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Agree 同意/不同意「副詞強烈程度」:Completely, Mostly, Strongly, Somewwhat

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Agree 同意/不同意「副詞強烈程度」:Completely, Mostly, Strongly, Somewwhat 2015-09-24 02:11
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Agree 同意/贊成/贊同/不同意/反對的「副詞程度」: Completely, Mostly, Strongly, Slightly, Somewhat

贊成/同意的「副詞」強度 or 程度(Agree Scale)

a1. "Completely Agree": 100% agree 百分之百同意、無保留同意

a2. "Mostly Agree": 80%~99%+ agree 非常同意、很同意,很贊成,幾乎完全同意

a3. "Strongly Agree": 70%~99%+ agree 強烈同意、非常同意、很同意

a4. "Half Agree": 50%+ agree (The other 50% might be "disagreed" or "undecided") 同意一半,一半同意、贊成一半(另外一半不一定是反對,有可能是未決定)

a5. "Somewhat Agree": 40~50%+ agree (The other 50~60% might be "disagreed" or "undecided") 有些同意、稍微同意

a6. "Slightly Agree": 30~50%+ agree (The other 50~70% might be "disagreed" or "undecided") 有點同意、有點贊成、稍稍贊同

half agree/somewhat agree/slightly agree 不一定代表有反對的意味,
有可能剩下的部分是「未決定(undecided)」、「尚未決定(not sure yet)」


不同意/反對的「副詞」強度 or 程度(Disagree Scale)

b1. "Completely Disagree": 100% disagree 百分之百反對、百分之百不同意

b2. "Mostly Agree": 80%~99%+ disagree 非常反對、很反對,非常不同意,大部分不同意

b3. "Strongly Agree": 70%~99%+ disagree 強烈反對、強烈不同意

b4. "Half Agree": 50%+ disagree (The other 50% might be "agreed" or "undecided") 不太同意、一半反對

b5. "Somewhat disagree": 40~50%+ disagree (The other 50~60% might be "agreed" or "undecided") 有點不同意、有點反對

b6. "Slightly disagree": 30~50%+ disagree (The other 50~70% might be "agreed" or "undecided") 稍微不同意、稍微反對

half disagree/somewhat disagree/slightly disagree 不一定代表有贊成的意味,
有可能剩下的部分是「未決定(undecided)」、「尚未決定(not sure yet)」


備註: 這些副詞也可用在其他動詞,「副詞的百分比」,稍微注意一下,應該也可套用。

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