強烈責難/飽受責難的英文: Take flak; Get flak; Take <adj> share of flak 2016-05-04 13:34 |
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強烈責難/飽受責難的英文: Take flak; Get flak; Take <adj> share of flak
1. 可用 "<someone> take flak or get flak"
e.g. Mary gets flak after posting her car accident dash-cam videos onto youtube.
2. 如果要強調「飽受責難」,則用 take his/her/<adj> share or fair share,代表強調「相當程度」或「程度的形容」
e.g. Richard always takes his(fair) share of flak. And never compromises his principles.
e.g. Sammy took lots share of flak on her reports.
3. Flak 英文原意代表「高射砲」,他是德文「高射砲」的縮寫 "Flugzeugabwehrkanone",這裡引伸為「責難 or 強烈責難」;
很恰巧的,台語也有「被砲 (be cannoned)」的說法!
4. 而,正規「責難/責怪/怪罪」的英文講法則是「Blame (take the blame)」
e.g. John take the blame because of using strong words upon business mails.
e.g. The company blames Lee for the shipment incident.
Flugzeugabwehrkanone(Flak, 高射砲) 參考圖片
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