2010 年英文怎麼唸: {twenty-ten} vs {two thousand and ten} 2009-12-29 20:04 分類: ✔️twenty-ten ✔️two thousand and ten ✔️2010 個人: ✔️twenty-ten ✔️two thousand and ten ✔️2010 |
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2010 年英文發音: {twenty-ten} vs {two thousand and ten}
新聞: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/6897583/BBC-stars-discuss-how-to-pronounce-2010.html
1. twenty-ten(20 - 10) 二十、一十,BBC 發言人和演員認為應該這樣念
2. two thousand and ten(2000 & 10) 兩千、一十,老一輩的英國人可能習慣這樣
3. two-o-one-o (2 - 0 - 1 - 0) 把 零 當成「O」來念
BBC stars discuss how to pronounce 2010
While some say ‘twenty-ten’, others are referring to ‘two thousand and ten’ and even ‘two-o-one-o’.
The subject was raised in a programme on Radio 2 on Boxing Day – which was hosted the Doctor Who actors David Tennant and Catherine Tate
Tennant, 38, referred to the year as ‘twenty ten’, when telling a listener to have a “wonderful new year”.
Tate, said: “Oh twenty-ten – get you! Who’s been reading the compliance rules!’”
Tennant told their guest, Bernard Cribbins: “We’re supposed to say twenty-ten.”
But Cribbins said he believed most elderly people would prefer to say two thousand and ten.
Miss Tate added: “You’re not allowed to say two thousand and ten…The people in there are exploding!”
The BBC has a unit which decides on uniform pronunciation. However, the BBC said there had been no ruling on 2010.
A spokesman said: “Prior to the show, it was decided “twenty ten” was the easiest way to pronounce the year. It was not breaking any rules to say it in an alternative way.” ________________
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