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也趣藝廊 | 也趣國際策略獲得回響 旗下藝術家藝博會上打頭陣

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也趣藝廊 | 也趣國際策略獲得回響 旗下藝術家藝博會上打頭陣 2013-10-29 18:10
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展覽 | ART TAIPEI 2013
展期 | 2013. 11. 7 (四) – 2013. 11. 11 (一)
地點 | 台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓一館│展位Booth D-26
參展藝術家 | 李承道│吳逸寒│范揚宗│華建強│郭志宏│羅展鵬
聯絡 | www.galleryaki.com / info@galleryaki.com


但大鵬展翅的不僅只有羅展鵬,下位明日之星李承道以他獨特的古典繪畫技巧結合戲謔的議題獲得村上隆的青睞,在GAISEI 2009拿下銀賞後大放異彩,於HIDARI ZINGARO的個展更替他打開在台灣的知名度!《國王遊戲》以崇高古典的氣質來描繪台客的文化、《英雄本色》則用鮮艷的粉色刻意呈現英雄偶像的殞落和軟弱的姿態,顛覆傳統的男性主義。而這回藝博會展出的新系列《妖精打架》,出奇的讓故事圍繞在一群纏鬥拉扯的少女間,以男性旁觀者出發的李這麼說「在新系列中我比較像是個站在旁邊看著街頭運動發生的社會主義者。在一旁揶揄調戲和火上加油,我有一點嬉皮和看好戲的個性,只是心裡想要的是在其之後的秩序,能拯救我們遠離這時代的困難。」而此次於ART TAIPEI的展出對明年即將舉辦個展的李承道來說無異是一次重大的暖身預告!




Successful International Strategy
Artists of AKI Gallery Are Ready to Shine at Art Taipei 2013 !

Exhibition| ART TAIPEI 2013
Date| 2013. 11. 7 (Thu.) – 2013. 11. 11 (Mon.)
Venue| Taipei World Trade Center Showground 1F│Booth D26
Artists| LEE Chen-Dao│ WU Yih-Han│ FAN Yang-Tsung│ HUA Chien-Chiang│ KUO Chih-Hung│ LO Chan-Peng
Contact| www.galleryaki.com / info@galleryaki.com

AKI Gallery has devoted to Taiwan contemporary arts for years. With the ambition to bring great Taiwanese arts onto the international stage, we have successfully opened a door for Taiwanese artists! One good example is LO Chan-Peng, who was invited by ESMOA(El Segundo Museum of Art)to exhibit with art masters such as Pablo Picasso and Anselm Kiefer this May. Afterwards he joined in residency programs in LA and New York. Certainly his performance will reach another peak in the future.

However it’s not just Lo who gets the attention, the next big star LEE Chen-Dao gained the favor of Takashi Murakami and awarded silver prize in GAISEI 2009 by his classical painting techniques along with bantering themes. Next, the solo exhibition at HIDARI ZINGARO boosted his reputation in Taiwan. “King’s Game” depicts stereotypical Taiwanese people(often derogatory) with noble classical quality, “Heroes” intentionally uses soft pink colors to present hero character’s perishing weak side, subverting conventional masculinity. And the new collection “Cat Fight V” in Art Taipei 2013 unusually captures several fighting girls. He says that as a male, “I am more like an observer of social movements on the streets, watching, deriding and aggravating. My personality is more like a hippy, expecting peace to solve the problems in this era.” Certainly this year’s Art Taipei will be an important warm up for LEE’s solo exhibition next year!

Furthermore, FAN Yang-Tsung makes people even more impressive this year.!After creating different space series, FAN, who is good at playing with the elements of different spaces, leads us to this personal, private but public and open space--swimming pool. Near the swimming pool, skinny and fit swimming suit and naked skin will be shown in front of public eyes, the desire of watching and being watched is satisfied. The new series “After Typhoon” which displayed the disordered scene after typhoon will make its debut. Surely it will be a highlight at this year’s Art Taipei. After the successful solo exhibition this May, AKI Gallery plans to lead FAN to go on the international stage which also makes AKI’s international strength beyond estimation.

Two Taiwanese artists KUO Chih-Hung and WU Yih-Han, who travel and study in Germany started to shine since their first solo exhibition at AKI Gallery. They both got many supports from collectors and press. WU employs gypsum as a base, using transparent skill to make the works more delicate, and then her paintings reveal some kind of quiet and sacred mood. If we get closer to her works, we will sense lots of clues such as poses, dresses, accessories. WU uses these tiny little elements to express the straight feelings toward those characters. On the other hand, KUO uses photographs as his inspirations and sources, making his paintings just like the recreation of photographs; however, the scenes of his works are recreated and reproduced through artist’s mind and thoughts, he gives sensation which camera cannot provide.

Moreover, there’s another climax this year-HUA Chien-Chiang who is known for unconventional glue color will expose his new collection “Annual Sale” which humorously criticizes the trend of modern society. The constant struggle, compete and wrestling in everyday life can be annotated. Also, this December HUA’s comprehensive solo exhibition will be hold at AKI Gallery!

Except for delivering different great arts at Art Taipei each year, AKI Gallery’s strategy of leading Taiwanese artists to the international stage has been approved to be outstanding. Let the distinguished artists from AKI Gallery foretell the movement in the art world. AKI Gallery sincerely invites you come to booth D-26 to witness future together!



暱稱: AKI
註冊: 2008-07-30
發表: 30

V幣: 3672

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