BcNy(B.c.N.y.) [11/10/28 22:06]
越來越精采的Creative Comic Collection創作集(CCC),於2011年6月推出了最新一期的刊物,我在其中很榮幸地負責了專題”青澀韶光-台灣女學生圖錄”裡一個時期的彩色插畫。
110315 Illustration work .
This illustration is a commercial case for Taiwanese magazine "Creative Comic Collection vol.6". The color illustrations column theme in this magazine is “Taiwanese Girl Students at different ages in Taiwan”.
I select the age of Taiwanese aboriginal students under the Japanese colonial era; they have to study Japanese textbooks, wearing Japanese clothing. To present a real atmosphere for that age, all objects in the picture are based on the actual data, and make sure the picture keeping native feeling.
I love aboriginal style; so I really enjoy creating this illustration in this case, and hope you like it.
By th
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