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AVAST 誤判 Win32:Delf-MZG Win32:Zbot-MKK (12/03)

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AVAST 誤判 Win32:Delf-MZG Win32:Zbot-MKK (12/03) 2009-12-03 17:24
分類: ✔️avast ✔️Win32:Delf-MZG ✔️Win32:Zbot-MKK
個人: ✔️avast ✔️Win32:Delf-MZG ✔️Win32:Zbot-MKK
/ / /

False Positive: AVAST Win32😃elf-MZG Win32:Zbot-MKK

AVAST 官方承認「誤判」 091203-0
=> http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=51647

解法 Solution
=> 升級到 091203-1 VPS: http://www.avast.com/cns/updates.html

昨天晚上的更新,造成 AVAST 有誤判問題。
大概在 12:15AM GMT 我們釋出 VPS 更新 091203-0
Win32😃elf-MZG 木馬
Win32:Zbot-MKK 木馬

- Adobe 相關的產品
- Realtek 音效卡相關的產品
- KMP 等各種影音播放軟體

AVAST 還正在找可能的原因,
請各位升級 VPS 到 091203-1

last night, avast had a bad false positive issue. At around 12:15am GMT we released VPS update 091203-0 which started flagging hundreds of innocent files as a "Win32😃elf-MZG" Trojan (or, in less common cases, as "Win32:Zbot-MKK"). Among the files affected were high-profile programs produced by Adobe, Realtek sound card drivers, various media players etc.

We are still investigating the issue, trying to find out what exactly happened and how to make absolutely sure it will not happen again.

At 5:50am GMT, another VPS update (091203-1) was released, fixing the issue (for both "Win32😃elf-MZG" and "Win32:Zbot-MKK").
Those who have not used their computers between 12:15am and 5:50am will most likely not be affected.

If you're still using the bad VPS (091203-0) we recommend to invoke a VPS update immediately.

Our technical support team is currently preparing extensive HOWTOs about how to fix the situation for those who were hit by the problem.

We will be updating you shortly.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

美術插畫設計案子報價系統 v0.1 Beta

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註冊: 2002-11-30
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