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2016 臺中市第二十一 屆大墩美展

發表新主題 回覆主題 美術比賽:設計比賽,投稿活動,漫畫比賽,美術插畫比賽,兒童繪畫比賽

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人氣點閱:3769 發表人
2016 臺中市第二十一 屆大墩美展 2016-02-05 02:09
分類: ✔️大墩
個人: ✔️大墩
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臺中市第二十一 屆大墩美展

官網: http://goo.gl/pBFYhS



(二)不限參賽類別,但每類限送一件。抄襲、臨摹、冒名頂替他人者,主辦單位得取消其資格,三年 內不得參賽。



01、墨彩:畫心限 135 公分70 公分對開以上(不得電腦合成、大圖輸出),連框裝裱或卷軸不得超過230 公分150 公分。

02、書法:直式對聯或中堂,畫心限135 公分70 公分對開以上,連框裝裱或卷軸不得超過230 公分150公分。


04、膠彩:50 號以上,裝框後不得超過176 公分142 公分。

05、油畫(含複合媒材):50 號以上,裝框後不得超過176 公分142 公分(不得電腦合成、大圖輸出)。

06、水彩(含複合媒材):對開以上,裝框後不得超過176 公分142 公分。

07、版畫:4 開以上,作品須註明版次及簽名,裝框後不得超過176 公分142 公分。

08、攝影:裝框前作品長邊限24 英吋(61 公分)。

09、雕塑(含立體複合媒材):作品高、寬、深加總不得超過 440 公分(含底座,其中最長邊不得超過240 公分),
重量200 公斤以上者,參賽者應全程自行搬運、布置;請以堅固木箱裝運,外箱須貼組裝完成及展示形式相片。


a、平面作品:裝裱後高、寬皆不得超過240 公分。

b、立體作品:高、寬、深加總不得超過440 公分(含底座,其中最長邊不得超過240 公分)。
編織類長不得超過240 公分(裱於圖板者尺寸同平面作品之規定);
精細作品應加墊座,並用壓克力盒(高、寬、深皆不得小於20 公分)裝妥固定。


※ 01~08 各類作品必須精細裝裱完整(玻璃裝裱不收)。


掛號郵寄「40701 臺中市西屯區臺灣大道三段99 號惠中樓8 樓/ 臺中市政府文化局 視覺藝術科」收,



a、參賽作品之照(圖)片810 吋一張(照片務求清晰,貼附於送件表)。

b、篆刻類以閒章為主,並以參賽作品之五至十方印拓、酌附邊款黏貼於八開宣紙(不須 裝裱);不須附照片。

c、平面類作品得另加細部(放大)照片810 吋一張。

d、攝影類作品之照片可格放或經電腦後續處理為長邊10~12 英吋。


810 吋照片各一張。

f、數位藝術類:請將作品以A3 大小輸出圖片報名,並須繳交參賽作品數位檔或可執行檔。



5、送件表暨簡章可逕至臺中市政府文化局網站( http://www.culture.taichung.gov.tw/)下載。

(二)複審:原件作品送件至「40359 臺中市西區英才路600 號/ 臺中市大墩文化中心」。


形式以直式卷軸或裝框皆可(手卷不收);畫心以150 公分45 公分為上限。


a、數位影像靜態平面作品須輸出A0(118.8 公分84.1 公分)尺寸,框裱完成。

b、非屬靜態之數位藝術作品,須附格式為10 分鐘以內之完整作品數位檔案,以及作品安裝說明,且作品數位檔中不得出現作者資料。
布置後空間不得超過高 2.4 公尺 長3 公尺 寬3 公尺。



(三)大墩獎:各類第一名加送3 件參考作品,由各類評審委員召集人共同遴選出5 位大墩獎得主,於頒獎典禮公布;


(一)大墩獎:由各類第一名中遴選出5 名,除第一名獎金新臺幣十二萬元外,

(二)各類第一名:1 名,獎金新臺幣十二萬元整(含稅),獎狀一紙、獎牌一面。

(三)各類第二名:1 名,獎金新臺幣八萬元整(含稅),獎狀一紙、獎牌一面。

(四)各類第三名:1 名,獎金新臺幣五萬元整(含稅),獎狀一紙、獎牌一面。

(五)各類優選:1 至4 名(總數不逾34 名),獎金新臺幣一萬五千元整(含稅),獎狀一紙。



(八)本屆各類優選以上得獎作品,得受邀於106 年安排至國外展出。


(一)日期:中華民國105 年11 月12 日(星期六)至11 月30 日(星期三)

(二)地點:臺中市大墩文化中心(大墩藝廊一~三、五~六及動力空間) 臺中市西區英才路600 號

(三)退件:中華民國105 年12 月2 日(星期五)至3 日(星期六)



(一)日期:中華民國105 年11 月12 日(星期六)下午



暱稱: 鎖骨
註冊: 2008-08-31
發表: 1837
來自: Taiwan
V幣: 133887
Re: 2016 臺中市第二十一 屆大墩美展 2016-03-13 16:07
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1. Purpose:
To enhance international cultural exchanges and raise standards for artistic creation.
2. Organizers:
1) Supervisor: Ministry of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan); Taichung City Government
2) Organizer: Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government; Organizing Committee of the
st Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition
3. Qualified Participants:
1) All domestic and foreign artists.
2) Participants can apply to multiple categories, but may only submit one item for each category.
The organizer reserves the right to disqualify any applicant from participating in the Da Dun
Fine Arts Exhibition for a three-year period if they are found copying, imitating or forging the
works of other artists.
3) Submitted artworks must be original, individual creations completed. Artworks, as well as
works from the same series of an artwork, that have received awards (excluding academic
awards) or been short-listed at any other art exhibitions may not be submitted.
4. Categories and Regulations for Submitted Artworks:
(1) Ink Wash Painting:
The actual artwork itself must be between 135 cm x 70 cm and 230 cm x 150 cm, inclusive
of frames and scrolls. Important note: Computer-generated effects and large-format
printing are forbidden.
(2) Calligraphy:
The actual artwork itself must be between 135 cm x 70 cm and 230 cm x 150 cm, inclusive
of frames and scrolls.
(3) Seal Engraving:
Please refer to the relevant regulations listed below in Term 5, Application Procedure.
(4) Glue Color Painting:
The size of each piece must be larger than No. 50 and should not exceed 176 cm x 142 cm,
inclusive of the frame.
(5) Oil Painting (including Graphic Mixed Media):
The size of each piece must be larger than No. 50 and should not exceed 176 cm x 142 cm,
inclusive of the frame. Note: Computer-generated effects and large-format printing are
(6) Watercolor Painting (including Graphic Mixed Media):
The size of each piece must be between 78.7 cm x 54.6 cm and 176 cm x 142 cm, inclusive
of the frame.
(7) Printmaking:
The size of each work must be between 54.6 cm x 39.3 cm and 176 cm x 142 cm, inclusive
of the frame. The number of print must be specified and a signature must be included on
each piece of artwork.
(8) Photography:
The length of each photographic work must be exactly 24 inches (61 cm), exclusive of the
(9) Sculpture (including three-dimensional mixed media works):
The sum of height, width and depth must not exceed 440 cm (inclusive of stands, which the
longest side must not exceed 240 cm). For artworks exceeding 200 kg in weight, artists are
completely responsible for transporting and setting them up at the site on their own. Please
pack your pieces in sturdy wooden boxes to ensure their safety during transportation and
attach photos of your works (in a presentation-ready fashion) on top of the boxes.
(10) Crafts:
Submitted works may be of any style and material. Please pack your artwork in a sturdy
wooden box to avoid damage during transportation, and attach a photo of your submission
(in a presentation-ready fashion) on top of the box.
Artwork size:
a. Flat (two-dimensional) entries: Not exceeding 240 cm (H) x 240 cm (W), inclusive
of frame.
b. Three-dimensional entries: The sum of height, width and depth must not exceed
440 cm (inclusive of stands, which the longest side must not exceed 240 cm). In
the weaving category, submitted pieces must not exceed 240 cm (regulations for
flat entries also apply to framed woven works). Artists are strongly advised to wrap
delicate/fragile works in acrylic cases with soft padding to avoid damage during
transportation (no smaller than 20 cm in height, width or depth).
(11) Digital Art:
This category includes still, animation and interactive digital artworks. Please refer to
relevant regulations listed below in Term 5, Application Procedure.
※ Art pieces submitted for categories No. 1 to No. 8 must be mounted appropriately
(glass-mounted works will not be accepted).
5. Application Procedure:
1) Preliminary Review:
Applicants should send in their application forms along with photos of their artworks, to
“Visual Arts Division of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government” at 8F, Huizhong
Building, No. 99, Sec.3, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun Dist., Taichung City 40701, Taiwan via
registered mail. On the envelope, applicants should note, “Application for the 21
FINE ARTS EXHIBITION OF TAICHUNG CITY in ______ (your choice) Category”.
(1) Application Form:
Fill out all fields in the form with the requested information in detail and provide photos
of your submitted works (or printouts for digital-art entries). Applications without
complete information or the required documents will not be accepted.
(2) Photos or Printouts:
a. Applicants should send in one 8 x 10 inches photo or printout for each submitted piece
(in high resolution attached to the application form).
b. For Seal Engravings, applicants should submit prints of their engravings on a piece of
21 cm x 29.7 cm rice paper (no mounting needed). Photos of the engravings are not
c. For graphic works, an additional 8 x 10 inches close-up photo of each submitted piece is
also required.
d. Length of the submitted photography works may be cropped or digitally processed to
10~12 inches.
e. For Crafts, Sculptures and 3D-Mixed Media works, photos (8 x 10 inch) taken from four
different angles (front, back, right and left), plus the standard photo of the art piece, are
f. Digital Art: Applicants should provide A3 printouts of their submitted pieces in CMYK
mode with 300 dpi resolution, or in TIFF and EPS formats. In additions, digital or EXE
files and the printouts of the original works must also be saved and burnt onto a disc,
on which the artwork title and the name of the artist should be written.
(3) Submissions failing to follow the general rules and regulations of the 21
st Da Dun Fine
Arts Exhibitions of Taichung City will not be accepted and reviewed.
(4) Once the submitted documents, photos and printouts are processed for preliminary
review, they will not be returned. Please keep copies before submitting them.
(5) Application forms can be downloaded from the Taichung City Government Cultural
Affairs Bureau’s website at http://eng.taichung.gov.tw/mp.aspx?mp=18
2) Final Review:
Qualified participants should send in their original works to: Taichung City Dadun Cultural
Center, at No.600, Ying-Tsai Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 40359, Taiwan.
(1) The list of qualified participants will be posted on the official website of Cultural Affairs
Bureau, Taichung City Government. They will also be instructed via a notification letter to
send in their original artworks for the final review.
(2) Qualified participants for the Seal Engraving category should submit prints of their seal
engravings—10 to 20 pieces—on rice paper and all their carving materials in boxes. The
rice papers with the seal prints can be scrolled or framed—simply rolling them up
without proper protection will not be accepted. The actual size of submitted pieces must
be larger than 150 cm x 45 cm. Carved personal signatures on the sides of the seals
are allowed.
(3) Digital Art:
a. The output of static digital images should be in an A0 (118.8 cm x 84.1 cm) size
and CMYK 300dpi format with mounting. Participants must save their submitted
electronic files in TIFF or EPS formats, and burn the files onto disks, on which the
artwork titles and artist should be written.
b. Non-static digital works must be presented in digital files no longer than 10 minutes.
The original digital files and EXE files for the submitted works must be burnt onto
disks and labeled with artwork titles and the artist’s name. It is important to note
that none of the artist’s information should be included in the digital files. Qualified
participants are responsible for providing or installing their own equipment, such as
that for projecting images. However, the organization reserves the right to inspect
and approve such devices. Exhibition set-up space must not exceed 240 cm x 300
cm x 300 cm.
c. At the exhibition sites, organizing department reserve the right to adjust the space
for each exhibited work according to event display planning and visual effects
(4) After organizers receive submitted original artworks, receipts will be issued to the
participants, who must use these receipts to claim their works. A list of the award
winners will be announced on the official website of Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung
City Government. Notification letters will also be sent to the award winners.
3) Da Dun Prize: First-prize winners for each category are required to provide three additional
artworks to the review committee. The review committee will determine the five winners of
the Da Dun Prize based on the additional artworks which will then be collected and taken
ownership and copyright by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung City Government.
6. Event Timetable:
Event Time/ Location Submitted Works
Return Policy Review Dates Notes
Review April 1-15, 2016
Submitted works
will not be
returned. Please
make copies
before submission.
Scheduled for
Sent day record as proof meet
the deadline. Late submissions
will not be accepted.
June 10-12, 2016
(9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
at Dadun Art
Gallery 1,
Taichung City
Dadun Cultural
Retrieval of
submitted works
for disqualified
June 24-25, 2016
(9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
Scheduled for
※ Please submit and retrieve
works according to the
scheduled times.
It is strongly recommended
that acrylic boards should be
applied to the front and
wooden board to the back of
two-dimensional artworks for
added protection. In cases
where applicants authorize
organizers to send back
submitted works and damage
occurs during mailing,
organizers will take no
responsibility if the applicant
fails to take the above
※ Unattended Submitted
artworks will be at the
Organizing Committee’s
disposal after the official
scheduled deadline for
retrieving and there will be
no dispute over such cases.
Da Dun
July 15-16, 2016
(9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
at Dadun Art
Gallery 1,
Taichung City
Dadun Cultural
Artists will be
notified later.
Scheduled for lateJuly
7. Questions: For any questions or concerns regarding this event, please contact Ms. Chang at
(+886) 04-2228-9111 ext. 25217.
8. Prizes and Monetary Awards:
1) Da Dun Prize: Five Da Dun Prize winners will be selected from among the first-prize winners.
Besides a NT$120,000 first-prize award, each Da Dun Prize winner shall also receive an
additional award of NT$120,000 (tax inclusive), a trophy, Da Dun Prize certificate and a
permanent-collection certificate.
2) First Prize Winners of Each Category: NT$120,000 (tax inclusive) and a first-prize award
3) Second Prize Winners of Each Category: NT$80,000 (tax inclusive) and a second-prize award
4) Third Prize Winners of Each Category: NT$50,000 (tax inclusive) and a third-prize award
5) Award of Merit Winners: One to four participants in each category will be presented with this
award, with the total number of recipients for this award not exceeding 34. Each recipient will
receive NT$15,000 (tax inclusive) and an award of merit certificate.
6) Short-Listed participants: Several participants from each category will be granted a
short-listing certificate.
7) Each winner will receive a Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition album containing all winning artworks
for the event.
8) All award-winning artworks besides short-listed works may be invited to take part in an
oversea exhibition tour in 2017.
9. Award-Winning Artworks Exhibition Date:
1) Date: Saturday, November 12, 2016 - Wednesday, November 30, 2016.
2) Location: Dadun Art Galleries 1-3, 5-6 and Power Space, Taichung City Dadun Cultural
Center (600, Ying Tsai Rd., West Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan).
3) Dates for Retrieving Artworks: Friday, December 2, 2016 - Saturday, December 3, 2016.
4) If an exhibited item poses a possible safety risk at the exhibition site, the creator of the
artwork should assist organizers in setting it up. Otherwise, it will be withheld from the
10.Award Ceremony:
1) Date: Saturday Afternoon, November 12, 2016.
2) Location: Chung Shan Hall, Taichung City
11.Rights and Obligations:
1) Organizers reserve the rights to utilize the artists’ information and artworks for teaching,
researching, exhibiting, photo shooting, publishing, art event promoting and product or
website designing. The rights mentioned above will not be restricted by time, geographic
location, number and means of uses. Participating artists are required to agree to these
2) If the original artworks are required to be delivered via postal or other private delivery
services for the final review and for the Da Dun Prize review, the artists are solely responsible
for the safety of their works. Please ensure such items are packaged securely.
3) All awards (including monetary awards, trophies and award certificates) will be withdrawn if
the individual artist is found to have violated the general rules and regulations of this event.
Their awards will be cancelled and relevant legal actions will be taken.
4) The organizer will be responsible for the damage of the artworks except in circumstances
where artworks have an inferior structure, the material used to make the artwork is fragile or
no instructions are given as to how the boxes should be unpacked.
5) Insurance:
(1) Prior to final review, insurance coverage amounts to NT 20,000 (highest recoverable
amount) for each piece of artwork.
(2) After final review, the top three artworks will have their insurance coverage increased to
NT 100,000. Award of merit artworks and shortlisted artworks will have their insurance
coverage increased to NT 50,000. Insurance coverage of the remaining artworks will
amount to NT 20,000. When claims occur, the maximum amount of the claim equals the
amount of the initial insurance coverage.
6) Submissions shall be made in agreement with and in accordance to the rules and regulations
listed on the application forms.
7) Artists awarded Da Dun Prizes must produce certificates to vouch for the originality and
authenticity of their works.
1) Artworks will be automatically disqualified if it is submitted for more than one exhibition and is
awarded a prize by both Da Dun Fine Arts exhibition and another exhibition.
2) For domestic award winners residing in cities north of Taoyuan (including Taoyuan itself) or
south of Tainan (including Tainan itself) who wish to attend the award ceremony, organizers
will provide free hotel accommodation for the evening of the ceremony.
3) For overseas and mainland Chinese artists who are awarded one of the top three prizes in
any category, organizers will provide three nights of free hotel accommodation so that they
can attend the award ceremony.
4) The return freight of the artworks which include the three additional artworks submitted by
the First-prize winners of each category for Da Dun Prize competition, the artworks from
overseas and mainland Chinese will be covered by the organization.
13.The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend and/or supplement this document if
necessary. Any modifications will be posted on our website, on the home page under the “News
Update” button.
“The 21
st Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition of Taichung City”Entry Form
姓 名
Be sure to clearly fill in)
□□□□□(務必填五碼 zip code)
Mailing Address
(if different from above)
□□□□□(務必填五碼 zip code)
電話(Tel):(Office) (Home)
Date of Birth
Year/Month/Date 性別
Photo(Please attach a recent photo of the
entrantwith his/her name printed on the
ID Card/Passport Number
參 展 得 獎
經 歷
( 擇 列
二 項 )
Awards(list 2)
西元年份(year) 得獎項目及名次(Exhibition or Award with Prize)
I fully understand and agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the 21
st Da Dun Fine Arts Contest. If any
infringement occurs, the organizer reserves the right to disqualify the submission. I may be held personally liable for any
copyright infringements arising from the use of materials, music, images, etc. in my artworks. Furthermore, I agree that
the organizer has the right to gather and exploit any materials I used for this exhibition for printing, publishing,
researching, educating and promoting purposes.
Signature of Entrant:
2016 年(Year) 月(Month) 日(Date)
Ref. No.
(Official use only)


美術插畫設計案子報價系統 v0.1 Beta

暱稱: Type
註冊: 2002-11-30
發表: 11202
來自: vovo2000.com
V幣: 901996
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