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38度西下的微熱肌膚-范揚宗個展 2013-04-23 13:17
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展覽 Exhibition 38度西下的微熱肌膚-范揚宗個展
展期 Duration 2013.05.04(六)-2013.05.26(日)
開幕 Opening 2013.05.04(六) 15:00︱藝術家將出席開幕茶會
地點 Venue 也趣藝廊︱台北市民族西路141號



范揚宗首次在這樣的空間,進行一場關於慾望的私密觀察,為了十足詮釋那微熱卻不至沸騰的奇幻感,藝術家創造了令人驚艷的陽光折射、波光粼粼的水紋、閃閃發亮的細緻氣泡、以及人體潛藏在水面下的激烈拍打、不安扭動、掙扎浮力,都透過水面外氣氛和煦且平靜的氛圍凸顯得格外異常興奮!此檔全新的感官體驗除了展出多件自2012年夏天開始的新作,且精彩的創作手稿也將一併呈現,讓整體創作上的完整度更為精實! 5月4日「38度西下的微熱肌膚」就讓范揚宗邀您進入記憶中的那年夏天!


展覽 Exhibition Under 38℃- Fang Yang Tsung’s Solo Exhibition
展期 Duration 2013.05.04(六)-2013.05.26(日)
開幕 Opening 2013.05.04(六) 15:00︱Artist will join the opening
地點 Venue Aki gallery︱ 141 Min Tsu W. Rd., Taipei 103, Taiwan

After two-year waiting, Fang Yang Tsung’s whole new series will be shown at Aki gallery again! Fang once was rewarded Special Selection of Taipei Art Awards at Taipei Fine Art Museum, and his works from previous series such as night club, airplane, weeding series attracted great attention. All these series brought viewers to magical fantasy world and reshape the viewing sight and angle of audiences. This May, Fang’s new series will launch again and the depiction of new space will let the creative energy from artist explode again!

The desire of watching and being watch
Get ready to enjoy your skin get sunburn under the temperature of 38C! The swimming pool, blazing sunshine, the interesting tan lines and the slight pain of skin after sunburn are all belong to our memories of summer. After creating different space series, Fang, who is good at playing with the elements of different spaces, leads us to this personal, private but public and open space, swimming pool. Near the swimming pool, skinny and fit swimming suit and naked skin will shown in front of public eyes, the desire about watching and being watched are satisfied and plump.

The private and intimate observation under the surface of water
Fang makes a very intimate and close observation in this kind of space firstly. In order to interpret the fantasy of mild fever, Fang creates stunning water reflection under the flaming sunshine, the flow lines, sparkling bubbles, drastic kicking and crawling of swimmers under the water. All of these make a strong contrast to peaceful and genial atmosphere outside the water surface. This exhibition will present a series of new work from 2012 summer. Also many original manuscripts will be included to make this show more comprehensive! On the fourth of May, Fang and Aki gallery welcome you to come to the swimming pool and enjoy the summer which exists in your memory.
范揚宗│泳池系列-微小氣泡│140 x 140 cm│壓克力 畫布│2013 Fang_smallbubble_LL.jpg
范揚宗│泳池系列-微小氣泡│140 x 140 cm│壓克力 畫布│2013Fang_smallbubble_LL.jpg

范揚宗│泳池系列-漂浮在充滿陽光折射的泳池裡│58x36 cm│壓克力 畫布│2013 Fang_inswimpool_LL.jpg
范揚宗│泳池系列-漂浮在充滿陽光折射的泳池裡│58x36 cm│壓克力 畫布│2013Fang_inswimpool_LL.jpg


暱稱: AKI
註冊: 2008-07-30
發表: 30

V幣: 3672

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