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也趣藝廊 | 槍砲與西裝-華建強個展 2013. 12. 14(六) – 2014. 02. 02(日)

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也趣藝廊 | 槍砲與西裝-華建強個展 2013. 12. 14(六) – 2014. 02. 02(日) 2013-11-29 19:58
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展覽 | 槍砲與西裝-華建強個展Gun & Suit -Solo exhibition of HUA Chien-Chiang
展期 | 2013. 12. 14(六) – 2014. 02. 02(日)
開幕式 | 2013. 12. 14 (六) PM 3 :00 開幕茶會於也趣藝廊舉行
地點 | 也趣藝廊︱台北市民族西路141號
金禧美術 | 台中市五權西四街13巷6號 (國美館正對面)
聯絡 | www.galleryaki.com ︱ info@galleryaki.com | 02-2599-1171






今年藝術圈重頭戲「槍砲與西裝」華建強個展就在12月14日隆重登場,近兩年最完整的新作公開,驚喜的是,本次展覽與台中金禧美術同步連線,中南部的觀眾也可前進台中近距離欣賞華建強創作!究竟傳統膠彩能做到何種極致呈現? 藝術與生活兩者能有多靠近? 社會中種種壓迫人心的美麗矛盾下個月將在也趣藝廊、金禧美術上演! 誠摯邀情您前來品味華建強紮實成熟膠彩技法,重新演繹的嶄新風格,揉合藝術家觀察社會的精闢見解,形塑美麗兼具厚度的「華氏」當代膠彩!

Exhibition | Gun & Suit -Solo exhibition of HUA Chien-Chiang
Date | 2013. 12. 14(Sat.) – 2014. 02. 02(Sun.)
Opening | 2013. 12. 14 (Sat.) PM 3 :00 at AKI Gallery
Venue | AKI Gallery︱141, Min Tsu W. Rd., Taipei
ARTHIS FINE ART | No.6, Ln. 13, Wuquan 4th St., West Dist., Taichung City (opposite to National Taiwan Museom of Fine Arts)
Contact | www.galleryaki.com ︱ info@galleryaki.com | 02-2599-1171

After a gap of two years, the anticipated solo exhibition of HUA Chien-Chinag will be presented at AKI Gallery at the end of 2013. Except for frequently joining exhibitions in worldwide musems and recidency in several nations in europe and America, HUA’s symbolic oriantal gouache painting has become his impressive personal indication which is praised by international curators and museums. This December the ‘’Gun & Suit” solo exhibition transforms the elderly which has been existing for ten years into men in suits, annotating social issues by exercising contemporary gouache parable.

Alter from the traditional gouache themes such as flower-and-bird or landscape paintings; HUA conceives present social issues with his unique idiosyncrasy: an elder man as the main role humorously criticizes current events. Since Taipei Arts Award in 2004 and 2007 solo exhibition “New Blossoms of the Divine” at Taipei Fine Arts Museum, HUA started to make himself conspicuous. After Paris residency in 2009, HUA released more energy in his solo exhibition “Reality in Wonderland” in 2010. Successfully he reached a new height in his artistic level and unceasingly receives international exhibition invitations till now. The whole new solo exhibition “Gun & Suit” will show the complete six series which demonstrate the fighting, struggling and competition in daily life.

Gun & Suit: The Manipulation of Military and Power
“Gun is a weapon and attack; suit is knowledge and bigwigs.” In the show, guns and suits are the attribute to all the disputes in this world. The man wear suits are the influential officials. The irony occurs when they look lively and delightful in brisk postures but contradictorily hold all kinds of minacious weapons. HUA creates a perfect scenario which each character has his own position and emotion - brandishing or riding on the winds and breaking through the waves – implying moral absurdities.

Terroristic Machines come from Incisive Intent series
One of the brand-new series「Incisive Intent」implicate that machines are invented to make our life easier like a helper. Human use them to exploit forests and create civilization. However, the neutral role becomes evil substitute under control of human. With a bit taste of graffiti, Incisive Intent series display abundant interesting silhouette, overthrowing your conventional impression.

The conflicts are due to ubiquitous Small circle series
Another series called「Small circle」, HUA treats human as social animal who can’t resist to be in a group. We watch others form a group and then we become part of the other group. For consolidating the position, people seize by force or maintain a fort. This is the evidence of history evolution. HUA integrates art with the society not by accusation but implications of moral which keeps people pondering.
Ferocious people - Unloving Bulldozer 膠彩、銅箔、木板
Gouache and Copper Foil on Board 145.5×112cm 2013 華建強_犀利人心-礙心推土機_145.5 x112cm_膠彩、銅箔、木板_2013.jpg

犀利人心-礙心推土機<br />
Ferocious people - Unloving Bulldozer	膠彩、銅箔、木板<br />
Gouache and Copper Foil on Board	145.5×112cm	2013華建強_犀利人心-礙心推土機_145.5 x112cm_膠彩、銅箔、木板_2013.jpg

Disappear Gemini 膠彩、畫布
Gouache on Canvas 72.5×91cm 2012 華建強_消失的雙子星Disappear Gemini_72.5 x91 cm_膠彩、畫布_2012.jpg

消失的雙子星<br />
Disappear Gemini	膠彩、畫布<br />
Gouache on Canvas	72.5×91cm	2012華建強_消失的雙子星Disappear Gemini_72.5 x91 cm_膠彩、畫布_2012.jpg

Small circle - Tiptoe dance 膠彩、畫布
Gouache on Canvas 100×80cm 2013 華建強_小圈圈-踮腳跳舞_100×80cm_膠彩、畫布_2013.jpg

小圈圈-踮腳跳舞<br />
Small circle - Tiptoe dance	膠彩、畫布<br />
Gouache on Canvas	100×80cm	2013華建強_小圈圈-踮腳跳舞_100×80cm_膠彩、畫布_2013.jpg


暱稱: AKI
註冊: 2008-07-30
發表: 30

V幣: 3672

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