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Linux run executable "No such file or directory" file exist 2014-06-16 18:00 |
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Linux run executable file "No such file or directory" error found but file exists there in fact!
Case #1. First, Usually a permission and path issue
How to resolve? Just chmod 777 or 755, and use "./xxx" to execute it
$ cd <path contains the file>
$ chmod 755 ./executable
$ ./executable
Case #2. Second, 32-bit vs 64-bit issues (Share Library Incompatible)
It is because either you run a 32-bit executable on a 64-bit ENV,
or, you run a 64-bit executable on a 32-bit ENV,
or, you run a glibc-compiled-application upon a uclibc ENV!
Solution: How to Resolve? Just make sure your application fit with the library/32-bit-Arch/64-bit-arch.
A 64-bit Kernel may co-exist with 32-bits Glibc ENV,
so make sure to be careful to use 32-bit application executable in such ENV.
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