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Phabricator: 取代 BUGzilla / Redmine 並整合 git/svn 的 PHP web app

Phabricator: 取代 BUGzilla / Redmine 並整合 git/svn 的 PHP web app


Next stop

Next stop


DarkTable - 後製修圖軟體(類似Photoshop)的免費軟體 Linux & MacOS

DarkTable - 後製修圖軟體(類似Photoshop)的免費軟體 Linux & MacOS


Photoshop 色票:Adobe 色票創作雲端分享網頁,輸入關鍵字,得到色票

Photoshop 色票:Adobe 色票創作雲端分享網頁,輸入關鍵字,得到色票


Photoshop 色票:Adobe 色票創作雲端分享網頁,輸入關鍵字,得到色票

Photoshop 色票:Adobe 色票創作雲端分享網頁,輸入關鍵字,得到色票


Purple Storm

Purple Storm








mussel suit in autobots

mussel suit in autobots


亞絲翠是正妹!!!!馴龍高手2設定集|The Art of How to Train Your Dragon2

亞絲翠是正妹!!!!馴龍高手2設定集|The Art of How to Train Your Dragon2





CentOS 7 Install Failed "Warning: /dev/root does not exist"

CentOS 7 Install Failed "Warning: /dev/root does not exist"


CentOS 7 Install Failed "Warning: /dev/root does not exist"

CentOS 7 Install Failed "Warning: /dev/root does not exist"


向量插畫/Illustrator繪圖/以拉圖 Illustrator Artworks - July(鎖骨)

向量插畫/Illustrator繪圖/以拉圖 Illustrator Artworks - July(鎖骨)


Date・A・Live - 鳶一摺紙

Date・A・Live - 鳶一摺紙


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