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Amazon S3/EC2 高用量降價 & 免費上傳至 2010/06/30 2009-12-08 18:10 分類: ✔️amazon ✔️s3 ✔️ec2 ✔️雲端運算 個人: ✔️amazon ✔️s3 ✔️ec2 ✔️雲端運算 |
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Amazon S3/EC2 降價,免費上傳至 2010/06/30
1. 增加 S3 計價層級 500TB, 1PB, 5PB 三種計價層級,最多 15%
2. 降低歐盟區(愛爾蘭 Ireland) S3/EC2 價格,最多優惠 15%
3. 「免費上傳!」到 2010/06/30 包含
Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Relational Database Service, Amazon Simple Queue Service, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
當然,免費上傳就是要「多賺」你的「下載 + 儲存 + CPU」費用
可惜 Cloud Front 還是萬年 beta...
Dear AWS Customers,
We're excited to inform you of some price changes for Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2, as well as a special data transfer promotion that will run until June 30, 2010.
Amazon S3 Storage Pricing Tiers
As Amazon S3 has grown, so has the number of customers storing large amounts of data in the service. To assist these customers, we are reducing the price of our 500 TB tier. We are also introducing new pricing tiers in all Amazon S3 Regions at the 1 PB and 5 PB levels. These changes reduce storage costs for multi-petabyte customers by more than 15%, and reduce the price of our highest tier by more than 50% in the US Standard and EU (Ireland) Regions.
Amazon S3 EU (Ireland) Pricing
We are reducing the price of Amazon S3 in the EU (Ireland) Region by over 15% across all of our storage tiers. We have lowered our base price tier to $0.150 per GB. We are also reducing Request prices from $0.012 to $0.010 per 10,000 GET requests or 1,000 PUT requests. For more information regarding Amazon S3 pricing, please see the Amazon S3 Detail Page.
Amazon EC2 Windows Instance EU (Ireland) Pricing
We are reducing the price of Amazon EC2 Windows and SQL Server instances in the EU (Ireland) Region by more than 5% to $0.12 per small Windows instance hour. For more information regarding our new Amazon EC2 Windows instance pricing, please see the Amazon EC2 Detail Page.
Free Inbound Data Transfer (until June 30, 2010)
Data Transfer into AWS will be free of charge from now through June 30, 2010, making it even easier for customers to get their data into AWS. This applies to data transfer into Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Relational Database Service, Amazon Simple Queue Service, and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. Other applicable charges for use of these services continue to apply. ________________
美術插畫設計案子報價系統 v0.1 Beta

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