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精靈石守護者Spirit Stones Guardians.jpg
精靈石守護者Spirit Stones Guardians.jpg

Adio!! Isis!!
Adio!! Isis!!
Love of Hathor
Love of Hathor

暱稱: 自在天Holiday
註冊: 2011-11-15
發表: 6
來自: Taiwan
V幣: 72
@ 1F
精靈石守護者 2013-02-06 23:08
分類: ✔️英雄聯盟 ✔️瓦羅蘭藝術對決 ✔️好運姊
個人: ✔️英雄聯盟 ✔️瓦羅蘭藝術對決 ✔️好運姊
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Sarah fortune begin a adventure for find the spirt stone:
she escaped huge scallops'sambush , got a fight to the Cannibal tribe she even against tough enemies Gangplank, finally outcrop the treasure in rainforest. When Miss Fortune was gay, she don't know herself turn the trap of treasure on, a large group of dead people emerge from the land they will attack the invader!!
And worse, sarah's ship have been attacked from sea monster!!
Does sarah can tide this over ?? Keep in mind that vigilant at any time ,even though you are Lucky!!

1頁, 共1