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寫實風 安妮雅

寫實風 安妮雅


★【水果果醬畫框Confiture系列】Fruit Confiture Fairy 紅毛丹Rambutan-hoelex

★【水果果醬畫框Confiture系列】Fruit Confiture Fairy 紅毛丹Rambutan-hoelex


【Shawli's Fantasy Art VIP六月台北賞畫會】活動特繪圖

【Shawli's Fantasy Art VIP六月台北賞畫會】活動特繪圖


FF7re - 潔西

FF7re - 潔西





★【水果果醬畫框Confiture系列】 Fruit Confiture Fairy 葡萄Vitis -hoelex

★【水果果醬畫框Confiture系列】 Fruit Confiture Fairy 葡萄Vitis -hoelex


★【十二西遊星】12 Journey To West star+心夢紙公仔Paper Doll】

★【十二西遊星】12 Journey To West star+心夢紙公仔Paper Doll】


Under the Starry Night

Under the Starry Night


Fanart - Fate Saber

Fanart - Fate Saber





沒想到我竟然完成了!!!!(還以為會跳票) 粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/2kturtl

沒想到我竟然完成了!!!!(還以為會跳票)  粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/2kturtl


fan art of Streetfighter

fan art of Streetfighter


El laberinto del fauno

El laberinto del fauno


Cut Hair: Hair Styler Fantasy

Cut Hair: Hair Styler Fantasy


happy father's day

happy father's day


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