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Looking to Hire Computer Graphics Engineer (NT$ 50k - 80k)

發表新主題 回覆主題 美術工作、廠商徵才、求才專區:插畫,美編工作,網頁設計,電玩2D/3D工作

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人氣點閱:6426 發表人
Looking to Hire Computer Graphics Engineer (NT$ 50k - 80k) 2015-04-02 16:26
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Job Description
We are looking for 3 Computer Graphics Engineers to join our image processing team at Nogle (http://www.nogle.com). This team of engineers specialise in the development of 3D virtual garments and models for the fashion industry. We are looking for engineers to build tools to make the clothes look as realistic as possible.

Ideal Skill Set For Computer Graphics Engineer | Taipei, Taiwan
    * 2+ years' experience of developing computer graphic algorithms or imaging processing techniques in the industry
    * 2+ years' experience in 3D image creation
    * 1+ year's experience in geometry processing, 3D objection definition and creation
    * 3+ year's experience in C/C++ programming
    * M.Sc./Ph.D. in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics or other related technical discipline
    * Working knowledge of OpenCV with experience in image processing
    * Knowledge of cloth pattern design strong plus but not a required
Responsibilities For Computer Graphics Engineer | Taipei, Taiwan
    * Develop image processing algorithms to programatically analyse and categorize different types of patterns
    * Create algorithms to create 3D objects from 2D images
    * Work with rest of team to come up with creative solutions.
To apply please email careers@nogle.com and mention this ad in the email.

暱稱: Ed
註冊: 2015-04-02
發表: 1

V幣: 101

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