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Alice misA心夢少女 ART OF THE BOOK OF LIFE. 藝術人生的書。

Alice misA心夢少女 ART OF THE BOOK OF LIFE. 藝術人生的書。





Love of Father's

Love of Father's


Alice misA CXC The latest work update is online

Alice misA CXC The latest work update is online


★龍年新春賀圖-New Year greetings for the Year of the Dragon-Hoelex

★龍年新春賀圖-New Year greetings for the Year of the Dragon-Hoelex


★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-母親節快樂「Ina ma ma親一下」Happy Mother's Day

★twa'omas塔哇歐瑪司-母親節快樂「Ina ma ma親一下」Happy Mother's Day


林愉軒創作個展【在疫情中被放逐的日子】 Lin Yu-Hsuan Solo Exhibition : In days of exile being in the pandemic

林愉軒創作個展【在疫情中被放逐的日子】 Lin Yu-Hsuan Solo Exhibition : In days of exile being in the pandemic


杜瑀婕 陶藝創作個展 【出廠紀錄】 Tu Yu-Chieh Solo Exhibition : The Note Of Factory

杜瑀婕 陶藝創作個展 【出廠紀錄】 Tu Yu-Chieh Solo Exhibition : The Note Of Factory


杜瑀婕 陶藝創作個展 【出廠紀錄】 Tu Yu-Chieh Solo Exhibition : The Note Of Factory

杜瑀婕 陶藝創作個展 【出廠紀錄】 Tu Yu-Chieh Solo Exhibition : The Note Of Factory


杜瑀婕 陶藝創作個展 【出廠紀錄】 Tu Yu-Chieh Solo Exhibition : The Note Of Factory

杜瑀婕 陶藝創作個展 【出廠紀錄】 Tu Yu-Chieh Solo Exhibition : The Note Of Factory


★ Alice misA -心夢DODO ZOO舞台劇場Stage theater

★ Alice misA -心夢DODO ZOO舞台劇場Stage theater


Who is the fattest king?

Who is the fattest king?


The world needs fat

The world needs fat


fly me to the moon

fly me to the moon


109資訊月-Sync the Future-台北世貿一館 BCD區

109資訊月-Sync the Future-台北世貿一館 BCD區


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