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Act Out Of The Frame

1頁, 共1
發表人 人氣點閱:1475

Act Out of the Frame.jpg
Act Out of the Frame.jpg

噬魂者 SOUL EATER Fan Art: Partner-Maka and Soul
噬魂者 SOUL EATER Fan Art: Partner-Maka and Soul
噬魂者 SOUL EATER Fan Art: Maka
噬魂者 SOUL EATER Fan Art: Maka
Atlantis Lady
Atlantis Lady
I Don't Like Clipping My Fringe
I Don't Like Clipping My Fringe

暱稱: H.M.Remi
註冊: 2009-10-04
發表: 9
來自: Hong Kong
V幣: 245
@ 1F
Act Out Of The Frame 2011-06-02 00:25
/ / /

This is another piece for the 1960's series.
Again, haven't got the name for the green hair girl yet~
Why is she climbing herself up side down? Because this is something that I could not do and still cannot do (not a sporty person), so I draw it out :)
She is a friend of the girl below who doesn't like clipping her fringe~ There are more new friends coming~~ Cheers
More art here http://hmremi-art.blogspot.com

1頁, 共1