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Solve: Virtualbox Bridged Network Not Selected @ Windows 10

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Solve: Virtualbox Bridged Network Not Selected @ Windows 10 2015-08-26 15:12
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Solve: Virtualbox Bridged Network Not Selected @ Windows 10 Host

@ Problem desc:
After upgrade Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 to Windows 10 64-bit Professional,
you then found your VM instances which are configured with bridged network
being "without" any host bridged network selected, and none could be selected either
at the combo box. (You pull down and found nothing)

Using "VM + NAT Network" mode may ease my pain temporarily, however "VM + Bridged Network" is my favorite in most scenarios.

How to resolve Windows 10 Bridged Network Interface no-show issue

1. Just feel free to use VirtualBox 5.0.2+ or later version

Though Virtual Box web site said the Version 5 Windows 10 support is not officially,
that is not a problem. Just download and re-install

2. Right Click, Choose (R)Properties: Configure the Virtualbox Properties to run on "Windows 8" Compatibility Mode.

3. Right Click, Choose (R)Properties: Configure the Virtualbox Properties with "Run this program as an Administrator"

4. Then again (maybe you need to reboot Windows), you will see the combo box filled with host network adapters!

Bridged Network Windows 10 Virtual Box




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註冊: 2002-11-30
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來自: vovo2000.com
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