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Re: 2015 金枝玉葉心靈海 2015-05-31 10:11 |
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We Love Our Mother Earth.
201505302316阿斯塔20150519 清理腐敗/轉變和平
阿斯塔20150519 清理腐敗/轉變和平
Greetings, Family.
We are around the beloved Earth constantly watching the progress of Light and the awakening of the Star children for their enlightened missions. It is known that the time now is of too much apprehension by those who wished to follow the dark path, but on the other hand it is a time of joy for those who have given themselves to their tasks with love and dedication. The division on Earth becomes clearer every sunrise. The Light has brought to the view what needs to be cleaned, so do not be frightened with the dust around you. There is no way to escape from the Light, which is growing and strongly revealing. You will see yourselves very confused and perplexed by the truths that will become apparent as the Light advance. Maintain inner peace is the best medicine that will leave you immune to the virus being removed from Shan.
There is an impatient wait by some light workers, and regarding this impatient wait, we ask it to be appeased by the light of your hearts. Always trust that the Creator is in charge and that all souls are experiencing according to their choices. Open up in love for connection with the Source, brothers, the energy that reaches Earth is a complement to you, not something outside of you. It is not something that is coming to save you, but something that is coming to add to you, actually that energy has always been there, but now you are can feel it strongly inside, because you rose in vibration and reached it.
The energy of change is there, because you are changing, because you chose it. We, as we speak so often, we are not your saviors, but your brothers who are willing to help you to start over. Start over your society so that it is fair and the leaders are each one of you, as you are entering a time where you will take the reins of your lives, where you will be responsible for taking care of each other. In this new society, there will be no leaders of the way you know them, but there will be companions who always vibrate in collective.
This season shows you many growth opportunities, where the government pillars are crumbling and promoting clean of corruption and lawlessness which had so long been prevailing. Understand that this has happened due to your efforts as light workers. It is an growth opportunity, because you are clearly seeing the negativity being exposed and, through that, you have the opportunity to exercise love and forgiveness, moving up increasingly, each time more to more subtle vibrations in which hatred, corruption and all feelings of low vibration cannot achieves you.
We, your Family of Stars do not feel sorry for you when you encounter difficult situations, but we are proud to see our family members on Earth being examples of strength and courage. Of course this does not mean that we are happy to see the suffering on Earth, but happy to see that suffering is being eradicated by the love in your hearts. Always remember of what was taught to you continuously: only love leads to change. When you see the corrupt beings removed from their positions of power, we ask to vibrate in love and light for the soul that took such a post, noting that there also is a son of God.
The rise of your vibration is what caused all this change in progress, so now you begin to see the result of your efforts is ideal to keep your vibration of love and hope for the change to light continues without further delay. We constantly see the hate vibrations and desire for revenge towards some rulers, and we recommend you to stop it. Remember that your mission on Earth is to be a Beacon of light, so you simply must to radiate Light. You know all those who, by choice strayed from the Light, will receive according to their choices and each one is responsible for their actions. We also say to you, light workers, when connected with the superior forces and cognizant of your responsibilities as masters of Light, must to remember that every action yours is more often observed than others. When we say "the others", we do not want to belittle any soul, but put here a way that you can better understand your responsibility in the face of all souls in the Earth. So if you teach Light , be Light. Hatred and desire for revenge is not part of the Light.
For those who wish strongly to disconnect themselves from certain energies of anger that carry within them, we recommend entering into meditation and bring to yourself all the powerful energies of light that are available for all the souls that desire it. None of you are helpless, just a sign of you and the help is sent. So that it reaches you, you need to be receptive, so with Surrender and Trust. Many ask our help, however, in the next minute you asked, you judge and condemn your fellow man for something, or even get upset for a small mishap. We remind you again, and we often become redundant but it must to so: You will always receive according to your vibratory pattern. This is not our standard, but a universal law. Do you want change? Do you want peace and love? Do you want to live in a fair country and that everyone is treated with dignity? Live it within you and will move upward, ever higher.
We always tell you how much we love you and if ever we are too incisors , it is only because we know your potential and we will not stop until you see that all of it is in manifestation. We know you, old souls of the stars, we saw the descent of you from the ships, while with your eyes in tears said good bye to us for the service on Earth. Oh, yes, dear souls, I know you remember, I know you feel it right now... I know so. I myself was present in your farewell and I saw in your eyes strength and courage, so I just want to see you again with this active force.
Your family is waiting for you, beloved, waiting to meet you, and on board of the ships, to continue with our work. Be with an open heart and prepared, the thrill within you is getting increasingly intense and this clearly indicates that our presence is being felt with more intensity. Those who cannot see us, even the most skeptical can feel us now and know that there is something in the air. We will not leave here at all because we came to celebrate with our family. Know that when the time is activated, our ships will become visible so that there will be no doubts about us. Yes, we know there will be those who, even after our presence in your skies, will try to further confuse the most confusing, but it is known that everything is on plan. No soul will lose the opportunity to hear what we have to say and, of course, decide per se if believe in us or not.
Either way, it will not be difficult to recognize our presence on Earth, as we've been ever present in your history. As much as it has been changed, when we bring the irrefutable evidence of our presence over time, it will become undeniable that we have part in human history and that you are children of the stars. It remains for us to have a little patience to the most skeptical souls absorb the Light sent and understand that they are part of something much bigger than they think and they have always been surrounded by their star family. For these, it will be a glorious time to be applauded with great joy for all of us when that moment happens.
The movement now is of peace, and we ask you to support it because the curtains are about to be raised and only the peaceful and loving souls will be able to monitor all movement and savor what belong them by right.
Vibrate for the souls that will leave the Earth to the spiritual spheres, remember that everything is within a larger plan and that everyone goes through what must to pass. We, your family, are present, much more than you can imagine. We are in a blink of an eye. We're in the distance of one breath yours. The many souls who are leaving the Earth continuously are being received with celebration and love on the other side of the veil and many of them are joining the Light commands to assist in the great movement that is around the corner.
At this moment when read our final words, we ask you to allow receive the restorers codes. Breathe and allow yourself to feel your family. Feel in your hearts our words. As we talked about in one of our previous posts, the words we bring should sounds to you like something familiar, something that inspire you and brings love and courage, never anything contrary to that, because being the opposite, it is not a message from us. Feel in your souls our words. At this point, some of those who read it now can feel an energetic movement in the solar plexus, others may feel in the head some energy manifesting, or in the hands as tingling and tremors, others a small rapid heartbeat, or positive chills in the body. With those who do not have these feelings does not mean that something is wrong, just relax and accept. Remember, each one experiences what is needed in the way. Allow yourselves to just be instruments of love. We love everyone without distinction.
And so it is.
Your brother,
原文: http://sementesdasestrelas.blogspot.com.br/2015/05/ashtar-cleaning-corruption-transforming.html
翻譯:Nick Chan ________________ 人於前八識之染著,若不入於第九識之真如本識上,確仍無法脫離輪迴,因而在彰顯佛性本質上,定要能入於第九之「菴摩羅識」內,方是正確也。
南無阿彌陀佛 |