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[#385005] 上傳作品
     1 個評分: 5 |
★PAC畢加索數位藝術認證平台-Alice misA心夢幻鏡 數位美術館第二張作品>愛米莎AmisAアミサ
Author hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) ★PAC畢加索數位藝術認證平台-Alice misA心夢幻鏡 數位美術館第二張作品愛米莎AmisA
hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) [23/06/1 15:00] ★PAC畢加索數位藝術認證平台-Alice misA心夢幻鏡
熱愛畫圖與唱歌的女主角,輕龐克穿著的19歲少女,擁有頭與眾不同的天然刺蝟金髮,習慣帶著煙燻妝黑色指甲油,一臉看起來就很不好親近的樣子,經歷過不堪回首的童星過去,但靠著吸引力法則走出陰霾,擁有治癒型嗓音,較自我中心,做事情全憑感覺。代表甜點:愛心奶油戚風糕Love Cream Chiffon Cake、象徵太陽Sun
The heroine who loves drawing and singing, a 19-year-old girl in light punk clothes, has a distinctive natural hedgehog blond hair, is used to wearing black nail polish with smoky makeup, and looks very unfriendly, A child star who has experienced the unbearable past, but relies on the law of attraction to get out of the haze, has a healing voice, is more self-centered, and does things based on feeling. Representative desserts: Love Cream Chiffon Cake, Symbol of the Sun
網址連結: https://www.picassocert.com/Silk_Road/modern/AlicemisA
Type(Type) [23/06/4 14:47] 這是認證什麼呢? 🤓
hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) [23/06/4 22:13] 好像是某種數位認證的意思~
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[#384997] 上傳作品
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★PAC畢加索數位藝術認證平台 數位美術館第一張作品-AlicemisA-心夢幻鏡-餐桌白城市
Author hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) PAC 畢加索數位藝術認證平台 數位美術館 AlicemisA 心夢幻鏡 餐桌白城市 品牌館 音樂 甜點 夢境 愛米莎 AmisA アミサ
hoelex34(Alice misA心夢幻鏡 Hoelex) [23/05/26 14:53] ★PAC畢加索數位藝術認證平台
This is an adventure from a rebellious blonde girl who loves music and painting, AmisA, who was invited by the British director to star in the movie "Alice in Wonderland", but she accidentally fell into a dream because of passing through a magical mirror in the process.
A dream world full of desserts and music, including the roaring rabbit, the mad hat apprentice Jay Xingke who can perform dessert magic, the sly rabbit Sibi, and the timid and crying little tea girl. , Ugly weirdo big nose BOY...etc.
If Amisha wants to return to her original world, she must participate in the red and white talent competition to unravel the mystery of her dream. In addition to meeting the beautifu
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