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石垣島名產 再設計競賽「USIO Design Project」 ,2013/12/09 2013-11-18 17:27 |
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石垣島名產 再設計競賽「USIO Design Project」
由日本知名設計人才庫「loftwork」與石垣市(日本沖繩縣石垣市)共同企畫營運的石垣島名產 再設計競賽「USIO Design Project」已於日前開跑。
因歷史及地理因素,自古以來,石垣島與台灣便有極為密切且良好的交流關係。此外,loftwork乃台灣創意設計中心辦理海外設計人才培訓課程之重要伙伴,於協助台灣設計新銳對外發展上不遺餘力,其所經營的FabCafe也於去年於台北開設第一家海外分店「FabCafe Taipei」,因此本活動特將焦點設定在東京、石垣島以及台北,冀望能邀請台灣的設計界共襄盛舉參與競賽。
Prosperity can be found where cultures collide.
This project shines a new light on the collaboration between Local Areas x Design.
The USIO Design Project invites people to rediscover the allures of Ishigaki Island through the power of design.
Ishigaki Island is the gateway to the Yaeyama Island Group situated in the southern-most tip of Japan. For centuries, it’s been home to a unique local culture that stems from a blend of the Ryukyu, Japanese and Taiwanese cultures. The allures of the island, which is frequented by many tourists, shine all the more brightly thanks to the island’s unique diversity.
The project strives to invite people to the island like the tides of the ocean,
and create a rich mix of cultures that come together like a rip.
With hubs in Ishigaki, Tokyo and Taipei, the project is designed to
bring the local products, people and wisdom of Ishigaki Island
together with the creativity of designers from around the world
Discovering the local areas and their products, sharing ideas,
and creating stories for tomorrow.
Attempting to shine a new light on collaborations between Local Areas x Design. ________________ 饒是春秋等閑賦,識盡停跡翻浪去。
Should you need further information, pls feel free to contact me.
Best Regards,
Piauling Huang |
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暱稱: 滄瀳飄零 註冊: 2009-01-19 發表: 13612 來自: 貓窩=W=
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