: 407
Re: 各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-27 15:25 |
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Thanks for considering the offer!
what we want is variety, it can be different style or different media
u name it
I am very glad that lots of people have contacted me and ask about it..
yes we GOT whole lots of spirits! most of us are professional artists, and we are going to grow fast and strong
to do that , we are hoping to gether the best of the best
we will take anyone from white to black if both sides are interested in each other...
of course the better skill the better XD
the reason i said Canada is bcuz most of us are lving here
we do plan to accept new digital painters in the moment
hopefully we can all develop better skills altogether
having fun is very important , but while we have it , we should work towards a greater success
If it takes all of the passion from us to get to where we want, then we will give it all...
In the end, there is nothing wrong about giving it all to what we all love...
thank u~! ^^ |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: .oOMOo. 註冊: 2003-04-10 發表: 23
V幣: 396
Re: 各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-27 15:36 |
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加拿大的~(舉手) (._.)/
(尤其是華人創作團體~: D) ________________
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: elf 註冊: 2003-04-01 發表: 6
V幣: 189
Re: 各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-27 16:09 |
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i see i see~
i m pretty interested but i think i would be good enough for such things😜 i do mostly anime style art and 2D designs.
good luck on everything~
wow i remenber u from deviantart!XD love all your works~ |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: 鈴音 註冊: 2003-12-08 發表: 19 來自: 澳洲, 雪梨
V幣: 407
抱歉... 2005-04-27 18:09 |
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經過團長從新敘述之後 發現若一開始就計畫的太遠會不實際
我們想找有風格的畫友們 一些有能力創造出有感覺能勾動人心的畫友
artists that has his style/ID and has ability to illustrate images that has feeling/communication etc..
對於新手們也不排斥(在此指不管是畫畫或自覺畫不過好的人 或對於工具或技術上尚可加強的朋友們) 我們也會歡迎
在一大批的driving force下相信大家會突飛猛進~ ^^ |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: .oOMOo. 註冊: 2003-04-10 發表: 23
V幣: 396
Re: 各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-27 18:59 |
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BTW! Elf and 玲音 i saw both of ur works!
they r great!! if u guys are interested PLEASE contact me
at michael97552@hotmail.com
thank u~ wuahah looks like i am having a lot of luck! |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: .oOMOo. 註冊: 2003-04-10 發表: 23
V幣: 396
Re: 各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-28 01:34 |
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haha, what a coincidence then~XD
(Although I haven't really been on DA for a while now..-_-;;)
btw, what's your DA id?? : q
added you to msn...
your email is also your msn id right? =v=;; ________________
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: elf 註冊: 2003-04-01 發表: 6
V幣: 189
Re: 各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-28 11:53 |
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haha strange how the world is big and small at the same timeXD. my dA id is shirorin, dA has recently changed their submission agreement so it would be better to check it out just in case when you have the time = =;
i added you to my msn list
if it didn't work i'll try mailling you. owo/
by the way here's my emil/msn: shirorin@hotmail.com |
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: 鈴音 註冊: 2003-12-08 發表: 19 來自: 澳洲, 雪梨
V幣: 407
Re: 各位加拿大的朋友們 看到請回答! 2005-04-30 20:57 |
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鈴音 寫到: | elf;
haha strange how the world is big and small at the same timeXD. my dA id is shirorin, dA has recently changed their submission agreement so it would be better to check it out just in case when you have the time = =;
haha, yes, it's a small world~XD
I've add you to my watch list~😃
and yes, I sort of check out the new submission agreement~
(Since so many people rant about that in on their journal, it's hard not to notice it..XD)
but it seems that this mobile option (which is why they modify the agreement) can be disabled, I don't really see any problem with that...^^;; ________________
繪圖畫廊 設計藝廊 攝影相簿 留言板 最愛收藏 分類標籤
暱稱: elf 註冊: 2003-04-01 發表: 6
V幣: 189