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各種「取得/獲得」英文差別比較: Get, Obtain, Acquire, Gain, Grab, Earn 2016-11-27 23:18 |
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各種「取得/獲得」英文差別比較: Get, Obtain, Acquire, Gain, Grab, Earn
"Get" => 「取得」是最一般的用法,「中立的講法」,不涉及金錢多寡、不涉及主動被動、不涉及法律正確與否等。 較為「不正式」,但也沒有那麼不正式,因為 GET 用途太多,算是萬用動詞。
下面 acquire / obtain / gain / earn 的相關例句,用 get 替換,80% 以上都可以。
"Acquire" => 涉及「透過金錢、股權、契約等交換」的取得,最常看到是指「併購、收購」等公司法人的「取得」。 有時偏向在正式場合使用。
e.g. LSI Logic was acquired by Avago around 2016 Q2.
e.g. The team needs to acquire more experience and trainings before do this huge project.
"Obtain" => 和 Acquire 相同意思的取得,但更強調「取得所有權」或「拿到後持續擁有」,短期內不會消失。
e.g. I obtained my computer science BS & MS degrees in NCTU, HsinChu City.
e.g. Hey John, these money was dishonestly obtained, you can't take it.
"Gain" => 和 Acquire 或 Obtain 一樣,但更強調「已經有了 -> 取得更多」。
e.g. Ross gained more knowledge and skills when he worked in museum.
e.g. Chandler looked gaining much more weights in this season's bottom episodes.
"Earn" => 強調「贏得取得」或「辛苦獲得」;等同 "Win to Get", "Pay Effort to Get"。
e.g. To earn more money, Paul tries to translate more Japanese comic books than ever.
e.g. Mike has earned his friends' respect by donating to foundations.
"Grab" => 強調「瞬間奪取」「快速抓取(並緊握 Seize)」的動作,比較常用於「實體物件」;但用於「抽象物件」時,就是強調短時間內快速抓取緊握不放的意思。
"Grab the chances" 把握機會。 這裡 grab 更強調 seize,有別錯過的意思。
e.g. Black Friday sales are going to finish, please grab the chance to do the shopping in our store!


爽的勒:維尼的頭巾獲得! ________________
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