SPORT B. x Cyfac單車競賽活動 限時3分鐘的自我挑戰!
Published on 2014 年 05 月 15 日
SPORT B. x Cyfac 單車競賽活動
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活動時間: 5/15 – 6/8 (13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00 五場時段)
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上午 06:23 2014/5/27
Dear Ones, we understand that when something undesirable happens to you, you become very committed to never letting that thing ever happen to you again. Because of that commitment, many of you end up being on high alert watching out for that very thing. Please know whether you are living it, or watching out to make sure you never live it again, you are still immersed in the energy of what you do not want.
Many of you worry that if you drop your guard it will happen again. Let us assure you, you cannot create what you want from the space of what you do not want. It cannot be done. Leave the past behind and focus on a bright , shiny future that matches what you wish to experience! Trust the universe to lead the way. If there is something you need to address, when you are co-creating with the universe, it will be sure to bring it to your attention. If you understand your focus is a powerful magnifier, why not use it to amplify all the wonderful things you want and truly deserve? ~Archangel Gabriel
Some of you do not know that you are you do not consciously understand what significant roles you are playing in the ascension, in the changing of the world organizations for you are not to consciously to know who you are, you are not to reveal your identity and hence we do not wish to inform you in person that you are who you are, but those that are going to read this message and feel within their hearts that they are being spoken to directly, are the key persons that are indeed involved in the reorganization and change. You are who are reading this message, you are who are heeding the words of this message are the ones that are in control of the destiny of the humanity .
Know this that those who are in power are being brought into the chambers of light for healing and transmutation, know that the new world government is about to unfold before your very eyes and you are going to be in awe and in shock of the changes that are about to occur, know this that it is indeed so that we are speeding up the consequences of everything that you are believing to be true, and know that we are by your side, we are descending or rather you are coming to us, many of you are going to be seeing more of us, for we are in your territories right now, and in the next few weeks you are going to see many more of so called UFO's appear in the sky, and many more such stories being reported for we are making ourselves visible for the time has come and we are going to be showing ourselves to you, to the key ones that are playing this game with fierce heart and open mind, we are spreading this message far and wide but know that those of you who are going to be reading this message and feel a zing or feel a shiver go down your back, those of you are the key leaders of the new earth.
You will not know this in your waking hours and you will continue to believe that you are not In fact the ones controlling the outcomes of the entire civilization but it is not so, for you are merely being protected and you are to stay under cover, for many years must pass before your identities will be revealed to you completely, before you will be able to walk into the light and take your righteous place amongst your brothers and sisters, but for now, your souls are doing all the work, while your body remains anchored on earth as if nothing is happening but that is not so, for you are great indeed.
Many of you are wondering whom we speak of, but those to whom we are speaking right now, are the ones that are to remain calm, all of you light warriors, are the ones in control of your destinies, and the destiny of humanity, but here are those amongst you who hold a special key a code within their DNA, that is enlightening the world, a code within their DNA that is waking up the humanity without them even realizing that it is so, for that is how it must be , for that is how it is to be and so it shall be, for now.
For you know who you are deep in your hearts you know who you are, deep in your hearts you know you are being called to rise up and take control over the shadows, you are hereby announced, you are hereby reinstalled, you are hereby given the kingdom of light and you are hereby to take control over the shadows and bring your people into the light, bring your people into the light, for when they will be in the light your job will be completed but for now, you are to lead the way for them out of darkness and into the light.
We leave you with this message of love, unity and hope, for the new earth is coming to you, and you are to do your part and you are to rise up and spread your love love love for love is truly the only way to solve all that has occurred on planet earth, we are not going to be using violence to assist earthlings, for there is plenty of it already, we are going to use the love frequency to not only raise the vibration of the earth but also to break the barrier of those that cannot hear, and this frequency will cleanse those all that stands in the way of love.